What to do to build a personal

Mar 21, 2023

Seth Godin is a branding specialist who is renowned around the world for his brilliant concepts. With books like Purple Cow and Linchpin, he's made himself an influential figure within the realm of business and personal branding.

As brand experts, Seth made an intentional choice when it came to his style. Seth wears bright glasses at all times. So when you see online a photo of a man who is bald with glasses sporting the color of fuchsia or yellow, you're usually looking at Seth.

Seth's glasses may seem a silly thing to open an article about your personal brand with. But they became an integral component of his remarkable personal image.

When it comes to developing personal branding, a lot of us recognize the benefits that might result from it. We see people with great personal brands and they get work opportunities, consulting jobs or sponsorship contracts, and a whole lot more.

Personal branding, however, isn't easy, particularly when you look around and look at people who appear to have more going on for them than you do.

In this article, we're going to talk about the best ways to create your personal brand. It doesn't matter who you are and what your goals are, chances are having a brand that is personal can help you get there. Here's how to build yours.

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        This post...    

    What exactly is a person's brand?

    Personal examples of fantastic brands

    How to build your personal brand

      1. Find your voice

      2. Choose your niche

      3. Pick a platform

      4. Create your profile

      5. Start talking

      6. Keep it up!

      7. Create your own network

    Your personal brand at work


What's a person's image?

Personal branding is in essence - the way other individuals perceive you. Making a strong personal brand is an intentional method of doing all you can to influence and shape how others perceive you. One thing that we humans do is make judgements on individuals - whether for good or for worse. When we cultivate a solid personal brand, it allows us to be in control of the judgments people make about our character. Also, with the advent of LinkedIn and other social media, more and more people are presenting this version of ourselves in the online area.

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The majority of us think of personal branding in relation to career opportunities, which is great. Therefore, a professional-oriented personal brand is how people see you in relation to your profession.

Personal examples of fantastic brands


  • Adriene Mishler - the creator of YouTube channel Yoga with Adriene (10+ million subs), Adriene has built an amazing personal image on the subject of Yoga and health.    
  • Oprah  - "You have the car... you get an automobile ..." Her personal brand, Oprah's is an absolute powerhouse, from her show , to her books and magazines that we associate Oprah with thoughts and ideas, paired with humanity.      
  • Jay Shetty A former monk who became a professional and motivational speaker, Jay has built a personal brand based on the lessons the monk learned from his spiritual education.      

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How to build a personal brand

1. Find your voice

It's not difficult to judge yourself to others. It's easy to pop on to LinkedIn and look at the top executives and professional influencers that appear to have their lives together and have a higher level of accomplishment than you.

Maybe you get hit with Imposter Syndrome "What do I have to provide?" Perhaps you're uncomfortable, "That's not for me. "

Really, that's okay. The word "authenticity" gets thrown about a lot, however your personal brand should - at the very least reflect your authentic self. Your brand should reflect of you as a person and a reflection of your authentic self. (It doesn't have to be all of who you are. It's okay to keep something you want to keep for your own personal use. )

The first step in personal branding is to determine the things you consider to be authentic and how you would like to represent yourself. For the majority of us, this is the case for a professional brand. Therefore, whether you're trying gain clients, work investors, customers or clients, presenting the side of us that increases our likelihood of being successful is sensible.

Similar to how you'd create your profile on a dating website that is the most attractive image of yourself Your personal brand within the workplace should reflect a reflection of your best professional version of yourself.

2. Choose your niche

Oprah has arguably one of the most visible personal brands in the world. Would you employ Oprah to do your taxes? Do you want to hire Gary Vee to teach you meditation? Do you want to hire Tony Robbins to create Facebook advertisements for you?

Most likely, the answer to all of these questions is "no. "

This can teach us a lot about personal brand. Personal brands are the context of a specific niche or. They target a specific kind of person who has a certain type of problem.

Politicians have different personal brand names than rock stars - however, both share the same characteristics.

If you are creating a personal brand from scratch, it's worth asking yourself the question "Who will it be for? "

Who do you want your brand's image to appeal to? It is possible to create a persona.

If your brand's purpose is intended to land you work, then you'll need to be able to attract employers. In the event that you're an entrepreneurial, and you're looking for customers, your brand should convince those clients they are the right person to help them.

Select a field you want to operate in.

3. Select a platform

When we consider personal branding, many of us consider it in relation to a platform.

Yes, your image isn't just limited to your social media. You might be the person at work that everyone discusses workplace health but has never seen your profile on Facebook.

That's a type of personal brand.

The majority of users utilize technology and social media to build and strengthen their own personal brand.

The strength of social media is that it provides you with the ability to influence. There's no limit on the extent to which your business can expand.

If you become the best-known employee at your firm to talk to about taxes it could mean you get work security and possibly a boost. If you become the best-known individual who discusses taxes on LinkedIn it is possible to start your own tax business and consult.

The distinction isn't so much the content you're putting out as the main difference is in scale. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have allowed us to build personal brands at the scale of our needs.

Here are a few of the possible platforms to search for:


LinkedIn is where to look for everything career-related as it's known as a professional network for a reason. LinkedIn offers thousands of career and business-minded users looking for their next job or investment or client.

Here are some of those who are building great personal brands on LinkedIn:


  • Coaches        
  • CEOs        
  • Employers        
  • Marketers        
  • Thought Leaders        
  • Investors        


Meta kind of covers two platforms for social media: Facebook and Instagram. They're operated by the same company and much of the technology behind them is the same.

Both platforms offer many positive things to offer artists. If your brand's identity is based on something that is visual, like making plans for painting, potting, or designing graphics, these might be the right platforms.

Additionally, Facebook and Instagram can do quite well for people who are sharing ideas and life tips, such as motivational speakers or coaches.

Both of these platforms are heavily image-based. However, they've been pushing hard into video. The algorithm is rewarding increasing amounts of native video these days. So if you want to make video, these might be an ideal choice.

There are some restrictions. Facebook isn't an ideal platform to grow groups, and its organic reach really isn't ideal. They make you pay to connect with your followers.

However, both platforms can work well with different kinds of personal brands.

Here are some personal brands that have a good track record on Meta:


  • Fashion        
  • Fitness        
  • Motivational speeches        
  • Career influencers        
  • Wellness        


YouTube can be a fantastic platform for building various types of personal brands. Thanks to YouTube's built-in search engine uploading YouTube videos now can yield dividends over the years and especially when you're in an area that's well-defined.

These are interesting personal brands being built through YouTube:


  • Teachers        
  • Entertainers        
  • Storytellers        
  • Explorers        


If you're younger than 20 and you're not sure, TikTok has been around for a while. If you're older, you might consider it to be something fresh.

However, there is no doubt that TikTok is extremely powerful and we are seeing creators change from a single user to millions within a short amount in time.

The singer JVKE started releasing songs on TikTok in the midst of the pandemic, and it exploded. As of today, the new track Golden Hour is playing on all radio stations.

Here are a few of the top personal brands built using TikTok:


  • Musicians        
  • Model influencers        
  • Makeup        
  • Performers        
  • Thought leaders        
  • Cat videos          

Your social network

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One thing we are awestruck by is the fact the fact that more and more creators are leaving the main platforms and creating their own platform.

Through the new platforms for creator economy, you own your voice and your brand. They don't have any rights to you.

We're extremely satisfied with the work we've done at Mighty. Our platform for cultural software, you can build the equivalent of your own social network, bringing communities, content, courses as well as commerce.

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4. Make your profiles

If you've decided which one you want to get engaged on, then you'll need to create your profiles. The personal brand you choose to use, the position, and how you present yourself, all of it will impact how people perceive you.

Remember that your personal brand is made up of many things. Make sure to put the best foot forward in those aspects you are able to control. In the case of the profile page of your LinkedIn profile, you have the ability to manage your description, quality of your photo, your keywords as well as your testimonials You can even ask those you've worked with in the past to delete an endorsement.

Develop a unique brand that's consistent with the audience that you'd like to connect with however - as we said in the introduction is true to what is authentic to you.

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5. Start talking

Every thought leader and influential person you've met through your time has had one key thing... the started publishing.

The bottom line is that at the conclusion of the day the personal branding of your brand doesn't require perfection to get started. In the words from Zig Ziglar, "You don't need to be perfect to get started. However, you must get started to be great. "

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Being able to build a strong personal brand in the beginning all it takes is getting involved and learning what you can do. If you're building your brand on the internet, it will take some time and effort to determine what is popular with the public, how to get the most out of algorithms, and the best way to make material that draws the attention of those who like it and follows.

If you're looking to learn the art of personal brand building, don't wait until you've got it you know. Begin talking about it and figure it out as you move along!

6. Be consistent

A strong personal brand is about consistent behavior. When you've chosen the subject you're talking about, your niche it's important to keep the same thing consistently. It lets people who follow you know what they'll get whenever they turn on the channel.

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If someone follows you because of your incredible yoga tips, and your profile is filled with politics, rants local news, and all else under the sun it is likely that they'll cease following.

The other part of consistency is just as important. Be consistent. Continue to show up. A lot of people plan to establish a solid personal brandbut stop after just a few weeks of testing.

People who are able to go above and beyond in personal branding are the ones who establish long-term, stable names that lead to jobs, customers and many other amazing things.

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7. Build your network

Not the least least, make networking a component of your own branding. Begin by contacting others in your area. Spend time getting acquainted with the people you meet. Promote the work of those who have content that provides worth to your viewers.

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The process of creating a strong personal brand works better in the context of being part of the community.

Your personal brand in the workplace

Much of this piece was dedicated to building your personal image online. However, all similar steps are applicable to creating your own personal brand in the workplace.


  • Discover your unique voice. Figure out what you'd like to say.      
  • Select your field of expertise. Become known as a result of some thing.      
  • Select your chosen platform. If it's the social network, or your business is likely active on LinkedIn. You could also look at magazines for your business, emails and even having regular gatherings in the breakroom.    
  • Build your profile. Decide what you would like to portray about your self and then create that profile.      
  • Begin to talk. Don't sit around until you've got it all you need to know.      
  • Maintain your consistency. Be known as the person who is very concerned about x thing (workplace well-being, healthy work/life balance, productivity, etc. )    
  • Build your network. Meet people across the office and promote your business in the world beyond.      


This article should have offered you an excellent outline of the steps to create an individual brand. The end of the day, building your personal brand isn't rocket science. But it does require the determination of who you wish to be and showing up.

And if you want to make your own space for social interaction Come build it with Mighty. Our cultural software platform lets you mix classes, content, community as well as commerce. And with Spaces that can be customized which allow for the addition of things like live events, live streaming, profile profiles of members discussions boards, chat and messaging. This is the ideal place to expand and build your image.