What Social Media Networks Are Right for Your Brand?

Nov 10, 2022

If you're new to the realm of eCommerce it's likely high that you've contemplated creating one or more social media profiles to promote your brand. Social media is like the breeze, and if believe that a Facebook page suffices to connect with your clients... well, you might be in for some surprises.

There's always more possibilities. Each network offers advantages and disadvantages and specific guidelines that must be adhered to.

In this article, we'll examine what you need to consider when deciding which social media channels are best suited to marketing your eCommerce company. This article will explain why it's crucial to select carefully as well as a close examination of important platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest along with other platforms so you can evaluate whether they're an appropriate fit for your needs.

Important to choose the right networks

If you are a proprietor of a business, your time is precious. There are many other things you have to do without throwing social media into the mix. It's becoming an integral part of any well-rounded marketing plan, and the presence of your company is valued by your customers It's now a must for your business.

There's no rule that requires you to be on every and every social media site, however. In fact, for some stores, it would be considered a waste of time to create the Pinterest page or a LinkedIn profile because the customers do not use those apps or websites. It's a waste of time that you must avoid, because it keeps your attention from the actions that bring you the greatest amount of money.

This is why it's crucial to select the best social media networks to promote your company. Choosing the networks where you have the best chances of connecting to your target audience, and even with your current customers, means you'll waste less time , and also earn more money. There's no need to battle as hard to see the results you want. Think of it as picking the "path that has the least resistance" -- where can you take a route that requires you to perform minimum effort in order to reap the highest return?

If you carefully evaluate every network in order to select the most suitable ones to suit you-- based on where your customers already are and in which area your company fits best -- you'll be able to maximize your time , and make sure that your efforts result in an ROI. With that in mind, here are some things to consider for each important social media platform including who utilizes each to what kinds of content are successful on each.

Facebook is a great platform for targeted marketing of your product

Facebook demographics. (Image credit: Pew Research Center)
Facebook demographics. (Image from Pew Research Center)

Over the last two years, Facebook has slowly reduced the organic reach of Pages. It has severely reduced the amount of exposure their posts are getting on the News Feed, a change such that it caused a lot of anger the network needed to release a FAQ about it. There are reports that suggest that the majority of organic brand posts can now be seen by only 2percent of their followers. This means fewer views, less clicks and a lower revenue for the items or posts you publish to your Page.

It doesn't mean you have to give up Facebook but. If you've built up an Page with a lot of likes or you're seeing that your page growing in a constant rate it is possible to take advantage of this audience. However, the most effective way to accomplish this is to use .

In the present, when Facebook isn't reliable anymore for providing even the most intriguing information and content to your customers, the best usage of this platform is to deliver your most crucial news using the use of paid methods. It could mean the promotion of a post on your page or, in other words the process of paying for it to be pushed to News Feeds. This could mean targeting website visitors by displaying an advertisement that encourages users to visit your page so that they don't miss out on an opportunity to earn money.

An example of a Facebook ad.
An example of a Facebook advertisement.

The great thing about this type of Facebook use is that every brand is able to do it with a roughly equal possibility of being successful. Additionally, posts that are boosted and remarketing adverts are shown to current fans as well as those who've already been to your site, or visited it, so they're targeted and relevant information -- far more relevant than an ad shown to someone who has had no exposure to your brand before.

However, the downside the downside is having to pay for advertisements. However, with the correct content, these ads can be very effective and could earn you lots of money.

Twitter: best for clever conversation, content or even social support

19 percent of the adult populace is currently using Twitter, according to Pew study, with the majority of them under age 50. Twitter, which restricts your posts to 140 characters is used for a long time by brands if only because the majority of their clients are on the platform. Does every business need to join Twitter? Or do certain companies find better results here more than other brands?

Instead of specific kinds of brands finding success with Twitter however, it seems that the type of content determine how successful your brand is on the social network. One study found that video outperformed pictures as well as links to tutorials and list blog posts overcame all other posts by the quantity of retweets they received. Another study found the users who posted quotes received an increase of 43% in followers over those who did not.

You'll get more RTs if your links lead to interesting content. (Image source: Quick Sprout)
You'll get more RTs when your links point to interesting content. (Image Source: Quick Sprout)

If your eCommerce company isn't based on what you sell Tweets about fascinating content, tweets images, and occasionally gives motivational quotes (provided they are related to do with your company, that is) It appears that you have a better chance at getting clicks, retweets and people to follow than companies that aren't doing any of that.

All this aside, Twitter is really the best place for brands to engage in a conversation with its customers. Since the platform is well-known and easy to use, and it takes far much less time to create a tweet than an email and you'll likely get queries, remarks, or concerns here. If you respond quickly and correctly, research shows that this kind of experience could help motivate more sales. Make sure you are ready to listen to the comments and then respond accordingly!

Pinterest is the perfect place to find beauty, food and fashion brand

Pinterest The social network, which lets users search, discover, and save "creative concepts" through pins and continues to expand each year. The latest statistics reveal that about 28% of adults Internet users utilize this website.

This may seem unimpressive by itself, but what's really significant regarding Pinterest is the demographic that uses it. According to eMarketer, 85% of the total users on Pinterest are composed of women.

Pinterest has a mostly female audience. (Image credit: eMarketer)
Pinterest is a site with a majority women-oriented audience. (Image credit: eMarketer)

Finally, take a look at this Millward Brown research, which shows that Pinterest customers -- which is 87 percent of whom have bought products they came across on the site! -- say they use the site to find products to buy from five main categories: food, home decor, clothing/accessories, hair/beauty, and health/fitness.

Caption. (Image credit: Millward Brown)
Pinterest appears to motivate the most research-related pins and purchase later in these categories. (Image source: Millward Brown)

What does this mean to your business? It's a good question, if your online business sells goods in one of the five categories mentioned above, you're probably going to realize that Pinterest is a natural choice for your business. People are more likely to browse and share content from the areas with an intention of buying, therefore if the pins you're providing are unique and attractive it is possible to see higher purchases from Pinterest more than any other social network.

Instagram: best for brands with appealing physical items

Nearly fifty percent of Instagram's 300 million active monthly users are active on the platform each day, according to the latest research on this growing Instagram-like social media site that is based on photos. Instagram's frequent usage by consumers and its simple platform for posting images, as well as its relative friendliness to companies -- no content is ever blocked to be hidden, hidden, or unintentionally in your feed -- make it an ideal pick for most eCommerce businesses.

Instagram works best for those with a wide variety of products that lend themselves to photographs.
Instagram works best for those who have a variety of products that lend themselves to photos.

LinkedIn is suitable for culture, company news, and for jobs

LinkedIn is currently utilized by around 28% of adult users. It's the sole social network that has users who are significantly more likely to be aged between 30 and 64 over those who are in the 18-29 range It's mainly used by those who are students at college.

This network is tricky for companies. Since the majority of users use LinkedIn to do things related to their careers like connecting with their colleagues, finding jobs, and sometimes reading articles -- content that isn't related to your company could be a failure. LinkedIn's Corporate Pages can be designed to draw job-seekers as well as those who are interested in your brand, so this is one of the times you can benefit to promote your personal brand a lot.

Our LinkedIn page.
Our LinkedIn page.

Due to this, LinkedIn is best used for its purpose of attracting users to your organization from a business perspective. The likelihood is that your users will follow you here as they are looking to purchase from you -- they tend to follow you because they want to join your organization or work with you in some other way. Posting company news, information on your culture, or sharing jobs will allow you to build a positive image on this site.

Niche networks like Vine, Snapchat, and Meerkat Take care when using these networks

It's easy to get immersed with the latest trends in social media. With each new and emerging platform, you're likely to be looking forward to trying every new and exciting app your own use. But before you start sending snaps to customers or streaming live videos on your website for visitors, think carefully about the benefits over time from each of these new or specific networks.

A crucial fact is worth being aware of is that the newest social media platforms are often created without any branding guidelines, standards or even options. Since they're designed with the user in mind, and not businesses, brand features are often implemented later in the process, and could restrict of your business, or cause a sudden end to an opportunity to earn new revenue you've relied on for years.

As we've said before, your time is precious. Do not invest in any social media platform simply because it's trendy or is popular. Invest in one which your intended audience is attracted to, has set expectations for brands, and will provide long-term advantages to your business, such as increased revenue or easier communication with customers.

The best way to pick the right networks for you

Choosing the right social media channels to showcase your eCommerce company could be a challenge. Before you begin with a fear of investing a lot of time with little or no return, or spending money on advertising that doesn't bring in sales. If you are doing your research beforehand and knowing the features each platform can do for you and your business, you have a much better chances of being successful with social media than a business that signs up for any option.

The tips we have provided in this article have provided you with an excellent starting point in deciding how you can launch your social media profile.

If you've got any other queries about selecting the appropriate platforms for your company, hit us up in the comments.