What is the purpose of video marketing and how do you make it work?

Jul 8, 2023

In order to develop an effective online marketing strategy and plan, you team of marketers as well as video professionals must incorporate video into the mix. Although the concept that "video marketing" may be simple to comprehend (essentially the idea of incorporating video into your marketing strategy) But it's easy to figure out how to go about in effective use of video effectively.

What's the advantage from video marketing?

The rise of websites such as YouTube and YouTube as well as social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are bringing videos onto their websites. As and a dramatic rise in streaming quality and quality (bye goodbye to endless buffering) videos are accessible at all stages of the funnel for marketing. The standard funnel works like this: You intro someone to your business (awareness stage) prior to educating them about benefits (consideration phase) to make them aware of the advantages of your service (decision stage) before inviting them to stay (delight the stage).

So how do you do video marketing right?

Let's make a common marketing funnel using videos that are viewed through the eyes of an actual (but actually, an imaginary) scenario. WebThyme is a (imaginary) software company which lets users build and maintain websites. Jenn may be an option as a client.

  • A bright possibility Jenn is planning to start an website for health and wellness online. The target market of WebThyme is a select set of entrepreneurs. firms.
  • The best source to use: Jenn searches for advice on beginning a business, and comes across the WebThyme video clip in a blog post which describes the stories of successful entrepreneurs. In awe, she subscribes to WebThyme's newsletters which send Jenn an email every week which is packed with important information.
  • The proper action:Jenn clicks on a URL from an online magazine and is taken to a page that is ad-hoc, which includes a video clip explaining the most recent WebThyme features for entrepreneurs in small. businesses. The user taps a button that links to an initial trial period, after which they call to request a different date -- and decides to try it.

This is only one instance of an event that could be utilized to promote a product or service via video. How does it play in the most effective or precise method? What are the most effective techniques for video marketing that are suitable for channels, like email in addition to social media as well as your company web site? Let's dig in...

Investigating social media

What makes social media effective at promoting growth? Your followers who follow you can like comment, share or leave a comment on the blog's posts. They can also forward your blog's content to their friends and contacts as well as some of them might opt to join your blog. Another way to increase the amount of leads you can get in this group is to include a form for email capture, available through Business software that lets you collect the reader" details directly into the player's embedded. When you've got that data and you're within the point that you're able to send emails to marketing companies that use email such as MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, and Constant Contact.

Perhaps you'd like visitors to be directed to a landing page which they can learn more. It's possible! Business permits you to include clickable CTAs that let you take customers directly to the place that you would like to take them.

It is also possible to increase your reach, and get new followers on a greater quantity by using paid social media networks. Based on the particular site you're using there's a possibility that you'll be able to connect with specific people as well as advertise your website by using ads in the form pre-rolls or sponsored content.

Let your email campaigns flourish

In terms of emails, videos play an important function. time. They are able to boost click-through rates up to between 200 and 300 percent (that's hundreds of percentages or for individuals) in addition to reducing the number of users that aren't subscribers. Yet, many email software cannot handle videos that are embedded directly in emails. But, you can overcome this limitation by putting buttons that play on any image, which will preserve the contents of your video and then directing the user to a website that contains all the information.

It's quite easy to do using those emails marketing tools we've discussed in the past, along with tools for marketing automation like HubSpot. It is a great method to find out the most effective thumbnails for click rate. You can generally improve your marketing campaign's" rate of conversion through changing the design and content in accordance with page that they redirect traffic to.

The site has a wealth of incredible videos

 Home Page Home Page

The majority of businesses create an overview video that they present on their website which focuses on your company's goals and reasons for why you're crucial, along with the challenge that you're trying to resolve. It has a huge influence on the way your company is perceived by a person who is only a couple of clicks away from the company's name. Think about the example in the case of Canary..

Sites for landing

Your website can serve a variety of functions for many different types of people and customers. They are great for teaching specific areas of your customers on the benefits that your website can offer and to convince them to take an action. Customers who are marketed to via the landing pages on your site are attracted via advertisements on the web alongside blogs, social media as and websites. These videos can help turn prospects into customers. For an example, you can take a glance at our Pages for businesses.


It's an important source of inbound traffic for your website, specifically when the content on your site is informative, has news from the business world and thought-provoking content on topics that people are searching for, since they'll probably search for these areas via Google. It's also a great location to share product information or other information regarding events and holidays, news from the business world as well as the most efficient way to share information with your clients. Are you in need of specific examples? This article will hopefully provide (hopefully) more fun by including video clips throughout.

 FAQ page as and pages with specific information about products

Everything that is necessary in order to get everything working together

If your strategy for video marketing succeeds and is successful, you will be able to create an amazing atmosphere that will help you expand your business by drawing new followers as well as enthralling existing customers. Blog posts that are created with videos are ranked top on search results pages for search engines, and your emails with stunning videos that show thumbnails of the page that will lead to your website's landing pages with pertinent videos, distinct CTAs along with clearly-defined CTAs. Each can be customized to attract leads, and improve the effectiveness in your conversions. It's simple to evaluate as well as tracked. The system can be altered to improve over the coming years. It's time to talk about...

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