What is the best time to utilize mini courses? When to Use Mini Courses

Aug 25, 2022

You've done it: You've designed every content page and uploaded each video. You've also posted all questions. The online course is set to go live. But how do you know those who are interested in enrolling?

Enter mini courses. Mini courses are a concentrated course on one topic. Typically two to three hours long the mini course is focused on helping the audience to solve a specific problem or get one outcome.

Mini courses for free are an excellent way to create an email list and identify who might be interested in your full, paid course. In addition, developing a mini course doesn't require much effort. You could pull your content and create a free mini course which entices people to buy complete course.

We've identified the most effective method of launching the course, based on your needs: First is when you're looking to build leads. There's also a second approach for instances when you're trying to prove your course concept.

Generate leads for a paid course.

Mini courses are an excellent lead-generator. The offering of samples of content is among the easiest ways to get email addresses of folks who are likely to purchase your complete training.

Take a look at this: If people aren't willing to provide an email address to take your mini-course and it's highly unlikely that they'll pay for a full course on the same topic.

There are several strategies to get leads by first driving interest in your mini course.

  • Design a landing site that has the option to sign up for the mini-course for free. Below are guidelines for creating an outstanding landing page that converts.
  • Highlight your mini course in your next newsletter or in your next product announcement.
  • Create a segment on your existing email list and then ask them whether they'd be interested in attending your course.
  • You can share your mini-course on social media and join in conversations where mentioning the mini-course is pertinent.
  • Create a blog on your website or guest post on another site that explains a problem your mini course will solve. Include a call to action to enroll.

After your viewers have had some taste of your material by taking a short course, they're much more likely to want the full product. If you offer a small portion gratis, you'll draw attention to your customers and improve conversion rates.

Check your course concept.

One could also consider an introductory course to be "testing the waters" in the development of a design concept for the course.

To start, you can make your course available to a select group of curious people. Imagine it as an "exclusive first glimpse" and request feedback before launching. A small launch also allows the collection of testimonials to be used for a future website that will allow you to reach more learners.

Don't be shy -- Ask users in person if they would pay for the full course. This is after all what you get from the mini course! If the students are enthusiastic they are, think about offering a referral coupon or a mini-ambassador programme for the full course. It is also possible to reward learners to take part in mini courses by giving the students an exclusive discount for the entire course.

Build a mini course with .

There are many options to get your mini-course started:

      Make a Course New      

You can build your mini course as an entirely new course:

  • Go to LMS > COURSES.
  • Click on the "Add New" button that is located on the upper right of page.
  • Click the "Builder" option in the top navigation bar.

Mini courses usually only comprise one section, so you can skip the section builder and move right along to adding your lesson.

For a repurposed lesson, click to repurpose an existing lesson, use the "Lessons" box in the sidebar. Click "View all" or use the search bar to search for the specific lesson you want to use by name. Click on a lesson within the box for lessons and then click"Add" or click "Add" option. The lesson will be added to your mini course.

After you've uploaded the lesson, you can modify the subject and title depending on your theme or the goal of your mini course. It is possible to drag and drop more subjects, include a test as well, until your mini course feels complete.

      Utilize the Course Wizard for Creation      

Once you have uploaded your video(s) After uploading your video, you are able to alter your settings, and then configure the mini course precisely. Be sure to change your mini course's settings on "free" in place of "open" for it to need the use of an email address to register.

Have you tried it but not yet? Give the demo a try to discover how a no-cost mini course could work for your strategy for marketing. You can explore your options as a participant and course designer by sign-up to try the demo.