What is the average amount you can earn? selling online courses in 2022? -

Aug 18, 2022

 Updated: 12th August, 2022

You've spent years building your experience in your field and are now ready to share your knowledge with others. Maybe you've toyed with the thought of creating your own online school in which you'll teach all you'll need to know about your field.

It is possible to ask if making online courses worthwhile or what can you make when selling online courses, or what it will take to start an online course business. There is good news that creating an online course can be lucrative (and we know a great software that can make it simpler and more hassle-free for you also).

In this article we'll explain how lucrative creating online courses really is.

Links to quick-find the things we'll be covering:

Is Making An Online Course Profitable?

Factors to Calculate The Profits from Your Online Course

There are many variables when calculating the revenue and profit of your online course. Here are a few things to think about:

1. Price of the course

The price tag of online courses can range anything from $10 up to more than $1000. If you plan to offer a course for more than $1,000 then the worth of the course has to be substantial. For instance, your online business could be a multi-week program that provides in-depth information about the skills needed to find jobs within their field. If your course is on the lower side of the spectrum, maybe you've created a short one-hour online course that delve into the foundational lessons in your sector. The greater value you bring to your class, the more the price you'll be able to charge. Giving a certificate upon completion could also boost the amount of money you make from your online courses.

2. Your marketing plan

A few course authors have spent long hours building an audience via social media or via their blog. It's easier to sell online courses for people like these because they're monetizing their pre-existing community. But course creators who aren't able to reach an audience have to either locate someone who has one or identify their own audience. However, both choices are fairly simple. For one, you can offer your course through an online marketplace for courses (however, this only works for courses that are low cost). However it is possible to find your own audience via advertising on social media. If you follow this strategy is to control your audience through an email list to remarket to them via different courses later on. Additionally, you'll have greater control over course costs and will not be held accountable to promotions from a third-party platform.

3. Your value

Should someone purchase a course from you? It's a fantastic method of learning, but students would like to be taught by an expert who is more knowledgeable about an area than they do. It is essential to make clear in an online course's promo video the reason why you're an expert in this subject. If you've got an online presence, you can share what constitutes the best in your area as well as the revenue you've made in your field, or customer reviews of those who have taken the course and gained knowledge from it. Adding social proof to your site is an excellent way to demonstrate your worth to the world.

4. Who pays to cover it?

In the process of determining business models for your course think about who your intended group of students is. Is your target market someone that has only a tiny amount of money or is the course being paid for by the student's workplace? In the case of giving a class about learning code in a certain language, a company might pay for their employee to study that specific skill. This is typically common for courses with higher values that exceed $1000. Are you aiming your course at someone looking to earn income by studying your skill set? The budget of their target audience might be less. Also, beyond the information about demographics regarding the kind of person to buy the course online take into consideration whether a company would pay for this education as it might allow you to earn more since businesses have more money than average individuals.

5. Market demand

The best way to make selling online classes profitable by understanding the amount of demand that is for your particular area of expertise. This can be done in by a variety of methods. You can look up the importance of the topic to determine if it is something that people are willing to invest their money into. Course marketplaces can be viewed for a list of reviews and students a course has received on that subject. Also, look through the Facebook pages for your specific niche and find out what kind of questions pop-up, these can help you know the biggest problem areas. Develop online courses to resolve a challenge that you are dealing with, so you can ensure you're offering value to the community. Also, you can look through the reviews that criticize an online course to determine the type of crucial information people wish competitor's courses contained.

6. Your content quality

The final factor to help determine the amount of revenue you earn when selling online courses is quality of the content. Quality of content doesn't only refer to what's in the course even though it's clearly crucial as well. It's also the delivery of course creators, were you amusing or boring? Was it possible to hold the attention of students throughout the course or was it a drag? Did you record a screen the entire time or did you use an excellent camera? What was the length of time you stayed on the slide (which could lead to boredom). Were your course lessons excessively long and dragged on? Or did you have many small lessons that offer lots of value?

The Online Courses that are the most lucrative

It is possible to browse websites for online courses to determine what courses they recommend are most popular, which courses with the highest number of students and also reviews. These are the most profitable online courses you can offer this year.

1. Development

On Udemy You can discover developing online courses with prices of over 100 dollars. The majority of courses have over 1,000 students and some have over 40,000 even. Markets usually undercharge for online courses because of competitiveness. Brainstation, a well-known online course business, charges up to $4,000 for a development course. The course is be taken in a week-long schedule, and with an instructor who is live. Live vs. continuing course may affect the profitability of your course.

2. Business

From accounting to marketing you can earn money from selling online courses in various subjects related to business. Many people turn to online learning for learning how to start a business, manage it, and then grow it. Therefore, starting an online company offering courses on this subject is a possibility. Udemy courses in marketing tend to be priced at just under $100 for students and popular courses attract over 1000 students. Brainstation charges $3,250 for a flat rate of their digital marketing online course. Classes are capped but they still generate a decent income from online courses.

3. Office

Online courses on Office products and programs can be a viable option. There are courses that you can sell about Microsoft Office products like Excel spreadsheets or how to use Google products, or SAP, SQL, or Python. The more well-known or difficult the product is, the greater chance it is that you can sell an online course on the product. The online company you run can charge around $35 or so for an Excel course. You can create tens of thousands of students or you can make an online course available on your website, and then cost more. Also, make sure to upsell your course with pre-built spreadsheets which you sell on your website.

Free online course earning calculator

It is possible to earn money by through selling courses online, however the amount you make will depend on various variables. Try our no-cost Calculator for earnings from courses online below to help you see your potential earnings you could earn, depending on various factors.

Landing Page Visitors/Month:                   10      
          100 000

Conversion Rate:                   1%      

Price of Course:                   $1      

Potential Monthly Revenue


Yearly Revenue Potential


How to Sell Your Online Course

As we hinted in the previous section that hosting an online course on your site will allow you to control the amount you make as well as control the audience you are able to reach, and even re-market to them through different products, too.

The most profitable platform to build your online course on is . Why? Because it has an Free Forever plan, with just a transaction fee, making it the most affordable platform to offer courses on. When your course's sales rise, you can remove your transaction fee by changing the plan you are using.

specializes in helping course creators create digital courses such as online course. The ability to alter lessons in a matter of minutes. You can add lessons like texts, videos and quizzes, as well as assignments, surveys, embeds, and other downloadables like ebooks.

You can even drip course contents, if you want to people to take it on a regular basis instead of all at once. Additionally, the majority of experts wish to offer more than classes. Therefore, you could offer coaching services, subscriptions to a monthly basis as well as digital downloads and physical items through the same site. And creating a landing page for your service or course is a breeze too.

You can choose from the best business models for your course to. You can decide your own prices on  the basis of one-time fees, subscriptions, or payment plans to charge your students. You can choose to create your own website or to embed 's course creator in your site. However, if you'd prefer to be with a non-website, you may make your course visible on social media rather than using the course's listing.


What online courses are the best for earning?

The internet is full of courses on popular subjects or solutions to a major issue are ideal for making. They could be about Web development, business or office software, for example, Excel or Python.

What online program is the best to get a job?

Courses online that are related to an expanding field of study are the best to get the job. Online courses about cybersecurity and web development, business, marketing, or other popular industries that are growing are great options. But there are many other options to pick from beyond this list.

How do you market online online courses with profit?

It is possible to sell online courses efficiently by hosting them on , that has a Free Forever plan. The course can be promoted on your own website, via social media, or via paid ads. The best part is that you control your audience, unlike the marketplaces for courses. This means that you can remarket to customers whenever you introduce a new item or course.