What exactly is Content creator? (And how can you be one?)

Jan 7, 2024

Content creators are a growing demographic, with around 400 million people identifying as creators of content by 2024. They sing, dance and even chat to create, record and even edit the content we consume each throughout the day.

In this post, we will introduce you to the concept of what constitutes an author of content and also offer you the necessary guidelines to be one.


What exactly is a content creator?

A content creator is someone who writes, records and/or produces content that people use and interact with through social and web-based media. There is an additional dimension to this definition. We state that A content creator is someone who's goal is to produce the most valuable content and we'll go over the importance of this.

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The role of content creators is always changing. There are new technologies, platforms and even the issue of AI as a creator of content is shaped by technological revolutions of every sort. Each time a new technological advancement is invented, the role of content creators changes and it's not gone completely.

The economics of creation is growing. Humans still love content. With 4.9 billion people worldwide on social media, it's not likely to change.

The creators of content aren't restricted to the social media. Every day, millions of people are captivated with amazing content on websites as well as in online communities, online classes and on online forums, as well as via newsletters, which arrive in their inboxes.

Content has gotten as widespread as air that we take in. With Hootsuite reporting that an average user is spending over 2 hours and 28 mins per day using social media sites The trend is growing.

Certain important stats about creators of content


  • Goldman Sachs predicts the creator economy will be an 500 billion-dollar market in 2027.
  • 30% of Gen Z in the US and UK want to be YouTubers or Vloggers when they're old enough.
  • 36% of creators put in between 1 and 5 hours per week to create of content ( Linktr.ee ).
  • 59% of beginner creators aren't yet monetizing their work (Linktr.ee).
  • Three creators in a three create one kind of substance (Linktr.ee).
  • Just 12% of the full-time creatives make more than $50,000 ( Linktr.ee ).
  • 46 Percent of full-time creators who earn below $1,000 (Linktr.ee).

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What exactly is a creator of content is (maybe) not

It's a tangled distinction in determining what constitutes the term "content creator.

Naturally, we're not guardians here. There is a reason why for some businesses and people, content can be an instrument to achieve a goal.

The people who create content could earn you not only recognition but also potential for recurring revenue streams  Brands are aware that the media exposure caused by content could be extremely beneficial for their brand image as well as profits.

Both cases, Content acts as an intermediary. Content is what you need to do to get your desired resultsincluding fame, customer revenues, fame and so on.

There is a temptation to speed up the procedure. If content is just a means for a purpose then you could hire it out, or automate it, or utilize ChatGPT for endless reams of posts that can be made automatized...

An examination of well-known Facebook advertisements shows the potential of every one of the benefits of outstanding content without any effort .


  • "Let me show you how I made use of AI to create an article that earned me $20k/month"
  • "Here's how AI LinkedIn content brings us 50 new customers per month."
  • "This trick will increase your Instagram following by 1 million in just a single day."

Are these strategies efficient? Maybe. (We must ask ourselves why someone should be required to market their business through Facebook even though they have an estimated million dollars of pipeline. )

Are they content creators? You can decide. It's important to note that those trying to cut corners don't usually achieve the desired results.

Because good content is hard to replicate.

Top creators of content aren't using "hacks". They're still coming up ideas and creating things people want to and take a look at.

What are the top creators of content have in common?

Lilly singh

Some of the likes of Alex Hormozi, Lilly Singh, Jimmy Donaldson (AKA "Mr. Beast") and Rosanna Pansino have done one thing really well-they worked hard to create content that is helpful as well as entertaining, funny and educational.

Yes, they earn profit via the use of HTML0.

But, they don't make use of it for achieving a goal. Content isn't an instrument in order to achieve the goals they truly desire. (Or in the case that it does, they're skilled at hiding it. )

Mr. Beast has been famously quoted as having put millions into creating videos. The company has also given away millions of dollars away. It's a huge determination to provide high-quality video!

Mr Beast Image

Here's a simple hack that top content creators employ that will make their work worth spending the time!

Human beings are believed to possess an BS gauge.

We recognize what content is valuable and interesting to interact with. We can tell when something is real as well as when we're being marketed to.

The standard for what great content is evolving. The stuff that worked last year may become obsolete and dull this year. However, the fact remains that quality content demands involvement. To be viewed. To be shared.

The show provides the answers to concerns we face. It's hilarious. We weep.

Don't forget that the other end of your website is people looking through their phones deciding if it's worthwhile to spend their time on. Make it worthwhile for their time.


It's the same with content that's branded as well. If you're flooding the web pages of your company and the social media sites with boring material that's not worth the time to take in, don't be too surprised if... there's no one who has time to read it.

The best content is hard work, and requires an abundance of knowledge. Good ideas are the key to success. You have to think.

Paul Graham Tweet

What exactly is AI Content?

Is it possible to create using Artificial Intelligence? Does that make you the creator of material? Recent Ipsos poll found that 43% of the population believe that writing generated by AI is just as effective as the writing of a human It's a well-known fact that AI will be a component of people's creation process.

But, here's an easy test to determine if your AI material is able to pass the test.

     The question is not, Are you using AI for content creation? It's about whether you using AI to accelerate the process? Do you want to reap all the advantages of your fantastic content, without putting in the work?

How will it affect you?

Using AI tools that help writers write the most effective possible content is likely to produce amazing result.

Making use of AI tools to skip the production of content in order to achieve what you want from content likely won't.

It's not a secret that AI tools have accelerated a lot of the less tedious tasks of creating content.


  • What is the reason you should manually subtitle a video when an AI software is able to complete this task?
  • Doesn't it seem logical to make use of Chat GPT to summarise something quickly or to take the time to read it?
  • Can an AI grammar tool help you write better?

It is important to remember that incorporating AI in your workflow is a personal decision. However, remember that your goal is to produce great content.

ChatGPT AI Content

What can we be doing while we are Mighty?

The above is somewhat hyperbole however, this blog post could be described as a piece that is original in content. What do we do here at Mighty? Can we use AI?

No. We're not using AI to create real-time text.

What's the reason? Doesn't AI speed up content production?

Answer: It could. There are instances where we employ AI to conduct research and outline sometimes.

ChatGPT headings

Our focus is on getting deep on ideas-ideas that are unique to us and that no other individual can come up with, and we'd like to produce content that assists people. We'd like our content to be unique and worth the effort.

We also host a variety of groups of individuals that pour their hearts and souls in their work. Every Mighty Network does have some AI tools for producing great content. Tools like question generators, tool for improving text, and automatic course outline tools, nevertheless, they're designed as way to increase the creativity of humans, not substitute it.


How can I best prepare to start a career as a content creator?

1. Collect your ideas

The way to become a creator of content comes from your ideas. You have someone that you'd like discussing or even watch, or something you think others will find interesting. You're the one who can bring it to life.

There isn't a standard way to begin the process. Some content creators do extensive research, and some just begin to do it and get to work.

Here are few suggestions:


  • Select a topic that's specific enough to convey your point, but broad enough to allow you the freedom you need.
  • Find out if there's a current creators in that niche. In the ideal scenario it would have some that shows there's a demand for it, but not enough too much that it's impossible to imagine other ways to explain the subject.
  • Sketch out a draft calendar of your content. Then choose a month, two or six pieces of contents you might think of making. For a concept for a community the term is"a Year in the Life.
  • Begin by meeting potential viewers to see what they're most interested in when it comes to web-based media.

There's always room for improvement and growth as you make adjustments. It's not too surprising to realize that you didn't. Remember that also.

ideal members - falling in love

2. Be authentic

There is a tendency to hear the term "authenticity" applied until it's not really anything anymore. How does authenticity play when it comes to creating content?

It isn't enough to throw every thought in your head onto social media. You need to be selective about how you portray authenticity.

However, be cautious about fake authenticity, too. Remember the crying CEO? The CEO shared a photo of him crying in the aftermath of sacking employees. Yes, it was a back-fire.

What's the most effective way to become a true content creator?

Perhaps a better term for genuine is "real". Be aware that humans are equipped with B-S- measurer for data.

That is, If you're starting with something that is real, the things you love along with those things you don't like as well as the aspects that you are interested in, and the things that make you different then you're to be in the right place.

Are you aware of the life of Martinus Evans? He created his Instagram account called 300poundsandrunning in order to show his journey in the role of an "back of the pack" runner. He wasn't as popular as others who are fitness influencers, but that's what made his story captivating.

Martinus Instagram

This process has led to more than 100k Instagram followers, as well as a following of more than 22,000 people who don't shy away of being slow too!

It's authenticity. There isn't any artificially created physical or emotional sensation... It's the ability to make material that is connected with emotion.

Be true to yourself.
    Be aware that your search for "authenticity" should not let you appear to be someone you're not. If you're not ready to be open about your emotions in front of the camera, perform on TikTok or even share your deeply personal moments... Do not! The most authentic you are rooted in who you are But don't forget that you can keep parts of yourself to you if you'd like.


3. Create good stuff

In the age of AI technology for scheduling and making content it's not difficult to get caught up in an illusion that content is essential to successful outcomes. Certain platforms have more quality content (we'll examine the treadmill of content later.) There's no doubt that each platform will be rewarded for quality content.

The algorithms for social media aren't always predictable, but there's one platform that doesn't rely on the level of engagement, namely how many people visit, like, or publish your posts. That means the content that is most popular rises to the top-because there is no way to make it appear like you are engaging. You either get people to read/watch/listen to your work or they don't.

and even creating in a space that doesn't have algorithms, such as the internet or community sites and even in other spaces where good content stands out.

Are you familiar with YouTuber Mark Rober? A former NASA engineer who was the first to create videos about science, Rober has 29 million viewers on YouTube. And in 11 years of his channel, he's produced about 129 videos. It's less than a video each month.

What's the secret of how Mark Rober reached 29 million users and not posting more than three times a week?


Easy. The content is great!

If you are looking to develop content, you should focus on making your best quality content make use of the format that which you excel at.

4. Be sure to be at the correct place

There are many platforms to pick from when you begin the journey of becoming a creator of content. Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages.

Here are some simple questions to help you decide what you want to do and advice, don't necessarily need to have every single platform to become an effective creator.

Which are the things you're most attracted to?
    Are you an avid fan of making videos? If so, an online platform like YouTube, TikTok, or Facebook/LinkedIn could be a good fit. Are you a professional writer? Perhaps you'll write your own blog on LinkedIn as well as Twitter or create with your own web-based site.

In which places do people similar to you hang out?
    Sometime, the creators pick their platforms based on where people hang out. For example, if you like to talk about the world of business or offer suggestions for your career it's likely that LinkedIn is an ideal starting pointIt's essentially the most professional of platforms.

How do you improve your effectiveness?
    It's important to know how platforms grow followings. In this case, YouTube has a search engine integrated into it, and is controlled by Google. Making content YouTube video content YouTube is a way for users to locate them many years to come using a technique which cannot be achieved be done with other platforms. Similar to your blog or website--if they're constructed using SEO in your mind, you will get search engine traffic in a way that is automatic.

As we become part of the community, you can observe that impact increases as a result of the social network. The community is valuable to each user that joins and the content created by the users. Content creation isn't just focused on the user. communities are a collective that produces content as well. Content creates conversations-also known as other and scales.

We talk about something we call the content treadmill-where you are stuck in a place in which you have to continue making content, but you aren't feeling motivated or enthusiastic. However, by selecting platforms that let you scale your impact, you'll be able to get off the treadmill of content.

Which are the top ways to make money?

The topic will be covered in the subsequent section. However, creating material that works for monetization is helpful when the time comes to make money from your content.

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Space Ownership

The pioneer of the web Brian Clark famously said, "Never create on someone else's land." The phrase he coined was "digital sharecropping" refers to what he saw as people who are working to build using platforms that they don't have control over.

We've seen the fallout from creating on platforms that they don't control. Getting locked out of social media sites you've invested several years creating. Then, being hacked and going through the process of losing everything.

Perhaps the best solution is to build content in the space you own. For Brian Clark, this meant blogging. The company he created was "Copyblogger" around the idea.

The future may refer to the development of a newsletter, or perhaps even a private one.

We're a platform for community. So we do love creating content in online communities. If you're part of a group that's similar to yours, you'll have nothing you can't compete with.

Some people will not choose to use social media because they have their unique benefits. But it's worth thinking about how much control you'd prefer before composing material.

5. Collaborate

The top content creators work together! Collaboration is an excellent method to develop. When you come across people who create content that has overlapping audiences, it can give them a chance for working in tandem.

Being a content creator doesn't require having a strategy. Collaborating with other creators can bring huge benefits and boost the development of your business.

6. Monetize

It's not the case that every creator of content needs to be earning income. With the majority of youngsters intending to become YouTubers as they grow up There's a high chance the majority of creators will need.

The business of making money through content is a subject in and of itself, and we've touched on it in this post. We need an effective method

It's fair to say that being the creator of content should provide you with the chance to make money. With the alarming numbers we talked about in the past, it's important to think about this.

46 percent of full-time creators earn less than $1000 per year.

That's sad.

First, you must is to always create the best content that you can. However, when you're able to grow in a way that permits you to earn a profit it's essential.


  • Do you intend to monetize your business through affiliate, advertising or influencer-based advertising?
  • Do you sell products or services?
  • Will you build an online site for members ?
  • Are you planning to host classes or events online?

     There is a complete description of content monetization on this site.

And you can utilize the calculator created by the creator for find out how much you can make from each of the platforms:

creator calculator content creators

Another aspect of monetization doesn't look as fascinating, however it's crucial.

Earning money online remains a source of income to the local tax authorities. Monetizing from content creation can legally make you an executive in a company, therefore ensure you're billing and tracking your financials correctly and abide by your tax regulations in the area you live.

A visit to the local business center will assist in obtaining this coverage.

7. Keep getting better

Talk to any content creator and they'll say that their oldest work isn't the best. However, it's a part of learning.

The ability to create great content is a valuable ability, which is why great creators of content are able to earn it. Like any other skill that requires effort taking time to develop.

If you keep improving your content, you'll be able to master the art of creating. You're in the ideal position to turn creating content into your main work.

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Are you ready to begin?

If you're interested in creating your own platform for content and a community that you could benefit from, sign up with us! Mighty allows you to make your best content, whether recorded, written or performed. In addition, you can bring together paying members who want to be part of your work.

Livestreaming such as chat, discussion forums, messages, and scheduled live events This is the best platform for your videos that offer more for each participant. You don't need millions of followers to earn a profit from your content. All you require is the support of 50 individuals that are committed to the work you do and wish to be part of the community.

You can try Mighty completely free for 14 days with no credit card required.

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