What are the reasons and How To Run Redis in Docker - (r)

May 6, 2023
Run Redis in Docker

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This document will help users understand how they can make the most of the two technologies that are open source and efficient. This guide will also discuss the main reasons for why the usage of Redis clusters within Docker containers is crucial and the advantages and benefits of this as opposed to running Redis clusters on the virtual machine or on bare metal servers.

The various ways to use Redis

  • Distributed, key-value database cache
  • Message broker
  • Permanent caches for objects

Additionally, Redis can support multiple kinds of data and structure that makes it suitable for usage as an primary or additional layer of databases for apps. It also supports streams, lists as well as sets, hashes etc.

However, it is possible to extend Redis' advantages further packaging Redis advantages further through the containerization.

Redis is best inside A Container

Redis is among the most well-known Docker images on the Docker registry. It has more than 1 billion users downloading it. The reason behind Containerization Redis apps is for them to gain the benefits offered by Docker and to get community support for the most popular Redis use cases.

Redis Docker is a popular image. Redis Docker image has an open-source community, which develops and provides clear information. In addition, Docker is highly reliable and easy to use and comes with numerous options.

Ease of Use



Docker is a feature that's available to the majority of Unix-based, as well as Windows operating systems and applications. Because you utilize containers to isolate applications from their surroundings so that they can be sure that it will work with every system, Redis apps, and apps will work regardless of the infrastructure.


A Docker volume is a way to safeguard the container from accident-related loss of data. One caution to be aware of can be found in that Docker volumes do not include images snapshots. The user must save and backup the information in your Redis database often.

How To Use Redis With Docker

If you want to move your Redis store in a Docker container, you need to have Docker inside the application you want to use. These steps will guide you how to install Docker within Windows.

You can find a video tutorial that can be found on the Docker site for an Unix or the OS based on Unix. After installation and configuration you can create networks within the Docker container. Then, you'll be in a position to download Redis and set up an account. Then, you are able to perform actions in your Redis database.

The first step is to start installing Docker on your system. If you prefer, visit Docker Hub. Docker Hub and create an account. It is essential to create an account for the creation and publication of your photos.

Docker hub sign-up form
Docker Hub

After creating an account, log into Docker Hub and download your operating system's latest version. Docker Desktop.

Download page for Docker Desktop with options for operating systems.
Docker download page

After installation After the installation process has been completed, open the terminal window and check if it is in good shape to run. Docker Engine is now ready to go into the command line:

docker --version
Check the version of Docker installed
Docker version installed

Then type: docker-compose --version.

Check the version of Compose installed with Docker
Compose is installed using Docker.

Compose is a program that lets you create and manage multi-container Docker applications using YAML files, which is used to define application services.

You can run Dockerized Redis to confirm that the Docker Engine is running and operating using the code below. This test executes the Redis image, which is accessible from Docker Hub and names it my-redis-container.

docker run --name my-redis-container -d redis
Run the Redis image from Docker Hub named my-redis-container
Redis image downloaded from Docker Hub named my-redis-container

Since you don't have the Image locally Docker draws it's Redis images from Docker Hub.

Then, open Docker Desktop to confirm that it's retrieved its Redis image. On the Dashboard you can click Images in the left-hand side panel.

Verify that your Redis image is up and running from Docker Desktop
Docker Desktop

Then, you are able to build networks. It is important to note that the Docker driver utilizes bridges as well as overlays built-in network driver to make a Docker-based network. It is also possible to install and use an external network driver.

The distinction is that bridge networks are operated through a single Docker Engine installation, while overlay networks run on many Docker hosts with an engine.


docker network create -d bridge -demo-network
Create a new Docker network with the bridge driver
Docker network that is connected to the bridge driver

If you don't select an default driver Docker employs the bridge driver in order to create an entirely new network since it creates the bridge driver once you install Docker Engine. Docker Engine. If you however, launch an instance of Docker using a start command for Docker, the container will not utilize Bridge driver.

If you've already got the network in place and you've got a network, setting up Redis inside the Docker container is the next step. To do so, type: docker pull redis.

Pull the Redis image from the Docker Hub
Remove off from the Redis image from the Docker Hub. Docker Hub

To verify the Redis image has been installed correctly, make sure you run any of these commands:

Docker images
docker image Ls
List available Docker images in the user's terminal
Docker images available from the terminals of the user.

The following step is to make and then launch your Redis container. For this, you must use this command:

docker run -it -name dev__redis_container -d redis
Create and run the Docker container
Docker conatainer

After that, check to see if Redis is running inside the container. To do so, type: docker ps.

Verify that Redis is up and running in a container
Check that Redis is up and running in an container

After you've verified that your Docker container is operating, you can connect the Docker container to the internet. Use the command: docker network connect.

Add a Docker container to the created docker network
Connect a Docker container with the Docker network you've built

If everything is working properly The next step is to confirm that the Redis server that is running within Docker is able to handle connections. To do so, use docker logs.

Verify the Redis image is running inside the Docker container
Check to make sure that the Redis image is running within the Docker container

After that, you need to set up an account to establish an interface to the Redis container in order to run commands on the server. To do this, type: docker exec -it bash. The name of the container and the ID can be interchanged.

Connect to the Redis container instance
Connect with your Redis container.

In the container itself, you can use the CLI within the container to run commands. Take note that Redis is installed by default by default on Docker hosts. For access to the RedisCLI, enter: redis-cli.

Use the Redis CLI to run Redis commands
Make use of the Redis CLI to execute Redis commands

This connects to the port used by default for Redis in the local host. Type: ping, and then the expected response to be "pong".

Test to see if the Redis connection is up and running
Check to determine whether or not it's the case that the Redis connection is active and running

Select one of the databases inside your Redis server with the phrase "select". If the default database is the one that is 0 choose the 1 database.

Select a particular Redis database
Select a particular Redis database

After that, add data to the database. Make use of to use the Redis set command. To do so, type SET .


SET mykey "Hello"

For the key that is exact, enter:

Insert and retrieve data from Redis
Add and extract data from Redis

To find the value of the key, you must use search. The key's value is returned. Next, check your Redis database by typing MONITOR.

Monitor the Redis database
Monitor the Redis database

Stop and end the Redis server with the exit of the CLI. Utilize this command exit repeatedly to close the CLI along with Redis.

Exit from the Redis CLI
Stop the Redis CLI

After that, you can stop the Redis container operating by entering "docker stop".

Execute the command to stop the Docker container from running
You must block the Docker container from operating.

Redis along with Dev

After installing and downloading, Dev It is now time to install it. Then, install Docker Desktop as a dependency that it utilizes to generate local environment files in containers. Once you have this set-up it's possible to set up the Redis plugin inside Dev.

This is why Redis is the Redis extension of Dev can be used as a backup source, reducing the load on the primary database and increasing the speed at which responses are processed and making the program more efficient.

The result is the app being able to take on more workload and more efficiently scale. Learn more in this article about the best ways to use Redis to integrate the Redis plugin into your site.


There are numerous benefits when employing Redis inside an Docker container. It provides a secure environment for your applications which means it is not necessary to be concerned about the platform where you'll be running your app. Additionally, Docker enables ease of using, freedom of use along with high-security.

Concerning security, you may check and scan for security flaws right from the box by using Synk it is a program which provides an overview of security capabilities that are included in Docker images. And regarding versatility, Docker works for most Unix-based and Windows operating systems as well as applications. The flexibility of Docker means that containers or Dockerized services or applications can be used at any time regardless of the operating system.

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