We invite you to join us for WordCamp 2023! -

Sep 28, 2023

Are you planning on traveling toward D.C. for the WordPress annual gathering for the WordPress community? If yes, visit the booth 611 at WordCampon on the 25th and 26th of July! We'd like to meet with you personally!

#WCUS is the most sought-after WordPress conference that takes place within the Western Hemisphere. Every year, the three-day conference provides workshops and seminars which stimulate, bird-of-a-feather-meetups, as well as other activities. If you're a programmer, an author, expert on content or an avid use of WordPress, WCUS has something to offer every person. The complete schedule of speakers and the schedule here.

The WordPress community consists of agencies and freelancers, from those who develop themes and plugins to front and back-end designers, developers and developers along with marketing professionals, and others. There's no set wording for a "WordCamp" WordCamp person, apart from the fact they enjoy the freedom and freedom that WordPress gives them and desire to meet others who share the same passions.

Where can I purchase tickets?

Are you looking to sell your old tickets? Go to the WordCamp ticketing site to buy tickets starting at just $50! Tickets for the price you decide to purchase will provide you with access to the whole 3-day festival.

What do you need to be aware of if you want to join WordCamp

Attend the exhibition 611 between the 25th and 26th of August to get additional details on tax management in international memberships. Find out how the record merchant will assist your software theme, plugin or goods-related businesses sell more quickly to bigger areas and countries.

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