Vue vs React Which Should You Pick?

May 25, 2022


In this post we'll be comparing Vue with React by conducting a head-to-head comparison. If you're a developer who's just getting into a new project, this guide will assist you to make the best choice.

What exactly is Vue?

The Vue.js logo, showing a dark green letter 'V' nested within a larger, lighter green letter 'V'.


Evan You designed Vue after having worked together with Google on a variety of projects using the AngularJS. After that, he documented his thinking process by saying: "I realized, what is it if I just focused on the parts I enjoyed about Angular and created something extremely simple," The project's first version of the source code was released in July 2013 , and Vue came out on February, the year after.

Below is a listing of web-based applications that are popular with Vue,

  • Gitlab
  • Grammarly
  • Behance
  • Laravel Spark
  • Adobe Portfolio
  • 9gag
  • Behance
  • Nintendo
  • Font Awesome
React's logo, illustrated by a blue atomic symbol.

What Is React?

React is an Open source JavaScript library that can be used to create web-based applications that have user interfaces, with features that are advanced. React lets developers build reusable bespoke components, enabling speedier development. In addition, its capacity to load web pages fast allows it to be more accessible for search engines. Overall, it's a great library for the creation of simple and sophisticated enterprise-level applications.


As compared to the other frameworks of development AngularJS as well as Vue, React is the most well-known JavaScript library. It was designed by Facebook in the year 2013 as an application for creating an interactive user interface for various websites. The virtual DOM, which is a representation of DOM elements that were created with React components, forms the foundation of React.

This is a listing of some of the most well-known web-based apps created making use of React,

  • Facebook
  • Netflix
  • Twitter
  • PayPal
  • BBC News
  • Yahoo
  • Instagram
  • WhatsApp
  • Dropbox

Vue Main Features

Vue is also loaded with attractive features that could be useful in establishing a successful and running application for enterprise. A few of these capabilities are described below.

Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM is a concept implemented in a number of JavaScript frameworks, such as Vue. In lieu of adapting DOM it generates a virtual copy of the DOM that is constructed and displayed as JS (JavaScript) data structures. Any modifications to JavaScript data structures is made in the first place, and later they are checked against the structure of data that was originally developed.

Two-Way Data Binding

Vue provides a binding in two directions feature, as illustrated in this photo. It is part of the MVVM framework. Utilizing the binding directive v-bind that is included in Vue This function lets you edit or apply the values of HTML elements, change the layout, and finally apply the classes. This is different from other frameworks, for instance React that only provide single-directional communication.

A flowchart illustrating how the data flow works in two-way binding.
Two-way binding


Components comprise Vue objects which have custom HTML elements. Most importantly , they can be used in the future. Vue objects and HTML elements communicate each other by using props(properties) and events. The code block part of the Vue component is also crucial to the development of Vue applications that can be trusted and expandable.

Computed Properties

Computed properties assist in detecting changes made to UI elements and taking care of the logic required, removing the need for further coding. If we plan to modify an element that relies on another property being altered using the property that is determined. The other attributes of data greatly influence the computation of property. This is an illustration of the properties that are calculated.

A block of code showing a computed property.
An example of a computerized property

CSS Animations and Transitions

When HTML elements have been added, modified removed or added to the DOM, this feature offers a variety of methods for performing transitions. The element comes with a built-in element that acts as a transition component that is liable to return the effect of the transition. Developers are able to easily use additional animation libraries to enhance the user experience.


Watchers can be used to monitor data which is expected to change regularly such as Formula Input Elements. Developers do not have to take any further procedures in this situation. Watcher takes care of all updates and changes to data, however it maintains the program as easy and quick.

Here's a quick code snippet on Watchers:

A code sample showing the setup of a watcher.
One of the best examples of a observer

Watchers, methods and computed properties are described as the three primary methods that maximize the dynamic nature. If you are looking for something that's synchronous or costly that's triggered by changing data, then watchers are the best option.

The Key Features of React

React is also packed with impressive features, that could be useful in order to start up an business application. A few of these capabilities are shown below.

Virtual DOM

The React feature facilitates rapid and agile development of application development. The method makes it easy to duplicate a webpage through the virtual memory feature of React. Virtual DOMs are used to duplicate the actual DOM. The entire UI is built in exactly the same manner using the virtual DOM each when the application is modified or improved, by making sure to restore the elements that have been altered. This decreases the amount of time and money it takes to create the product.

One-Way Data Binding

One-way binding of data means that React utilizes a single-way data flow that allows developers to use the callback function to alter components rather than directly changing the components, as shown in the image.

An illustrated graphic depicting the data flow in one-way binding.
One-way binding

Flux is a JavaScript components for designing apps that allows you to control the flow of information at the same source. This gives developers greater control over the software, making the application more flexible and productive. Flux has three major components: dispatcher storage, views and stores (components).


JavaScript XML is a markup language which describes the layout of an interface. It creates a syntax that is similar to HTML and is utilized to build React components. One of the most attractive aspects of React JS is JSX, it lets you write the elements in a manner that is simple for designers.


This means that a user interface of a React-based app contains many parts, each of which has functions that are coded into JS. It means that developers have the ability to send data to an app without affecting the DOM. Apps' graphic and operations heavily rely on React JS components.

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Declarative UI

Declarative UI features allow code written using React to be more understandable and also makes bug-fixing easier. This isn't just intended for applications that are web-based but as apps for mobile devices, React JS is the ideal framework for building an engaging and interactive user interface.

It is the React, Vue and the Vue App have a lot in common. common attributes

Vue was created by using React as an example. So, there are some similarities can be found as follows:

  • Progressive Web Applications (PWA) are made possible by
  • The use of virtual DOM
  • View components that are flexible and flexible and
  • JavaScript code
  • Focus on a library which is a core, with partner libraries covering networks and the universal state management
  • Integration with all present web-based applications

Vue vs React: Which One Is Better?

They go together in the present developer community. In this article, we'll give a comparative review of Vue and React by focusing on common difficulties of the two frameworks.

Popularity and Job Market

This competition was won by React. Given that Facebook is the backer of the technology so it's no surprise that React enjoys a higher level of popularity and a stronger community. Vue is a smaller population, with a smaller number of capabilities and functions, but it is supported with the help of Evan You and the team.

Curves for learning curves

Vue is one of the most simple to master and understand the various JavaScript frameworks. It's estimated to take anything from a handful of hours or even one week to master. All that is required is knowledge of the way ES6 functions and an knowledge of JavaScript programming. The documentation for Vue is simple to comprehend given that it's not as detailed than other frameworks.

If you've used JavaScript prior to React, it is simple to pick up. Forming a team is made easier due to less learning curve since anyone who is a professional or a beginner could be a part of the team. The only releases that follow 16.0 are updated. It means that developers who are new might encounter issues installing the more complex functions.

Performance (Speed)

Performance of React applications is enhanced. React application is more efficient, and more efficient when it comes to user experience as well as with distinct components that operate well together. The component-based architecture of React aids in the creation of faster and more efficient single-page sites While Reusability helps reduce the complexity of code and decreased DOM interaction speeds up loading of pages. Additionally React concentrates on making required changes to the website without loading the whole page. In this way, it does not waste resources by loading the page rather it updates the site's content.

Components and Extensibility

When it comes to developing user interfaces based on components, the vast collection of component libraries that are available within Vue and React allow developers to reuse their code and increase the efficiency of developers and help speed the development process.

It's easy to create extensions for Vue or React apps with third-party libraries. The majority of React source libraries are merely parts that enhance the existing components. Many of the third-party libraries that are included in Vue include plugins, which make use of the plugin system integrated in Vue.

State Management

The state data of React is not mutable so it cannot be changed in a moment, you have to utilize the SetState() method (or make use of the State() hooks to alter every aspect of the state.

In reality, as the data attribute within the Vue object serves as an entry point for applications' data and data isn't required to use a technique such as setState() to alter the current state of Vue.

Tools and templates help simplify the process

Since the year 2016, React has provided a third-party CLI program named It assists programmers with the tasks of app creation, scripting, and so on. Prior to React, React programmers had to copy the files of previous programs or build from scratch up. It was not a long, but it was an arduous task.

Vue in addition provides a tool called Vue CLI which allows fast development of projects. Vue CLI offers a variety of advantages, among them the capability to include plugins at any stage of the development process and make small changes.


Vue is a standalone framework while React calls for the use of external libraries. It's one of the major differences between the two platforms. In terms of state and routing, React depends on other platforms that are similar to those of Flux and Redux. These frameworks make it easier to debug through a single method to alter the state. Because Facebook has delegated the management of react-redux as well as react-router to the people using the platform and the systems have been gradually broken.

Vue has a smaller number of partner libraries. However, Vue currently includes features that require a module in React for instance, such as props validation. The major frameworks of Vue such as Vuex and Vue-router are maintained and maintained with the help of Vue's team. Vue team.


Vue and React both come with vulnerabilities with respect to security, however Vue applications are slightly more secure as React applications. While automatic defenses against XSS problems aren't available, Vue programmers can clean HTML codes prior to implementing or use extra libraries to defend against attack. It is possible to directly build websites and secure your application prior to and following creating in situations in which you're confident you are confident that the HTML secure.

Mobile Development

React Native offers a blend of some of the strongest features of native development, as well as React that is a leading JavaScript toolkit that allows you to build user interfaces. The toolkit can be used React Native with your preexisting Android and iOS applications right now, or start by scratch to create your own app. By using React Native's React-like features, it is possible to reuse up to 90% of your JS code to run your app on Android as well as iOS. As a consequence, an app that is compatible with all platforms and acts like a true Android or iOS app was designed.

It is possible to create widgets that are entirely native and completely control the appearance. This layer of presentation is managed by React Native. React Native framework as just an optimal state output that allows developers to build apps that work on iOS and Android with the natural look and feel and experience.

Even even Vue falling behind React but it still offers many possibilities to development for mobile devices. There's NativeScript which lets you write Vue apps, and then have the apps compiled to native versions that run on Android or iOS. There's also Capacitor created by the same team who created Ionic. With a simple API you can add Capacitor to any existing Vue site and give users the native capabilities of iOS and Android. Furthermore, Vue Native combines the advantages of Vue Native and the benefits of Vue as well as React Native ecosystems. In this regard, React can be considered as the most suitable solution for mobile development devices.

Debugging and testing

Reactjs comes with a variety of useful test programs, which make the process of development simpler to adhere to. Testers like Jest, Mocha, and several others, as an example, enable testers to follow the standard procedure of using test suites to identify flaws in genuine browser settings, ineffective functions and also areas where manipulation of functions is over the top. It shortens time-to-market, accelerates application deployment, and helps create the development of a more productive environment.

Since Vue is just beginning, the testing capabilities are not new, but they're simple and efficient. The software does not offer lavish tools and does not affect the software's capability to be tested. Vue Testing Library and Vue Test Utils include two libraries recommended by Vue. This framework can be used with Hot Reloading and CI/CD it can be used to build faster feedback systems.

Support and Community

Facebook, the biggest social network, has been a staunch supporter of React. One of the biggest advantages is the fact that Facebook has an entire team which is trying to create and refine React frequently. But, Vue isn't backed by the resources of a large corporate. This does not mean that it's not appreciated by the masses or that it's not well-known. It's because the Vue user base isn't quite as large as the React. React's community is larger.

React has more than 331,000 inquiries on StackOverflow. Additionally, as of the moment of writing there are more than 174,200 star ratings on Github. In the case of Vue there are around 83,000 questions available on StackOverflow within Vue and greater than 187.800 stars on Github.

Some drawbacks to Vue and React

Like all technology and all technology as with all technologies, both Vue and React each have their own set of shortcomings. Below are some of the negatives to both.

Vue's biggest disadvantages Vue has is

  • Two-way binding challenges
  • Mobile support: challenges
  • Limited plugins
  • Limited scalability
  • Programmers who have limited knowledge
  • Coding with too much freedom
  • The use of the community does not come without restrictions.

React's biggest flaws React is:

  • With the fast pace of development that is constantly changing, the world keeps evolving, which makes it difficult for programmers to stay on top of the latest developments.
  • Due to the frequent updates and growth in speed, good documents are difficult to come by.
  • ReactJS just handles applications' UI Layers, therefore you'll need to employ additional tools for different aspects of the development.
  • If you've got lots of templates that overlap, JSX can be confusing.


Concerning their own software, React, Vue, or other approaches based in JavaScript are all pretty spectacular. With this in mind, there isn't any clear winner. The first step is to identify the requirements of your business then compare it with the features offered by these tools.

React is an established business leader, with corporate backing as well as an active open-source community. The library is more scalable and allows you to build complex enterprise-level apps. Since it is a library React offers its users extra alternatives, including the manual rendering of images. It makes use of functional programming methods, which can be seen in its handling of state, as well as interaction between the components.

Vue is a growing front-end development sensation. It is a much simpler syntax that makes it much simpler to transfer existing programs into Vue. The documentation is among the top that you can find. The team behind Vue has developed another feature that is built-in as well as partner libraries for Vue as an application framework. This makes it easier to do developing and allows the framework to run more smoothly.

What do you intend to implement for your next project - Vue or React and what are your reasons? Let us know your opinion by commenting below in the area for comments.

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