
Jul 4, 2024

The company is located in Northern England, House of Malt is a family-owned and operated company that has grown into one of the most prominent online retailers of whiskies and spirits within the U.K. House of Malt was founded in the year 2015 and is an independent family-owned business that operates online for their business since.

House of Malt has a retail store and shop situated in Northern England, though a large portion of their business is handled through their web store. They currently ship to their homes in the U.K. and are planning to expand their business internationally.

Woo met with Jethro Hazelhurst, House of Malt's Ecommerce Director.

photo of the House of Malt location

for Whiskey

House of Malt chose as their online storefront platform due to their desire to steer away from other highly-regulated platforms and they were impressed by how flexible Woo can be. Woo is a platform that can be wanted to manage the majority of their online business and operations in the way they were able to.

From the start, House of Malt has worked with Woo using Woo's Enterprise Ecommerce program, which aids in the efficient cash flow. Woo has been a boon for their business in a myriad of ways. The increase in average value of orders as well as the rate of conversion and a reduction in time it takes to complete the deposit from 7 days to just one been instrumental in making sure they're in a position to generate the funds to fund the expansion of their business.

Big wins

  • Conversion rates increased, and order value increase by 22% since the implementation of Apple Pay through WooPayments.
  • The time to deposit cash has been reduced from seven days to one day because of Woo Customer Success. The Woo Customer Success Team.
  • In 2015, House of Malt was founded. House of Malt has grown to become one of the largest three alcohol sellers online across the U.K.

Key Extensions

  • WooPayments are made using Apple Pay
  • Pay with PayPal along with Pay Later with PayPal
  • Searchinise
  • The Storefront theme
  • Google Listings and ads
  • Klaviyo email marketing

Achievement in the wake of Brexit and Covid-19

As with the majority of British businesses, House of Malt was negatively affected by assessment on the exports of goods that was imposed through the Brexit law. Due to the issues that resulted, the company took the choice to concentrate its attention on customers within the U.K. They are in the top three firms within the U.K. for online specialists whisky sales.

In the aftermath of Covid-19's closing, House of Malt was still able to carry on its business despite the closures. The company operates exclusively through their website.

Physical stores are an integral to their brand and gives the customers an experience which other stores cannot match.

Data mining: using the data in order to provide customers with

House of Malt has a remarkable understanding of the customers who use their website, that helps them determine their ecommerce strategy.

The general rule is that House of Malt serves four different customer segments.

  1. People who want to test the latest products available through the website.
  2. Customers who have been returning to houseofmalt.co.uk to buy their favourite merchandise and order the exact same item each time.
  3. Collectors who want to keep up-to-date with new releases and collections.
  4. Wholesalers that are unable to find the items in other shops and who regularly visit House of Malt for repeat purchases to stock up bars, as well as small shops.

This can be extremely beneficial due to limitations on advertising that is targeted towards retail stores selling alcohol -- a problem which House of Malt combats with by implementing a full electronic marketing system.

The cost of a typical order can be raised by 22% with Apple Pay and WooPayments

House of Malt offers a variety of payment options. This includes PayPal, PayPal credit card processing, Apple Pay and Google Pay via WooPayments.

It was decided to make the switch live using WooPayments specifically for Apple Pay specifically because of the popularity of their site. Jethro noted that "The majority of our clients are mobile users and Apple customers use Safari. It is easy to see how that conversion rates will rise due to the addition the payment option of Apple Pay. There's no reason reasons why this shouldn't be the case. There is more friction. This is a significant shift in our game, that has worked to our advantage."

Since the introduction of Apple Pay, House of Malt is reporting an increase of 22% in average volume of orders and an increase in conversion rates after offering additional choices for payment.

"The more payment methods that we can offer more options, the better- 100. Our company has noticed the conversion rate increase when we started offering more alternatives to pay. We have used all payment methods and WooPayments There has been a pleasing growth of our business over time. We are confident that the future will allow us to continue to grow." Jethro Hazelhurst Ecommerce Director, House of Malt. Jethro Hazelhurst, Ecommerce Director, House of Malt

We walked to the lake consume whiskey

House of Malt is planning to expand internationally, first towards Europe and then to the U.S. They're collaborating with shipping companies and customs logistics to ensure the highest quality service for customers who order from overseas.

Thanks to their brand new building, House of Malt anticipates growing during peak demand, for example, during the holiday season and expanding into international markets.

Incorporating a variety of payment and product alternatives

House of Malt is also expanding their product line as well as making their customers more comfortable and establishing loyalty and subscription programme for their customers who are loyal to them.

They're trying to discover other ways to pay in order to satisfy the demands of their customers' and their preferences for payments. This could mean expanding the buy-now and pay later (BNPL) options with different suppliers.

Hazelhurst believe in the benefits from BNPL: "The fact that customers can make use of buy now or pay later choices will also improve the overall amount of their purchases. All buy now, pay later and buy now options are beneficial."

At the end of the day, House of Malt has had an amazing time in its business and is looking towards the next phase.

"All your work into WooPayments makes a great little result" Hazelhurst said. "Somewhere in northern England located in an undiscovered area of a town that was once inhabited. The whiskey we're selling is getting into the hands of people who are Woo."

Article was posted on here

Article was first seen on here