Three Reasons to Why Wordpress is better than Moodle 3.
Drawing inspiration from taking an image from WordPress design, Moodle's no-cost and open source offering is an option that's popular with companies of all sizes... But is it the top choice? The market for learning management systems is still relatively young , and like the vast majority of new businesses, there are large companies as well as those that are lower feeders. Moodle is among the top but that does not mean it's the best choice.
I am by no means advocating that WordPress is the best LMS to choose over Moodle regardless of what the circumstances are. it's a bit silly since we all know that universal methods are unworkable. In fact, I'm able identify three main reasons I would prefer a WordPress LMS over Moodle - Listen to me:
1. CMS integration is a reality - there are hundreds of companies out there that use WordPress as their CMS and who could be blamed? The user interface is simple and constantly being improved as well as the assistance of the community is unbeatable. If an enterprise is already using an existing WordPress CMS then the idea of integrating the WordPress powered LMS just makes sense. Its learning curve is almost zero, users are already populated with WordPress users. The integration process takes just 10 minutes.
2. Intuitive - I touched on the subject in the first paragraph, but I feel it deserves to be able to stand on its own. Simply put, WordPress is user-friendly, even for the amateur with no previous knowledge... The platform was developed this way for a reason. It's not necessary to be a tech genius for anyone to have a WordPress platform to function with personalized (layout, colors, plugin functionality). This is what makes WordPress particularly suitable for medium-sized companies that can benefit from their capacity to be agile and cost-effective.
3. Social-related - This is one aspect that stands out for me as to the reasons I'd choose WordPress instead of Moodle. It's because the WordPress culture is engrained in social interaction (heck it's all of a blog). We are in a period that people are looking to be involved in their educational experience, and that is the case for the website which it's hosted. "Facebook-like" walls are constructed in just a few minutes. discussions can be encouraged by administrators, forum formats don't require a lot of effort and video capabilities are merely an issue of plug-ins. The degree of freedom that comes with social learning integrated is mind-blowing and over Moodle's adaptability.
There are other reasons to select a WordPress LMS in place of Moodle Perhaps you are of the opinion that Moodle is the only stop all-in-one solution for learning with open source. Whatever the case I am convinced it is the case that WordPress LMS addresses the needs of a specific segment Moodle simply isn't able to meet. That's not to say it's not a feasible alternative to LMS and it certainly is an ideal choice. It could be better.
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