This is it! Unofficial jury awards from 2023 at the Sundance Film Festival

Feb 3, 2023

It's the Sundance Film Festival - the state of mind for filmmakers and film lovers. The festival is a location where creative filmmaking techniques as well as extreme elevations will leave you breathless. The "Sundance Sickness" is the uncontrollable need to attend every party at the same in the same moment as well as the inevitable infection that will besiege the body from shaking all the hands as you chat with people in loud rooms and hardly sleeping.

Without further delay Here are Curation Team's not-officialaward winner...

Grand Jury Prize

"A Folded Ocean" by Ben Brewer

   U.S Fiction  

"Troy" by Mike Donahue

   International Fiction  

"Simo" composed by Aziz Zoromba


"Will You See My Face" by Shuli Huang


"Christopher At Sea" by Tom CJ Brown

A Special Jury Prize - Acting

Lena Papaligoura in "AirHostess-737," directed by Thanasis Neofotistos

The Special Jury Prize - Directing

Ben Brewer for "A Folded Ocean"

You'll be seeing us at festival stages over the next couple of months. We're looking forward welcoming a new batch of shorts at Sundance 2024!

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