The way to scale the impact of Charitable Causes using on-line education

Sep 19, 2024

Since the outbreak started numerous charities have been forced to think about ways they could enhance the efficacy of their efforts and maintain their presence within the community through on-line channels.

The sector of charity isn't one of the areas that's considered to be an early adopter of technology however, it is according to Thrive For Good's Director of Operations James Woller. "Charities tend to be more traditional and cautious when it comes to their efforts to grow. This was the reason it was essential to Thrive to implement a different approach to get ahead and this meant taking an attempt to gamble, and opening the potential for online education ," He explains.

Online learning has allowed the business to broaden its horizons. "Before the introduction of internet-based learning, we had impacted about 30000 individuals. Now, we're affecting more than an 80,000. The amount of people that we've helped has increased from 550 to close to 800, seven countries, to 47 and now we're expanding to places were never imagined," says Woller.

Another company that's required new ideas for dealing with the burdens brought on by covid-19, is Vayu Global Health Foundation. Prior to the pandemic, Burke was traveling every week to train medical experts face-to-face. Since traveling was not feasible because of the pandemic, the Vayu team have created an online course which allows to train and educate and also to connect across the world with people around the world.

"We make use of it only for educational to educate pupils," says Vayu's executive director Thomas Burke. "Without  our work, it could have come by a significant amount due to the spread of the epidemic ."

We spoke with the team of Thrive for Good's James Woller and Vayu Global Health Foundations' Thomas Burke for a greater idea of how they were able improve their efficiency in this volatile time around the globe. We learned that they were able to do this via two methods: online teaching and also by looking at their charitable work from a more progressive lens. That's how they increased their impact on charity:

1. Online Teaching

Thrive For Good

2 billion people aren't getting the nutrition they require. Thrive For Good supplies individuals and their communities all over the world with tools and resources for sustainable cultivation of natural, healthy foods that are appropriate for our current world through providing education to all who wish to learn how to cultivate foods for their own and their families, along with individuals who are able to integrate the fundamentals of Thrive into their own initiatives. On average, the company generates more than one million Canadian dollars each month of fruits and vegetables from their communal gardens dependent upon 50 cents for each dinner.

Collaboration with other partners in Europe, South America, Africa as well as Asia, Woller says they would not be able to reach out to every corner of the world without the introduction of online courses for learning.

It's not just made it easier for the enterprise, but also made it easier to address the challenges that covid-19. "Just this morning, I received an email conversation with one of my acquaintances who is from Uganda in a country that has its borders locked down and mobility is severely restricted... It's extremely difficult to find any trainers in person in the moment, which is where online education can help ."

Woller claims that the company has saved a lot of money by relocating to the internet. "We're cutting back on tens of thousand dollars with the use of . If we had to send an experienced teachers from Thrive for all of our partner community for one month, but it's impossible to scale up as we have done," he says.

Vayu Global Health

Thomas Burke, emergency doctor and faculty member at The Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health He is also the director of the two companies he oversees : Vayu Global Health Foundation and Vayu Global Health Innovations.

The Vayu Global Health Foundations is a charitable trust that focuses on finding and supporting innovative solutions that can have positive effects on the maternal, newborn and children's health. Vayu Global Health Innovations, the Vayu Global Health Innovations arm of the trust is a public business, which means that they are acknowledged with the World Health Organization as well as with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and are fully committed to global communities and to the cause of good.

In Vayu they've designed medical devices to help relieve CPAP that Burke says is among the leading causes of death among children less than 5 years of age. The equipment used to treat this disease has the ability to reduce the chance of death by 66 percent. Since most respiratory machines need power to function which is expensive, they're not suitable for usage in nations that are low in resources. The Vayu team has come up with an option that is priced at $300, which is a small fraction of the price of the traditional CPAP device which costs $12,000- that offers the same level of quality. The device doesn't require energy or assistance from bioengineering which makes it accessible to people with only a handful of resources available to use. By using this device, individuals can instruct local medical professionals about how to utilize the device.

Since then, the CPAP course has proved very successful, they're currently working on another course to instruct medical professionals on how to operate their brand new equipment, called the oxygen mixer. It's normally priced at $1,200 However, they've created this device for just $50 to aid children suffering from pneumonia or having difficulty breathing.

Additionally, the online platform allows for greater access to users, but also helps in standardizing the training for medical equipment. "We have master instructors from all countries, but they're not enough. The training program allows us to increase the quality of instruction that is provided and also to assess. It's here for everyone else." He adds.

2. Utilizing an advanced lense

Thrive For Good

Woller says that using conventional methods could not be the best approach to improve the charitable impact. "The foundation's existence lies in the generosity of donors and donations. The traditional relationship between a donor's individual or philanthropist as well as the foundation which is responsible for the program poses some issues when scaling," he describes. "Donors aren't always keen on spending their money towards technological improvements... They prefer to spend their money on programming... In reality, by enhancing capacities through technology can be an opportunity to boost ."

Innovations by the company have resulted from studying companies who are currently focusing their efforts on organic farming and nutrition. The company is also expanding their activities. "We didn't have to double the amount that we spend to boost our effectiveness. The business has moved away from a B2C-based model to one that is B2B. It is great to see ourselves as Java in your laptop. There is no need for us to transform into Dell and Apple. White-labeling is a way for us to identify what we offer. This is an important breakthrough in the field of charitable giving ."

The firm has managed to expand their operations since moving on the internet, Woller explains. "We were approached by an organization located in India which has several training facilities, employees of 8,000 and community members as and hundreds of people who are beneficiaries. They contacted us with their concerns regarding food security in India as well as the Covid-19 crisis as well as their request to move every aspect of their training into the"Thrive" programme. That's scale."

Woller is a firm believer that charities are essential to exploring new ideas, as well as taking risks. The training they provided online proved to be a risk that paid positive results. "I believe some doses of innovation for the charitable sector is highly sought after. To make an impact, one must make a risk. I'm very glad that we made the decision to look into the potential of online learning." he declares.

Although, Woller admits that risk making can be scary he believes that what happens can not be anticipated and it is an integral part of entrepreneurial processes. Woller states that "Ninety percent of all businesses fail. not successful, yet entrepreneurs keep striving to improve ."

Vayu Global Health

It's the Vayu Global Health Innovations approach that is built on the establishment of a solid revenue base in order to grow their operations on their own without having to rely on donations. "This is a new approach for charitable giving" the founder claims.

Through the use of an modern lens, they've tapped the internet to provide online education. The organization is now able to connect with a wider audience than have been able to if they were forced to rely on in-person training. "We have the ability to look more broadly in relation to the population and systems of care more readily than the demonstrations ."

If you're looking into online education, Burke believes that the results are just as good as the work you put into. "You should be aware of the fact that it's hard to make high-quality educational resources," he says. "Teaching requires some sort of enjoyment as you seek to attract interest of students. This is not only about being focused on delivering facts. It's important to think outside the box and be awed by your work ."

Burke suggests that charitable organisations collaborate with locals of the areas they're educating to develop their curriculum. "It's a great idea for organizations to collaborate with locals rather than using an Americanized instrument which is trying to transport across oceans. It's not going to work," he says.

In summary, establishing an online class is an exciting move towards giving to charity that could dramatically increase the potential of an organisation to expand. Making a risk, being innovative and challenging the status quo will allow a charity to increase its effectiveness and reach.

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