The Ultimate List of Coaching Templates

Feb 6, 2023

If you're hoping to become the most effective coach then you need an action plan. A plan that is concrete and concrete. Utilizing coaching templates while working with clients is a powerful option to have in your toolbox to help guide and guide your clients through a transformative experience.

Utilizing templates for coaching is very beneficial for

  • Visualize your client's goals and then write them down to ensure that you do not wander off
  • Prepare therapeutic contracts to ensure that you and your client to agree on certain things
  • Customize the standard frameworks for coaching to suit your client's unique demands
  • Monitor your session's the progress of your session and make adjustments as and when necessary
  • Give structure to your coaching so that you are able to keep focus or digress from the clients' primary pain points

For you to get started, we've compiled the ultimate collection of templates for coaching coaches like you. Let's begin by defining the qualities of a great coaching template and then explore free coaching templates covering five main categories you can use.

Skip ahead:

What are the features of the best coaches templates?

    Underline your coaching style    

An instructional template can be a go-to guide to follow in how to work with your clients. So, it is important to choose a template that is designed to remind you of your personal way of working. We've all experienced how easy it is to get lost in the various coaching styles in vogue these days!

    The framework you are describing in detail    

A good coaching template allows you to describe what you will do with each of your clients in detail. There are blanks on the template to define your coaching framework, which will serve as the framework of every session you're planning.

    Write down your coaching method.    

It is well-known that coaching is rarely (almost never!) a one-time consultation. In the end, it's an opportunity to help people grow into their full potential which isn't something that can be accomplished in a one-time appointment. So, the template for coaching must be adaptable to accommodate the process you employ and your plan to achieve goals.

    Estimate the time frame or number of coaching sessions    

While coaching may be repetitive but it is not able to continue for a long time. You have to restrict it to a particular duration. To do this, you have to start with a primary amount of sessions. This may be reduced or increased according to changing requirements. An effective template will take into consideration that.

    Support with managing your coaching business    

In addition, you'll need help managing your coaching business. It includes issues related to different payment options, signup procedure, and offering incentives that include discounts. You'll also need to manage in-person handouts as well as intake forms to aid your clients in signing in. A good coaching template will have options for handling these issues too.

In this regard, let's take a look at 25 coaching template to help you increase performance for your coaching business.

These are the top templates for coaching that you can use

Here are some essential ones to help you smoothly run your show:

         Receipt Sample Template    

If you are able to collect fees for coaching It is a good idea to give out a payment receipt. This receipt template is a great one to help you make an impressive professional image. The basic components remain identical, you are able to alter them to suit your preferences.

         Life Coaching Bill Template    

If you are successful, you'll have to send out automated invoices at scale to streamline your payment collection. This invoice template is specifically created for life coaches and appears professional. It's possible to modify the specifics as per your setup.

         "My 50" Referral Team Template    

Social proof for coaches is among the most potent areas to generate new business opportunities. If you are looking to increase your existing client base to bring in hot leads, you can utilize this form.

         Complementary Session Vouchers Template    

Complimentary sessions are a great opportunity to get your existing clients in coaching and build loyalty. They always work since they're cost-free! We suggest you save this template to use anytime you're planning to provide sessions for free. The elegant template could help you organize events or workshops.

         Newsletter Form to sign-up    

After you have acquired clients, the next stage is to ensure that they are properly onboarded and leading clients effectively on their journey. Here are some examples that could help.

Here are the best intake coaching templates to use

Intake templates are super helpful when you are taking on new clients, and making sure that they have signed consent forms properly collected. The law is in force across the world, and you may need to collect certain identification information in some countries. These intake templates are able to be altered and modified according to your geographical location.

         Coaching Intake Session Checklist and Template

As coaches, the first session is always quite crucial because it gives you the opportunity to consider a variety of your client's details into account. The most effective way to collect and make use of that information is to use the intake checklist that gathers a lot of data about the client. It is recommended to follow this template for free to ensure you're not missing any essential particulars.

         Client Information Sheet Template

In certain jurisdictions in some jurisdictions, you might be required to store all client information off-line. But, there are other situations where you could have a face-to-face meeting with your client. When this happens, this template of a client's information sheet could prove useful. It will allow you to be organized and easily record your clients essential information, such as contact details and problem areas., for looking up in the future.

         Hello Letter Sample Template

If you've already reached out to the customer and they're ready to enroll in your coaching course, you should ideally also introduce them with a welcoming letter. This format is ideal to get them warm-up ready and ensure that they kickstart their journey to transformation on a positive note.

         Wheel of Life

The most important part of coaching is guiding your clients in identifying the areas of their greatest concern prior to coaching. A template called the Wheel of Life coaching template can be a great tool to serve this purpose. It addresses many problems in life, including finances, relationships as well as health issues. The idea was developed through Paul J. Meyer and can be printed in a pie chart pattern. It is a good idea to save the template for use with your clients at the early stages.

         Emotion Thermometer

An emotion thermometer is another useful tool to share for clients that you've enrolled. The thermometer can aid them to quantify their feelings about different feelings. When they are angry then they'll mark an even higher percentage, etc. You can also customize the emotional thermometer to fit your coaching needs if you're seeking to address any of the different feelings and emotions.

While the above coaching template examples are for run-of-the-mill use, now we will look at some free templates for coaching that are suitable for various audience types.

These are the top coaching template examples for a general audience

         A Life    

The Worksheet for Life Stories is an effective coaching tool for your clients to tell their story of their life through the years, what they view it in the present, and how they would prefer it to look in the future. It helps you to not just coach them, but it also gives them the chance to reflect and discover true insight about the lives of their clients. This is a fantastic base for embarking on a transformational trip.

Most people do not understand the distinction between thoughts and feelings. However, even when they do, they will not comprehend the various emotions as well as their subtleties. In particular, the majority of people view emotions in terms of fundamental emotions, such as "hate" as well as "love". They often say they "hate certain things" when they, really, are trying to mean that they do not like or want to stay away from things.

It is crucial for you as a coach to teach your clients about the different aspects of the variety of emotions. The coaching template on emotions is an excellent handout that you can give your clients to help them correctly associate faces with different emotions. Trust us, this helps you establish trust with your clients.

         Establishing New Habits The Tips Sheet    

If your clients find it difficult to develop healthy new habits it is your responsibility to be there for them as their coach. Give them this helpful guide to building habits that includes a variety of strategies to help them evaluate their lifestyle. As a start place, they'll be in a position to substitute them with healthy practices. You can always modify its specifications to suit your needs as a coach also.

         Goal Exploration    

When you plan to help them with their careers, businesses or just life the majority people you work with will require assistance in determining their goals. This template coach is great for clients who find it difficult to determine and examine their goals.


Mandala is a Buddhist-inspiring pattern of drawing. The tradition of Mandalas has been utilized in the eastern tradition for meditation. Today, coaches use mandalas for coloring, with the benefit of reducing stress and helping to focus. You can always hand these at your clients to assist to reduce stress and improve focus.

If you need to work toward building relationships with an uneasy client by asking them to color in a design of a mandala is a fantastic way to break the ice. If you're not sure, print the image and have them color it regularly whenever they're feeling stressed.

Let's now move towards a specific category.

Here's the most effective training handouts available for niche groups.

Everyone will agree that coaching clients aren't the same. They're distinct individuals and have distinct demands. Our handouts below can be super helpful when managing these individuals. These handouts can help you feel inspired to create your own. So here they are:

         Form for Business Coaching Form - Tolerations Form for Coaching    

If your coaching clients are looking for business advice, this template can be a valuable tool in your coaching process. Being successful in business demands abilities and strategies that customers must develop. This template will help determine your client's weaknesses and assist clients to develop their skills.

Career Coach Toolkit  Career Coaching Toolkit

If you're looking for examples of coaching templates that can help your client in choosing the right profession, this free template can be a good choice. The template comes with a step-by-step guide that describes how you can improve your career.

Small Business Toolkit for Coaching Small Business Coaching Toolkit

A lot of small-scale business owners have low self-esteem, and require a different strategy. Small business coaching is distinct from traditional business coaching. If that's what you're addressing through your coaching service This free coaching template excels since it's bundled with tons of valuable tips.

Self-discovery Toolkit

In some cases, customers do not know what they want. They seek coaching services to uncover themselves and improve their lives. If you are in this situation, you can use this self-discovery coaching toolkit, which clearly describes how to change the lives of people and outline an extensive outline of your program.

Tools for Goal Setting and Vision

A few clients seek out coaches to set goals and change the way they think about their lives. This coaching template makes the perfect choice for situations where a framework is needed for helping clients set their goals and visualize their future better.

Explore these other templates, too.

Coaching is a broad field and the majority of coaches have different needs. We've also put together some additional miscellaneous templates to aid you in developing your professional style and provide better services to your clients.

         Template for Positive Experiences    

Ultimately, every coach helps clients improve their self-esteem and develop positive feelings. Handing out a guideline that instructs clients to write down all of the positive experiences that they have had in their life helps to build confidence in themselves. This template can help your client to remember positive things that have happened in their lives.

         Strengths Template for Lists    

The majority of people who seek coaching see they need to be better in some specific area. As a coach your job to help them discover their strengths and boost their confidence in themselves. This will also increase their assertiveness. Utilize this template for an employee handout to get most effective results on this front.

         Exercises to Gratitude    

People who are unhappy generally have the same thing. They are not grateful for what they do have. If you could assist your clients to understand this and help them be more thankful for everything they have, they will lead happier lives. These gratitude exercises are great if you have clients who are plagued by regrets or disappointments.

         Template to Look Backand Looking Forward    

Your task is to assist clients to think about the future with optimism and decide what they will do to improve their lives. If you encounter a situation where your client is feeling low, you can guide your client to take a step back and remember all the good experiences that happened in their lives. But, it's important to let them know that bad things do are common to all people, so it is important to look at the situation positively. This coaching template will help you during those situations.

         Deep Breathing Template    

This is the ideal coach template to use in that scenario. The science behind deep breathing can help a person relax and allows the person to lower their anxiety and anxiety levels. You can use this handout for your client to learn how to breathe deeply without harming them. We'd say give to them after you have established rapport, and help them relax both in the course of the lesson and after they return.

  The templates for coaching can be great. However, sometimes, you require a little extra something.

There are a variety of templates that can assist you in your work in your career as a coach. Coaching templates for free can make your job easy to streamline and deliver an excellent experience to your customers.

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