The SaaS Content Marketing Toolkit can help you create more efficient B2B marketing

Jan 27, 2023

A majority of SaaS (software as services) companies focus on quick results. Our training has taught us to handle issues promptly. Service to customers, the growth of sales and, for some companies...sheer volumes! The volume was the main thing (yes as was the contents).

However, market dynamics change. SaaS firms are working with smaller budgets and more insecure marketplaces, where every single effort counts. This is a sign that B2B marketing professionals must do more and do it in a shorter amount of time. Volume plays do nota sustainable, intent-driven marketing plan make.

There is a method to utilize better methods to SaaS the marketing of content. The article will address the top mistakes that are made in the field of content marketing. In addition, we'll discuss the experiences of marketers who have tried different techniques and platforms able to adopt and apply.

A Content Marketer's Guidebook B2B

  1.     What's happening in SaaS the world of marketing content
  2.     The most efficient channel for promoting SaaS marketing and content
  3.     SaaS Content Marketing Examples to study
  4.     Content marketing using video to B2B SaaS
  5.     Strategies for Content and Content for SaaS businesses
  6.     The closing of

What's become outdated in SaaS Content Marketing?

In this article, we'll take a look at the most ineffective strategies in the field of marketing via content which we wouldn't recommend.

Coldoutbound email messages with zero contents.

If you're unfamiliar with the idea of a cold pitch generally sent out in the form of an email without any supporting material or facts worth providing. The people who are considering your product or service aren't sure why or what they should do, and aren't enticed to buy the product or the service. provide.

It was possible to achieve success at a time that people had a greater willingness to listen to marketing promotions and were more involved in the buying decision-making process. This isn't the case now. Prospects are receiving a constant stream of emails by these messages and most do not care since they're not providing what they are supposed to provide or provide any details about how your product could benefit your client.

Phil Strazzulla, the founder of SelectSoftware Reviews, a site created to help HR professionals choose the top SaaS platforms.

"The most effective method to reach that goal in 2023 is by sending outbound cold-mail that isn't supported. Everyone receives numerous emails from people who we don't know thanks to software like Outreach, Apollo, and SalesLoft which makes it simple to improve efficiency and the amount of emails being sent to the world outside."

He also stated that "Marketing teams should blend the methods of advertising by using a name specific to an audience that is targeted to. That includes calling campaigns as well as postal campaigns that are offline if you have the money for this."

Generous content that isn't geared toward any one particular audience

It's tempting to think that every article is capable of reaching all of your viewers, however this is false. Each group has their specific needs. That's the reason it's crucial to customize your content to the requirements of your audience and even surpass their expectations.

B2B clients are interested in knowing the ways they could use the service or product you offer to meet their requirements. They would like proof to prove that your product does what is stated. However, they also need recommendations on how they can enhance the efficiency of your service or product.

One of the most effective examples can be found in HubSpot. Blogs from HubSpot HubSpot blog HubSpot blog serves as a source of information with posts about issues that are common to those they're targeting such as online people as well as salespersons and marketers as well as experts in customer support.


The content in long format is intended to be enjoyed by its enjoyment.

The long-form guidebook will not go away any time quickly, but it's tough to see as a client's perspective with a variety of tasks to complete and does not appear to be much activity. There are many B2B businesses that produce similar guides. Therefore nurturing sequences and gated deals and nurture deals aren't the same effective like they used to be in the past.

This is also true of more extensive documents, like white papers or research papers. They may not be easy to read because they are very technical. They are appropriate for clients that are aware. Studies that are lengthy while they're helpful in proving their social value, may cause a problem to the prospective client's interest. Are you trying to convert into a new tab within the busy agents' screens?

If you've spent money on the production of content in an extended format, you may be interested in converting it to smaller videos to make it easier for accessibility and easy distribution.

As an instance of this, the Omniscient Digital business, which is one of the firms who specialize in marketing-related content Omniscient Digital will likely to be a great illustration. They offer video clips of their cases in the instead of the traditional report which are composed in the form of. It's an excellent way to show the outcomes and not require readers to read the entire report in case they're looking for videos (which majority of people do).


Imitating invisibly competitors

It's a situation when a business creates blogs online, which copy blog posts from competitors. Posts are then placed in the same order the previous. This is the most common practice of SEO and typically happens for companies that offer software to companies that are not their own because they businesses often view various SaaS companies as competitors although they're operating within different markets and areas.

Yash Chavan, the founder of the SaaS-based firm for Influencer Marketing Saral is of the opinion that using brands from different brands and blogs for marketing is not the best option. Chavan suggests:

"Understand that every product you market or products and markets you offer them in are distinct... So, you need different ways to approach each product. Utilize your strengths. If, for instance, your product gets great unique data (e.g. tools for surveying) Use the data you have to gain insight. If your product needs other individuals to participate in the sales You should participate by referring them to you as a way to earn their trust. You shouldn't be following what sites about marketing recommend about what you should do . Only you are the one that can make the final decision!"

The most efficient channel to utilize to promote SaaS marketing content

Effective ways to communicate with your customers are based on the requirements of your customers and the challenges they face. However, there are the four most effective methods to utilize SaaS marketing with content and even videos!

1. SEO and the content is constantly up to date

A few examples of content that can last forever comprise:

  • Content of the product
  • How-to-guides
  • Industry-leading practices
  • Stories of customer success and review

In order for your evergreen content to be more easily accessible to the public, you must improve its search engines, such as Google and YouTube. It is necessary to establish hyperlinks (links to other websites) and writing interesting articles and also making use of popular phrases within the text of your articles and in the titles so that they increase their importance to search engines.

2. Email

Marketing through email is among the most enduring methods of marketing through content, and it is among the most effective. We've talked about it long before techniques used to promote emails have evolved with time (bye cold pitching, and the end of cold pitching) however, the method remains a useful instrument for SaaS marketers.

If you create articles that meet the needs throughout the course of your clients' lives beginning with the growing of your blog's readership to informing new readers by delivering videos to remind the readers about renewal dates as well as offering exclusive coupons for upgrades emails let you send targeted marketing messages.

Email also provides a unique one-on-one experience between you and your prospects or customers...something SEO and social media lacks.

This case study from Zoom is an excellent illustration of how SaaS enterprises can benefit of emails for updating or renewing subscriptions.


3. Event (IRL as well as virtual)

These events are held in person, such as social gatherings, networking occasions, or seminars even though they weren't widely popular prior to the spread of the disease. They're getting a huge boost since people are looking for social events as well as live gatherings.

Events allow you to build connections with prospective customers and customers, find out about the current developments in the market and confirm the innovative ideas for your product or brand . They also allow the opportunity to meet influential individuals who could be potential customers or partners, as well as professionals from the industry.

4. Social media

  • Use your company's Facebook or Twitter pages to share essential information to your prospective customers. Fans who are a fan of your profile via social media are most likely to stay loyal to your brand, and may even purchase products from you down the road.
  • Upload the content (videos!) of people who use the product or service you offer. Content written by actual people using your product or service can help customers feel more familiar of the organization and be interested in learning more.
  • Contact people who leave comments on the posts or have concerns via social media platforms. Reach them by email in order to build stronger connections with customers who are interested in becoming customers.
  • Don't forget to include individuals who impression on you as well as being many of the top leaders in the industry! Connect with them on social media, and ask if they'd like to share the knowledge they have gained to others via video posts or blog posts or even a talk at a conference.

SaaS Content Marketing examples of content marketing to get knowledge from


Hubspot is creating blog content since 2014. It has grown into one of the most renowned storytelling successes in the world in the world of content for marketing.

The blog is employed by the business to offer material to lure new customers as well as to provide value to current customers. Marketing is among the blogs areas that provide information on topics including automated marketing, and also advertisements on social media. Blogs, for example.

The thing that makes HubSpot distinct is the fact that it utilizes a range of different types of formats.

As an example, HubSpot uses a mixture of HubSpot ultimate guides, podcasts and video embedding into blog post content giving readers the option of choosing.

HubSpot Academy is yet another vital component of HubSpot's content strategy. The Academy online offers free lessons in everything from the basic principles of marketing techniques like generating leads via social media, to the creation of an automated email marketing system , to more sophisticated certifications such as the inbound marketing certified certification.


What's the thing that makes it so most effective?

  • Our focus is in helping our customers resolve the toughest problems.
  • Variety of material that appeals to various types of viewers as well as interests
  • Real voice, that isn't trying to appear in a way that makes the impression of being funny or clever.


The Office 365 blog, Microsoft has developed a comprehensive blog which helps users get an understanding of the various services and use cases in addition to providing customers with suggestions for how to get best value for their current subscriptions.

Microsoft has designed a great website for the Microsoft 365 University website. Microsoft has developed an online community accessible to children and teachers. Get up-to-date details regarding Microsoft 365 products and services.

Also, you can take a online online program " Create Your First App," where you will learn to build apps using Visual Studio Code and Azure DevOps Services.


What is it that makes it work?

Microsoft had its sights set on creating the eBook or video collection that could be accessible to all people all year round. It would let users browse through content whenever they'd like. This will eliminate the need to constantly create new material. This allows Microsoft to concentrate in satisfying the requirements of its customers.


Adobe has created, a magazine/journal worthy of readers' time and interest. its readers because it provides information covering the top topics that matter to digital-savvy executive. In addition, it includes writings by experts in this field and thoughts of Adobe on products, technology as well as business-related trends.


This video is a fantastic illustration of the way SaaS companies can make use of content marketing to build and enhance customer relationships that lead to increased sales.

Its purpose

The primary reason CMO functions is due to the fact that the content that is in CMO doesn't have a specific product focus. They don't focus on specific things or services. The primary emphasis of their material is on technological advancements potential, issues and opportunities that could be avoided disruptive technologies.


SARAL is an influencer marketing platform that links brands with influencers. Their blog provides a wealth of details on the various facets and subtleties of the market for influencer marketing. This isn't just about promoting the product, but it is also helping its customers (marketers) in creating efficient campaigns.

The company's owner doesn't just want to post blog entries. He is also promoting two concepts via 50 social media platforms each week . These platforms reach a lot more people.

Why it works

Yash Chavan the co-founder and founder of the Saral website, stated that his decision to stop posting two blogs each week, to sharing two concepts across 50 channels of social media have changed the manner he approaches advertisements.

Chavan carried out an experiment that revealed that the amount of people who visited his website dropped 35% after the publication of his content was stopped for one month. Chavan is also offering tips to the new SaaS entrepreneurs and business managers to produce high-quality content not an overwhelming amount of content that's of low quality. Then, release it as often as feasible.

Videos to promote content for B2B SaaS

Marketing via video content can prove to be a powerful method for B2B and B2C firms. Your content may have specific goals that relate for B2C or B2B (i.e. education, vs. to entertain).

In actual fact, HubSpot Blog Research found that 15 percent of B2B marketers see creating thought leadership as the principal goal in their video marketing plans compared to 9 percent of B2C marketers.

There are other strategies which B2B SaaS companies utilize oftener in comparison to B2C companies:

  • Explainer videos
  • Product demos
  • Live streaming of events
  • Video clips of the product
  • Behind-the-scenes videos
  • Review and feedback from our clients

If you're a B2C firm Your social media plan may differ from that of one of the B2B SaaS business. These kinds of businesses are dependent heavily on TikTok as well as Instagram as opposed to the ones who are most likely to use Twitter and LinkedIn often.

This is because the platforms they use are better suited for the clients they service: B2C brands want to be able to communicate directly with customers in addition to B2B SaaS companies want to connect with experts on the subject with longer selling times, as well as an increased number of decision-makers.

Content strategy tips to SaaS firms

Discussion will concentrate on content strategies that will be useful to SaaS marketing professionals by 2023.

Learn more about what you're seeking.

Prior to you start creating content, you need to determine who your potential customers are and what they're seeking in the content you produce. To do this, you must conduct market research. You need to talk with prospective buyers or clients of your products or services. Find out what type of information they're searching for, and what they'd prefer to receive it via audio or video.

Create personas that reflect of the desires and requirements of the people you want to target and the needs of your audience. Make use of the personas you've created as an aid in creating, designing, and presenting your material.

A process for conducting feedback surveys may aid in understanding the who use your service. Feedback surveys can be beneficial since they allow users to learn the opinions and opinions of actual users to guide the design of your next products and services.

Tips: Use Google Trends to discover relevant keywords to your expertise. This data will allow you to in deciding what topics you'll write about on your blog or in postings on social media.

Making changes to what you already have

For SaaS firms, making sure you have current versions of the content you offer is an effective technique to make your sought-after content accessible and readily available.

If you create written material or videos, be aware of the date it goes live, and track the impact and use. Each quarter, go through your library, looking for indications that a decrease in the number of users or a reduction in the amount of libraries that require updates. When your library expands and expands, you must ensure that the library is able to be utilized with all the functions and the images you require.

Furthermore, you have the option of altering your content that you've created through the addition of additional information or content. Your site could become more appealing for visitors who have sought similar information previously but did not find the information they sought on your site.

Prioritize distribution

If you do not think about how you will distribute your information, it's most likely that you don't reach it to the individuals that are most in need of it. It is crucial to determine which areas your clients are browsing the web, be it social media, websites or chat rooms. There are strategies that you can create to encourage users to come to your site.

Make sure you are aware of the figures that are important to you.

It's crucial to comprehend what metrics are important to your needs, as well as how you can measure the importance of these metrics.

If your aim is to raise awareness about your business, then give value to users who visit your site as well as increase the time they stay. Content marketing is an effective way to achieve the objectives you want to achieve specifically when you use the right approach and create high-quality content to those who are in your niche.

If you're trying to attract visitors to your website, your promotional content must be constructed to concentrate on the bottom in the funnel (BOFU) details that include specific information regarding your products and the points of conversion (e.g. demo registrations or trial registrations that are absolutely free). Also, you can enhance your content strategies by using advertising that is paid for to provide more access to the content as well as aid in the creation of leads that are of good quality.

Produce unique, data-driven content

Data-driven content is the best method of sharing information with your customers. It's also a fantastic method to differentiate yourself from competitors.

SaaS businesses have an advantage on this front due to their ability to access a vast amount of data regarding their customers as well as potential clients. With this information they can develop relevant content that is in line with their requirements and assists the business in dealing with its problems.

SaaS marketer, co-founder and founder of AdEspresso Massimo Chieruzzi believes that AI-based writing programs could in the near future be employed to make money by producing contents. The writing quality produced by these software will be higher than the writing quality produced by copywriters in general. The most effective method of stopping AI AI is to develop distinctive and original content.

"Quality can be defined as a number of aspects. There's a good chance you're knowledgeable and have an undisputed (and certainly not controversial) status on the market. In addition, you could create data-driven content with SaaS internally generated data . "

Massimo asserts that during the development of AdEspresso it was initially designed at creating articles that analysed the millions of advertisements on Facebook that are managed via the platform. This approach worked, by developing the credibility of the brand and increasing the confidence and the number of returning users and getting many backlinks.

Wrapping around

2023 will focus on giving your customers and potential clients crucial information. It is available in many formats, not limited to videos. SaaS customers are always engaged and need information that is long-lasting and has importance, along with an individual location from which they are able to view.

Videos are an excellent method to advertise your business and make your company stand out from your competitors but if you're offering special, particular videos that give anyone the real importance and value they deserve, you'll be ahead of advertising.

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