The Professor of Creativity Juan Munoz published his newsletter in 162 weeks. That's how his work resulted in a profit. |

May 6, 2023

What happens if schools learn wrong? Learn about the methods that universities Creativity Prof. Juan Munoz is making more impression as a person of creativity by attracting more talented students.

On the first day of school the students were asked to think critically and develop a an attitude of ingenuity. teacher Juan Munoz instructed his students that they had the freedom to do their homework in any manner they wanted.

"It can write on a piece of paper, drawn in your handwriting or on a computer. It can also be an audio file, or it could be an audio podcast. It's yours to do what you want to achieve. If you'd prefer to send a message dove to your teacher, it's fine. There's no need to be confined to just a single sheet of paper and Google Doc," he advised.

Even in that liberty His students from his university produced identical PDFs that had identical formatting each time.

"I was a bit angry,"" Juan remembers. "I thought this was one of the simplest tasks to finish. What can they do to learn creativity in the event that they fail to finish the task?"

While the pattern continued to develop, Juan wondered if there could be a deeper issue which was causing the pattern to continue.

"Students received programming instruction over a period of 10 to fifteen years of their education. The teachers at the school that regardless of how great or exceptional, you'll get awarded a lower grade should you do not follow the rules that your instructor taught students to adhere to. There's a fear inherent when you break the rules. path."

Juan discovered that the internalized system was affecting imagination, and therefore he decided to change the way the world was run.

Juan is an instructor who was enthusiastic about what he was doing, however, he was not able to do so due to rules at the school. When he had free moments, he would read TechCrunch and other business-oriented publications, which gave him an idea for an enterprise.

In the beginning, there was no thriving commercial environment in the country of birth, Costa Rica, so Juan was determined to get his company off the ground.

"I hold a civil engineering degree. I realized that some people might be wondering "What is this person's experience in business? The first step I did was to put all my thoughts on the blog and shared them with. The journey to being a creative started with posting my thoughts and ideas on the web along with sharing my ideas about the things I was able to accomplish."

Today, Juan teaches creativity, goals-setting, entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship, as along with business through his educational online platform, Epico Academia . The site offers online classes and a series of classes for free as well as an ongoing newsletter that is paid for via email to help people live more creative and awe-inspiring lives.

Learn how experimentation, taking different paths, and always improving have helped Juan to create an online business. It also allows him to unlock an entrepreneurial approach that's full and enjoyable.

What can you do to create content that has an aesthetic that doesn't look like an academic institution

Based on his experiences in creating classes for professors at universities, the development of material was no problem for Juan. The only challenge was of figuring out how to best convey the content.

"The greatest obstacle is bringing people to watch our video content," Juan shares.

"People are able to purchase classes however only a handful of students can complete the class. It's almost like school. If I'm not compelled to take part in a class or am enticed by something, my thoughts go back to my environment at school. The teacher. Are classes. Then you have classes."

And Juan experimented with different ways of expressing the message he wanted to convey to his fans.

"What can I expect when I enroll in the online course in which you'll get incredible emails each week for the entire year ? and even TikTok-like content using 30 seconds of videos. Can I be able to design an online course that has many 30-second videos? Perhaps. Let me test it and test if it works."

"I enjoy the ability I can create practically anything I'd like produce and the way I'd like. I can create an entire class that consists of 100 30 second videos that students can watch them."

One of the tests that was to be effective was a newsletter that included a pro-Monday newsletter

If you're looking to experiment with new things, Juan experimented with something unorthodox and created one of his most popular source: The Monday newsletter .

At the time he began his online business, Juan noticed a trend.

"Every Sunday night at midnight and at the beginning of Mondays everyone will create memes of the way they fear Mondays." Juan declares. "I was thinking, there's always Monday. You can't escape it. What is it that you get so obsessed on?"

"I am aware that they are the ones who contact me and say"I'm unhappy in my present life. I don't love my job and I'd like to become more successful" I've also observed this trend. I'm a huge fan of both branding and marketing. I also thought that this might be the perfect branding strategy because it's easy to be bored on Mondays. There's an existing organization to help you to combat this, and it's a huge organization. What can you do to make something different?"

Juan wrote a newsletter every week that reflected on how much his Mondays were as well as offering an idea, suggestion or thought that would help readers to get most enjoyment of their days.

"It was a hot topic for a number of people due to who were unhappy in a particular aspect of their lives. We were discussing ways to make life enjoyable. Participants might ask"Why do I dislike Mondays?"

Today, this experiment-turned-newsletter continues to grow through word-of-mouth referrals, and Juan still loves writing it every week.

To be a better creator Learn as much that you can on areas you're interested.

The ideas don't always come together in the same way as a Sunday newspaper. Juan discovered that the most effective method to gain clarity about the content or product idea was to learn about it and again.

"I'm constantly amazed at my privilege of being part of a group in which there's a chance to share knowledge with everyone, and anybody can learn from us. It's amazing. If I'm interested in marbles, I could meet someone interested in marbles and they'll teach me something new. The person could be in Singapore and I may have no idea of the identity of their individual However, I might benefit by reading their works."

If you want to become an effective creator in the near future you should take every class you can on subjects you're interested in.

"I encourage people to read whatever they are fascinated by," Juan recommends. "Often you can find content at no cost on social media. If you decide to read the article and realize that it is not all that interesting. The author is talking about marbles. It's not necessary to possess the Ph.D. in a subject."

"There was a time that there were specialists," Juan explains. "There were people who understood every aspect of a particular subject However, they had only the most basic of knowledge. The information wasn't as comprehensive as which we can access now. It was in the hands of someone. It was clear that there was one person who held all of the data and were also the authorities. But that's no anymore."

"There is a lot of people who are extremely knowledgeable, but there are many who aren't so sure It's quite common to come across people who are less knowledgeable than you. Develop the content that they want to make an impact."

Simply put, the greater chances you have to learn as much as you can, the more information you'll be able to share with others in your area. If you're stuck as to what you can teach or even what you can do, consider shifting the roles of your students or even becoming one and rekindle your interest.

How would you feel If you created items you would love making?

One important things Juan has learned from his journey in the business world is there are many options for people to express their passions.

The act of making is not solely based at achieving an outcome, financial goals, or an audience number. Instead, find an equilibrium between Telic and Atelic objectives.

"Telic objectives" are goals that provide an outcome with a certain amount of certainty which can be monitored. They are fantastic goals to pursue for the purpose to achieve these goals. The way to think about the process of creating something is keeping both goals in mind." Juan shares.

"If you're helping others and helping them, it's not necessary to matter even if you're assisting one person or millions."

Furthermore, it's worth your work to simply be everywhere on earth.

"If you share a tweets, Instagram post or video but nobody is able to see it, it's in the wild. Somebody will eventually find it. Additionally, receiving likes on your blog or aiding people to read your blog post are completely different aspects. I enjoy a lot of items that I never double tap. Even if no one duplicate-tapped or commented on your tweet, it does not mean it's useless. is not valuable."

"Creating is an extremely emotional sensation. It's a feeling, it's an extremely intimate and genuine experience," Juan relates. "It's a representation of yourself as well as your own thoughts, and then putting them up for public display and having no person engage in it is just horrible."

"But regardless of whether or not anyone buys it, it's worthwhile. The book still taught you a lot of aspects. You can use it as a consultant, or in your next job, or wherever. You can't never let go of your love for it. It's the soul's connection."

In order to stay connected to what matters most to you, Juan explains how important it is to be aware of the roots of your family and acknowledge all that you've achieved over the many years.

"I suggest that artists write notes in journals, and then consider the work you're creating through the eyes of five years ago. It could be 10 or maybe twenty years in the past. Imagine what you'd be thinking regarding the work you're now doing. If you had been in the past you'd likely think that the job is incredible."

Then, Juan reminds creators that what is most important is to get the work done. The goal isn't about making the most sales, followers or even customers.

"I find it arrogant believe that there is no need for your service. You're arrogant by making assumptions about the needs of other reasons. Let them decide for themselves. decision. If they're interested in it, they'll buy it. If not, they'll never. Make it accessible to the individuals. You will be amazed by the world around you. Learn the most you can, and come to the conclusions that others may make on their own way."

"Create your own fashion and then get your creations out there for the world to see," Juan tells us. "You don't know about the future events that occur in the near future."

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