The complete guide to remote and synchronous meetings

Oct 26, 2023

Before I started working remotely, I was part of the team that worked remotely for the online bank. It was a constant experiment to use different types of remote meetings that were mixed, and most of them ran well.

But, it's not easy to improve efficiency or ensure the effectiveness of remote meeting communications. Or, to decide which type of remote conference is appropriate to hold at all.

This article (based on my research as well as my personal experience) will help you get knowing the various types of meetings that could be held remotely and ways to efficiently conduct them, along with several helpful tips and strategies to select the best equipment for the job. This article will provide you with guidelines to conduct virtual meetings.

There are a variety of remote meeting

You may not have give an idea much thought until at this point, however there's numerous remote meeting options (and probably, you've heard of it). With the development of technology in this field, can now communicate with remote workers along with other members of the group using one of the more popular techniques or a combination of two!


There are many kinds of remote meetings will be discussed, Teleconferencing could be the most tried and tested method. It's because it's a telephone conference that only uses audio, the technology used to facilitate teleconferencing is less complicated and more sophisticated than other options available.

The hosts will be "on the telephone" at the time of the conference and, then everyone else in the group are able to dial the same number. This conference format is ideal for smaller groupings of people who cannot speak to each other. This can create confusion if several people are talking simultaneously.

Video conferencing

In the aftermath of the spreading of a specific disease, by the year 2020 videoconferencing was an integral part of working environments due to features like Zoom meetings as well as Microsoft Teams.

Video conferences (conferences) are similar in model to teleconferencing in the sense that hosts host an online conference in which participants can join the conference by dialing a telephone number or link. The difference is that they allow participants to to see each other's faces and also use technology to make the event more enjoyable and effective.

Web conferencing

The 3rd and most well-known type of virtual gathering is the internet-based one. It's easy to mistake this kind of gathering as video conference, however there's a distinct difference. Web conference is generally utilized to host virtual events (like an all-hands meeting) and online learning or project collaboration with a touch of practicability.

It's a fantastic choice for large occasions as well as huge business gatherings. It's possible to set up the same way as a videoconference or require pre-registration or tickets for attendance.

In order to provide various formats to meetings. The option is to connect meetings' and "async" the meeting.

What exactly is Asynchronous Conference?

Meetings based upon asynch could be a type of event that's not time and don't usually necessitate immediate responses.

Synchronous communication vs asynchronous communication

As a worker at the organization I have mentioned previously, they always worked extremely hard to ensure that workers that were located remotely felt a sense of security and participated in the decisions and updates of information, status updates and check-ins, in addition to team-building exercises. To accomplish this, we needed to make use of Asynchronous and Synchronous gatherings. Both have advantages and negatives.

Meetings that are connected The advantages of having synchronous meetings
Fast feedback on the latest concepts We are available at all hours of the day.
Real-time collaboration It might be more inclusive.
As with the meetings held in person Time savings

The advantages of interacting in synchronous fashion:

  • It's the nearest experience that you can get to an actual meeting.
  • Instant feedback on questions or discussion.
  • Live communications can help you to bounce ideas between each other more quickly.

The negative side

  • There are many those who tend to be nervous or unconfident, who don't feel themselves member of the community.
  • In contrast, when everybody is in a discussion, the discussion could quickly turn into chaos as participants argue with one another.
  • You may experience technological issues, or problems with connection to the internet at the moment when it is most.

The benefits of the synchronous conference

  • There's no obligation to speak all at once. Everyone has the opportunity to speak and have their voices heard.
  • There was no need to set the right time for meetings which were international in nature or that involved teams who worked in night shifts (something my old workplace made enormously from).

The negative side

  • Based upon Buffer's current state of remote Work report, 20% of those who participated reported being lonely as the most important concern (which I'm capable of confirming) The Sync meeting provides the opportunity to connect with other individuals, therefore moving into asynchronous messaging could lead to an impression of feeling isolated.
  • If fast responses aren't needed then team members may not be able to act or act in any way.
  • The most frequent issue in remote work, according to Statista or could be used to host meetings which sync (since they are able to be moved between meetings during the duration of the) is that it's possible unplug.

When you take into account all the pros and cons, there's nothing more important than picking the appropriate choice for your specific event instead of choosing one of the two extremes. When you're done with the day, I'll concentrate more on events that use async technology starting from this point to the end of time (since they're less recognized).

How do you create an online conference that is successful?

It's obvious what kinds of gatherings can be conducted via the internet, as well as various options for how they're managed. However, how can you handle an online conference? It's a challenge for those who have a habit of gathering in person.

As I have no personally-experienced experience in running meetings (only participating in meetings) I asked handful of experts, including a the former Project Manager, who later became freelance writer Laura Bosco, what they thought made for efficient and productive asynchronous meetings, here's her response:

"--the nature and context of messages sent async was one of the most important aspects of my own experiences, and is still a major aspect of my interactions with my clients.

Context: Certain types of feedback, announcements and even requests can be sensitive or easy to interpret incorrectly. When this happens it is better to use video than text because everyone is able to listen to your voice and also be able see your face. It reduces the risk of being lost contact with and may affect the relationships you have.

Format: Big fan of BLUF (bottom-line-up-front) in most written comms. It's also more productive. If you make your question short and concise, you'll be likely to locate the info you're searching for. Also, it's a way to express your gratitude to the person you're sending it to. The gesture of appreciation is a way to show gratitude for their effort and also for the daily flooding of messages.

     Furthermore, you have the ability to alter the text. Bold and bullet points, as well as headers, italics are acceptable when making significant requests...these are not considered to devalue the people who receive the message. They aid in the process of digesting messages . "

Laura doesn't stand by herself when she suggests that providing context is the most efficient option to make use of async messages. Michael Steele, CEO of Flywheel Digital (a technologically driven business that is a remote-first company for marketing) and a frequent use of Notion, Google Docs, as well as Slack in the creation of their technology stack. The CEO further stated that:

     "A important aspect in getting maximum benefit from asynchronous communications, for clients and employees can be a ability to share the information. Everyone involved must be aware of the reason for communication and current events or relevant, and be able to access to any important document, including the marketing strategy, personas and performance reports.

Asynchronous communications are not without error. Mistakes are common and the time being spent fixing them or making adjustments which could easily had been done without proper information prior to the initial. "

In terms of the practical aspect of scheduling meetings, founder of ScrapingBee (a 100% remote-based company) Kevin Sahin says that apart from holding extremely short, instantaneous meetings using memos written by the use of Notion and Slack The company also uses Slack:

"Slack can be used in asynchronous fashion, it utilizes Slack status to tell if our fellow worker is communicating or not. When we write an email with Slack and then send it to Slack, we're not expected to get a reply immediately. It's just not the case. The general rule is to select the most suitable program for your task."

For a successful asynchronous conference you must make sure that you're employing the appropriate devices and providing context and that your problems are handled in a way that is simple and doable.

Nine helpful suggestions to design and execute the perfect remote conference

When your remote meeting is either non-synchronous or synchronous however there are a few practical tips for making your meeting more efficient. These suggestions are derived from the latest research and others are derived from personal experience. The tips will be discussed in advance and after the options for those preferring live meetings, but these are ideas that can be utilized to facilitate meetings which take place using asynchronous modes.

 HTML0 in advance of this meeting

  1. Make sure only those that have the highest worth are embraced. If you overcrowd the virtual meeting like the online video conference or the Slack channels, details will likely disappear and fewer participants will be able to participate.
  2. Set a specific plan. You can set agendas for live or async conference in any application you prefer as my experience working at the bank, We created Notion templates that used forms that were filled in to reflect the issues we had to resolve, as well with actions points.
  3. meets the standards. Laura also mentioned one of the strategies she prefers using is to create and then disseminate a "how to communicate with myself" documentation ( like this one) to help define standards and expectations for meetings, as well as other communication strategies.

 In the course of the event:

  1. begin and finish simultaneously. This point is particularly relevant to events that occur in remote locations. There's nothing more frustrating than arriving at an event early or being late. It is important to know the time that people are attending is crucial. This is also true for meeting that are scheduled in asynchronous manner. If you do not respond promptly and in a timely time, information could be unnoticed or deadlines could be missed.
  2. Reduce it to a shorter duration. Similar to the earlier point, there's anything wrong with having a live-streamed session that lasts for an hour. The best way to accomplish this is using short sessions or async communications. If you're utilizing an async approach ensure that you do not compose long messages or keep pausing for lengthy periods of time when recording video.
  3. It's crucial to ensure that everyone is identified or recognized and heard. As I mentioned earlier, not everyone are born with the personality which allows them to voice their views in live discussions However, it's sometimes difficult to those who lack character to express their views. If you're a manager or host, it's essential to be vigilant about participation of guests.

Following the event:

  1. It is possible to get feedback from the guests. If you're experimenting using different kinds of gatherings, make sure you collect comments from those who were there to determine what's working with regards to how to communicate and how to communicate. Certain software is more effective when compared to other applications depending on the kind of person.
  2. Offer a means to communicate with subsequent follow-ups. Generally speaking, it is recommended to establish an avenue for communication or even an online forum that allows participants to talk about specific elements of the conference, or any updates on actions, to avoid causing disruption in the conference.

If you're wondering now "those ideas are great and everything, but what's the issue with software? " The next piece will give the answer.

Software to facilitate remote meetings which allows meeting to be held remotely

One of the primary factors to take into consideration when hosting remote meeting is making use of the appropriate technology. For meetings that are synchronous, the most used video conferencing software such as Zoom Skype, Microsoft Teams, as well as Google Meet do the trick very well. However, this isn't like that for meeting that aren't.

The most well-known programs used to facilitate asynchronous meeting (which can also be generally used to manage projects) Some of the ones previously mentioned include:

Finding the right tool to host your virtual meetings

The majority of the tools used to collaborate, which I've highlighted above, include texts or messages, and certain tools can combine videos, text or images. As Laura mentioned previously contextualization and context is crucial.

For simple project updates

If you're in search of a method to inform people about what the current status of the project, tools like Trello, Asana, and Notion are great for the task. In my case, for example, I (and my former colleagues at work) make use of Notion boards to give an update on the state of projects, as in addition to the capability to dive deeper and read comments.

asana board

It is possible to create a similar board-style arrangement using any of the apps mentioned above.

For continuous updates

If your team or project is in need of a straightforward way to reach however, it doesn't require regular meetings, the majority of choices listed are suitable. Basecamp especially is fantastic, but Slack is the best option for this type of task.

When I was at the place where I worked, each team was assigned a Slack channel in which they could participate in most times synchronous stand-ups. They also served in addition to corporate channels, which could allow discussions that could be more broad. However, I don't have access to the particular Slack workspace. But, I do have access to certain Slack workspaces that I take advantage of:

slack screenshot

to provide more complex or delicate information

Like what Laura stated, particular kinds of information require a more human element. It's not wise to publish information that's ambiguous or buried amid the chaos of content and blogs. To prevent getting misinterpreted, use videos. You can count upon us for help.

screen recorded presentation gif

Additionally, as an added benefit, you'll be able see who has seen the videos and also participate in comments.

Sometimes it's difficult to know what program or method to employ because each team functions in its individual way, so it's beneficial to experiment at first and being ready to alter your decision if something isn't performing for you.

The Remote Playbook: Etiquette for conducting virtual gatherings

The last topic that will be discussed in this blog will be proper conduct in meetings. Some of the concepts are similar to those we've already covered. it's essential to understand precisely the most common methods of holding gatherings in a location that's not accessible such as.

If we've been in synchronous meetings and Zoom calls, we've had a lot of Zoom calls in order to be aware of the fundamental principles (and occasionally, we've made an error in not following the rules):

  • You should ensure that you're not speaking on mute at the period you're talking.
  • Relax in a quiet area so that guests can focus on the person you are (not the machine that is in operation).
  • Take a look at the features you're interested in before deciding on a plan to be sure that you're not trying to determine the right solution within the debate.

It's possible that things will turn out distinct from meetings that happen synchronously, in addition to the way they operate is dependent on the method of communication used or way of communicating.

for channels that use text (e.g. Notion, Slack etc.)

  • You should ensure that you're posting pertinent material to the correct channel, thread, or webpage (or in the event that you're discussing an important topic, make sure you provide the URL to the appropriate channel, thread, or website page).
  • Do not treat it as a mail. By that I mean receiving a message, or perhaps a task rather than putting messages in the email inbox of the email you receive (in Slack, it's possible to mark a message employing an emoticon! ).
  • Be aware that everyone lives their life with their own unique way. If you are making use of synchronous communications, it is easy to ignore the fact that you're not the only person in your area at the same time. Determine if someone is in the vicinity before you send the email.

Video calls are synchronous

  • Be sure that your camera's microphone is sufficient enough to let the audience understand the topic you're speaking about.
  • Spend a couple of minutes to write down a short message you'd like to share across to everyone else - nobody wants to watching a full film and not acquiring any new items.

They are not a collection of general regulations. It is possible that you're in the position to understand the particular rules for communicating to one another and which tools you should use. In this way you'll be able to follow these as you determine how you could apply these rules, or perhaps develop these rules.

Get started by having a great start by hosting an online conference

For the majority of the relationships we have in our lives, efficient communication is the key to a successful day-to-day operation that does not have to be carried out at present.

Asynchronous meetings in remote locations will help you in having discussions that are more productive, include members of the group significantly and contribute to the development of a transparent culture (since conversations that are in synchronous meetings are usually recorded). If you're considering switching to an asynchronous procedure Try a range of alternatives to determine which will work best for you.

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