The built-in client of Laravel allows users to connect external APIs (r)

May 13, 2023
Using Laravel's built-in client

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In this piece we'll examine ways to make use of Laravel HTTP. Laravel HTTP client that allows you to sending requests, analyze responses, build macros and middleware, in addition to numerous other functions.

Laravel HTTP Client is in charge of the majority of the lifting needed for APIs

Guzzle is a simple HTTP client that is designed to be run by PHP. Guzzle is able to handle a variety of requests, such as requests like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE as well as streaming and multipart requests. By using Guzzle as a Guzzle HTTP client, it is possible to make any type of request, whether synchronous or Asynchronous. to servers is doable. In addition, it comes with the most powerful middleware application that could alter the way that the client functions.

This wrapper is for the Laravel HTTP Client wrapper that was built upon Guzzle however, it comes with additional attributes. It lets failed requests be tried repeatedly, and it also supports various assistive programs that make use of JSON information. Most functions of Laravel HTTP clients function similarly as Guzzle.

The regulations

In the subsequent sections, we'll give further information on Laravel the HTTP client. Laravel HTTP client. To follow the tutorial it is required to:

  • Composer as well as PHP both are run on the computer
  • Postman

How to Request Information

If you're wondering how you can use the HTTP client to send an request, you are able to use an array of APIs that are provided by the server, like ReqRes.

Begin by installing the HTTP package when you're developing your app. Inside the App/Http/Controllers/UserController.php file, add the following code, starting with the use statement at the beginning of the file and the remaining code inside the index function.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http; return Http::get("");

Notice: For complex use situations, you may also transmit the request using headers using headers. by using the headers method.

In the same folder make a brand new folder by that follows the code as follows:

function post() $response = Http::withHeaders([ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', ])->post('', [ 'name' => 'morpheus', 'job' => 'leader', ]); return $response; 

Design a completely new route by using this routes/web.phpfile:


While you wait, Postman can be used to verify the method. Open Postman and add as the URL, with the type of request as GET. After you press submit you will receive a message:

Making requests using Postman
Postman asks Postman to provide information.

Demands Concurrent

The efficiency of simultaneous requests is significantly improved as you're able to access a greater amount of information at once. The Laravel HTTP client permits you to perform simultaneous request making use of the pool method.

Inside App/Http/Controllers/UserController.php, add the following code:

use Illuminate\Http\Client\Pool; function concurrent() $responses = Http::pool(fn (Pool $pool) => [ $pool->get(''), $pool->get(''), $pool->get(''), ]); return $responses[0]->ok() && $responses[1]->ok() && $responses[2]->ok(); 

Once you're done, you'll be able to add the web.php route into the directory routes/web.phpfile.


Each time you visit our site:

Concurrent requests
Furthermore, the request is for

Macros Request Macros

Request macros can be useful in communicating with API methods that are universal to all.

To create the macro, you need to define the macro inside the boot method of the app/Http/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php file using the code below:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http; Http::macro('reqres', function () return Http::baseUrl(''); );

NOTE: Make sure to place the statement of usage on the very first line of the document.

Then, you can use the macro in your UserController to include the following code:

function macro() $response = Http::reqres()->get('/users?page=2'); return $response; 

The macro is already in place so you don't need to type in the URL every time.

The final step is that you can create a brand new route in your routes/web.php file using the following code:

Macro request
Macro request

What is the best way to learn how responses are interpreted?

In order to decode the message and ensure that the API request was authentic You can use an option of showing the status message within your browser. The technique is employed to get the status information from the server, and then display an error message.

To test this out, replace the previous macro code with the code below inside the App/Http/Controllers/UserController.php file:

function macro() $response = Http::reqres()->get('/users?page=2'); return $response->status(); 

The status code 200 indicates that the request has been properly processed.

Successful decoding response
Successful decoding response

How can I best use JSON APIs to test JSON APIs?

Laravel provides a range of tools available that allow you to study the JSON APIs as well as their response. The helper functions include JSON, GetJson, PostJson putJson, patchJson. deleteJson and so on.

To comprehend Testing more clearly it is recommended to create your own test scenario that explains the entire experience of GET user experience. After you've bootstrapped your Laravel application, you'll be able to see what the test scenario was constructed. Inside the tests/Feature/ExampleTest.php file, replace the existing code with the following:

getJson('/users'); $response->assertStatus(200); 

The extra code pulls JSON information from the point where it came from and then checks whether the status code is 200 or not.

After adding the test code and have put in the test code execute this command on your terminal in order to run the tests:


After the test has been completed when you've completed the test, you'll in a position to observe that the tests were given twice and both tests passed.

Testing JSON APIs
Testing JSON APIs

It's possible to run tests to test different types of questions, and use different methods of aid to run tests that are more complicated.

What do you do in circumstances?

  • RequestSending that takes place prior to the date on when the request is made.
  • ResponseReceived This is the response received.
  • ConnectionFailed this is the condition in which there is no response.

All three events include the $request property to inspect the Illuminate\Http\Client\Request instance, and ResponseReceived has an additional $response property. These are extremely useful for perform actions following the incident. In this instance, for example it is possible to write an email in order in response to an incident and it is successful.

To create an event and listener, navigate to the app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php file and replace the listen array with the following code.

protected $listen = [ Registered::class => [ SendEmailVerificationNotification::class, ], 'Illuminate\Http\Client\Events\ResponseReceived' => [ 'App\Listeners\LogResponseReceived', ], ];

The following command needs to be executed on your terminal

php artisan event:generate

The above command will create the app/Listeners/LogResponseReceived.php listener. Replace the code from the file using these steps:

info($response->status()); /** * Handle the event. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Client\Events\ResponseReceived $event * @return void */ public function handle(ResponseReceived $event)

The log that contains information and the indicator code of status will be displayed on the terminal.

Terminal logs showing the status code
The logs of the terminal contain the status code


The way a web or mobile application developed by a company or by a programmer who utilizes their own APIs can play an important role in the success of their enterprise. The use of APIs may create a hurdle.

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This article was originally posted on this website.

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