The art of creating a recap video

Jun 3, 2023

And before you think about it, your weeks of preparation will be over. The average is that organizations need 3-6 months to plan and organize an event that is small in size. The creation of videos that recap events is the best option to ensure your posts are viewed by others even after the celebration has ended.

Video recaps of events are an effective way to increase the visibility of your brand and enticing people to attend the future event, in addition to reaching larger audience of potential clients.

This blog will talk about the best practices, tips and examples to help you create videos that you can share that will not just help people remember the best moments but also invite them to sign-up to attend your next conference.

In this article

  1.     What exactly is an event video recap?
  2.     Why do we make or distribute in-depth recaps and reruns of the events videos?
  3.     How to create and distribute video recaps of events
  4.     Event recap video best practices
  5.     The wrapping up

What exactly is an event-recap video?

Event recap videos are usually between one and three minutes long. The goal of these videos is to provide viewers with the idea of what it went at the event.

The edited videos are then added to on-brand images, and music, to make memorable photos of the day. Here's an instance from an event which was organized in conjunction with as well as The Vendry in Los Angeles.

What is the purpose behind creating and distributing event video recaps?

Videos that recap events help marketers understand the essence of the event. Attendees can review the event even those who were unable to go could be motivated to sign up next time.

Videos of event recaps can make to make the cost of production for your event go further and allow your event to continue to be engaging or informative after the final curtain call.

Make sure to maximize your investment return and create evergreen Content

Following months of preparation it's likely that you don't want your event to go unnoticed when the event is done. Recap videos can increase your event's exposure and keep it in the forefront of everyone's minds.

Additionally, they can be used to recycle event video content into evergreen content and getting more value from the initial expenditure. Use event recap videos to create social media posts, website announcements, or newsletters to be used in the upcoming campaigns of promotion.

Expand the reach of your event, and boost your conversions

If you share videos from your event with a wider number of those who could not take part in your event. Anyone who was unable to attend, or were not conscious of your event might take in the highlights of the event to get an understanding about its significance, and maybe be convinced to attend your next edition.

A rise in engagement could lead to sales, like event registrations, subscriptions or sales.

Latha Youngren is the CMO of the event management software Tripleseat Latha Youngren CMO of event management software Tripleseat the video recap of their annual conference EventCamp assists them in their various digital marketing campaigns and for promoting their company ethics.

"Beyond the actual recap content The video is also used for other purposes. We use it to announce the next EventCamp in emails, social media posts, blog posts, and also in paid videos. It's a fantastic way for us to prove our commitment to customer care and our company's culture while applying to be awarded for the event."

Make sure you are able to demonstrate the accomplishments of the event

Recap videos are a visual illustration of the event's success. Through displaying testimonials from attendees and positive feedback, and an overall positive atmosphere of the event organizers are able to establish the trust of the event. Anyone who hasn't been to an event before get the chance to see the things they've been missing and are unable to see.

What are the best ways to create and distribute video recaps of events?

The ability to create a captivating video summary of the occasion is involved in preparing. Determine the message that you wish to share and what you intend to tell before you begin creating. Plan a strategy for distribution to get it in front of the right people.

Make sure you record your recap before the end of your event.

Before the event, make sure that you have a strategy in place for recording the key moments you want to be able to add in your report video.

Latha of Tripleseat believes that the most important thing to creating a great video review of an event is an extensive amount of planning. Prior to the annual meeting of the company begins, they have an idea of what they will do for their video post-conference content.

"At Tripleseat, the planning starts well in advance of when EventCamp begins. We decide on the types of pictures we'd like to incorporate into the film and also the most appealing venues for the festival, as well as some of the most popular attendees and speakers" According to her.

"We hire an experienced local videographer. We brief them with regards to what they need to film and the mood of background music as well as the extent of work as well as the deadline."

Discover who you wish to connect with and what key messages you want to convey

The video for a recap occasion that was created to revisit previous events could look different from one designed to encourage participants to attend the next event. Before the videographer can begin filming decide on the goal of the video as well as the audience for which it is intended.

Is it the highlight reel or social confirmation? or a teaser to the year ahead or an alternative idea? Once you've identified the messages you'd like your viewers to hear with your recap video It will be much simpler to create your narrative.

Nebojsa Savicic, co-founder and creator of the video automation software simply The event recap video should make the audience feel like they were in the event.

"You must think of a plan. Think about what you want viewers to learn of your film. Do they want to know the best of the occasion or the main speaker or the story behind the scenes? When you've got a clear purpose in mind, then you're able to begin mapping the content of your video."

In order to aid people who participated in your event past remember it It is possible to emphasize the most important lessons as well as highlights of Q&A discussions. But, a teaser that will invite people to sign up for future events may include additional reviews as well as footage of the excitement of the occasion.

For instance, Snap uses their event video recap to build excitement ahead of their upcoming feature launches.

Format it according to channel specs

The way you use your film is dependent on the distribution channels you use. Therefore, you should think about whether horizontal or landscape formats that work most effectively on the platforms you choose.

Build a distribution strategy

The creation of a plan for distribution could help get more eyes on the video. Before hitting publish and publish, make an outline of websites you'll use to promote the video recap. It is important to make sure you post the video on the channels that the viewers are likely to visit.

Today, 60% of marketers make use of social media in order to increase events registrations. If your audience is spending time there, you should post your review video.

Latha Youngren provides an explanation of the procedure through which Tripleseat share the video on various locations to boost the visibility of the film.

"We share our recap video to attendees in follow-up email messages and post them on various social media posts. We also ask employees to spread the word via their networks, or include it in an event blog post which recaps the entire experience and also on our EventCamp Website," she says. "We also tag as speakers and attendees in the video to make them aware of it and also to show it off to their network."

"We made improvements to the content by making use of keywords such as'marketing conference recap', 'industry research,' and 'networking performance. We then transcribed the video and designed an SEO-friendly landing page for our website, and added the video into an engaging blog post" she says.

"Our video recap became viral creating waves in the market and garnering hundreds of views. The video increased the visibility of our brand and established ourselves as a thought-leader and brought leads." Maria Harutyunyan, co-founder & Director of SEO at Loopex Digital

Now is the time to make the right way

What you choose to publish in the video's summary will depend on what you're hoping to attain. If you want to engage with recent participants and remind them of the significant lessons and points of interest You'll need to release your summary video within a few days following the event to ensure they're aware of it.

If you're trying to increase sign-ups for your next event you'll be hosting in three months time then you could post the video throughout the time prior to the date of the event.

Event recap video best practices

Are you prepared to create an video about your event? Make sure you follow these 3 top tips before you get going.

  1. Short and sweet

The event recap video provides a brief summary of all the happenings, but it is not a blow-by-blow account of all the events which took place.

Note the length of time viewers spend watching and their concentration. In this case, Nexus created a recap video that lasted just 2 minutes, and also included the perspectives of Industry thought-leaders who attended.

If you have footage that isn't being used, you can repurpose it for posts on social media or promotional videos to reduce costs for production.

  1. Include social evidence

Social proofing your business helps you gain the trust of your clients. If potential customers see favorable reviews of recent guests and guests, they might be more likely to sign up to attend your next gathering.

The online business community"Change Your Biz incorporates social proof in their video recap by asking attendees and speakers to write about the most memorable moments of their experience.

  1. Showcase big names

If you hosted any well-known brand, experts or other influential individuals, it is recommended to include their names on your content. This can be a kind of social currency which could cause other readers to subscribe to the following issue.

It also comes with the added benefit that when you use these people or brands within your video, they can send the video to their followers, which can increase the popularity of your video.

As an example as an example, the festival of creativity SXSW has prominent film and TV stars such as Robert Downey Jr, Elizabeth Olsen and Eva Longoria in their daily report of the event.

FAQs about event recap videos 1. What is the length of a recap video of an event?

An overview of the events in question is likely to take anywhere between 1 and 3 minutes. The idea is to make it more comparable to a highlight reel rather than an entire feature film. 2. What are the benefits of video recaps?

Videos of recaps of events offer many significant benefits including:

  • Expand the reach of your event
  • Maximize the impact of your event
  • Encourage the prospective participants to sign-up
  • Build trust with your public

The conclusion

Videos of event recaps can make people who didn't attend feel like they were an integral part of the experience and also encourage people to attend next time. It's also an opportunity to make your event's content more useful for attendees long after the event has ended.

Highlight reels, as well as attendee reviews, videos of the event's recaps can help advertise your event to a wider public. Consider these suggestions and guidelines to think of ways to highlight the event's highlights. build social proof, increase the number of people that sign up.

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