
Nov 30, 2023
Level Up Creators

The Level Up Creators team - image (c) welevelupcreators.com

"We are all aware that the most creators are beyond burnt out from the creating and disseminating aspect of their work," starts Amanda Northcutt, founder of Level Up Creators. "So we are thrilled to assist creators make the most of their distribution opportunities."

The business she operates with Level Up Creators is a reflection of the companies they help people run and they apply what they teach with the same strategies for maximizing these distribution opportunities. "We use source content as a longform video or audio or ebook or maybe a 5,000 word article," she explains. "This is a substantial amount of material that you can access blog posts, email newsletters, lead magnets and dozens of social media posts.

"I'm not saying repeat everything you already said in your YouTube video however, you could choose to take an add-on or reductive approach," she adds. "You can summarize the key elements of your video's 10 minutes in a newsletter or conversely you could write an article, and then elaborate on a specific point. There's a chance that you'll have a brand new source content if you do that."

Amanda declares she is offering a single approach for helping creators think more strategically about the growth of their business. The aim here is to leverage already existing material in the most efficient method possible "Successful people know which levers to pull to get maximum returns. Helping with disseminating and distribution of the content straight from the beginning." Amanda and her team support the tactical mentality and assist with creating the writing. "This will help reduce the stress and over-work and stress, so that a creator is able to have a creative outlet inside their heads."

Level Up Creators

Level Up Creators create a streamlined pathway for businesses - image (c) welevelupcreators.com

Level Up Creators also takes administrative duties off the creator's task. "We're handling DMs mail, emails, calendar and gatekeeping for brand deals as well as also manage talent. Then we move on to developing a roadmap to the product and then we create amazing stuff and marketing it!" The team helps designers with "the requirements to bring the conversation to where that conversation can be given the credence that it deserves".

Amanda and her team will "have somebody let their mind to think of the big picture," she says. "We want to understand where the creator wants to take them: lifestyle design factors, as well as income goals. We assist in putting together a long-term plan that includes the mission, vision values, goals, and values that make up the North Star of a company. It's the thing everyone is looking to when trying to make decisions, or at the very least when it comes to a business that is run well."

Marketing is a process that involves thinking.

After the process of thinking and freeing of mind power has been taken care of, Level Up Creators take a look at particular products such as memberships or online masterclasses that are suitable for the creator and align with these visions. "For example, we ask ourselves, 'How will the creation of a membership program fit into our overall strategy?' This is the test that we use to determine if something is right."

"We can do collaborations in collaboration with different creators. We could do brand partnerships. We are able to start your own merchandise line. You can do high-ticket One-on-one or group coaching. We look at the solution set and decide on which products we could package it with and help bring those to market."

Level Up Creators is also keen to ensure that their customers are connected to their network of businesses and creators as well as others that aren't competing, but tangentially linked companies or have similar publics.

Amanda believes in the power of sharing with audiences: "a rising tide lifts all boats and it's always possible to make the pie larger," she smiles. "It's not like if I have my own audience and they go away and never return since they're pursuing your lead because of a reason." This is why affiliate programs and similar initiatives are incredibly important and Level Up Creators connects it all with their marketing automation.

Amanda Northcutt

Amanda wants to help creators build sustainable businesses - image (c) welevelupcreators.com

The term "marketing automation" could sound quite technical, however Amanda promotes it with the same rigor and clarity as any other. "It's the software that lets an author communicate with customers, on a size. This is a hidden automated sales machine working all hours of the day, on your subscribers' terms.

The machine connects every digital interaction you make with your customers and prospective customers using a backend software or two, which are set up to lead your audience to the next stage of their journey with you that will eventually lead to a purchase.

"We're big on email lists, and we're also big on partners marketing,"" Amanda adds. "When you do the right thing with your marketing strategy, the subscriber is at the helm. They only see content that is relevant to them. This is a great system. We'd like to bring users to join that ecosystem of email.

"Then we'll try to offer value repeatedly, diligently, strategically, and in the context of a bigger strategy," Amanda concludes. "We want to make sure that we're delivering quality prior to asking customers to purchase items. We will solicit people to purchase things since we're selling products that are making people's lives more enjoyable, right? !"

More information

Amanda Northcutt is a consultant, coach and six-time exec who has created and grown online businesses for D2C B2C, D2C, as well as B2Bs.

She founded Level Up Creators to help influential creator educators build profitable businesses that are sustainable. Level Up Creators offers strategies and solutions to individuals with at least one product or service in the fields of wellness, personal finances, sports or travel and is ready to scale their impact and income. For more information, visit https://welevelupcreators.com.