Ben L Collins, the Google Sheets expert behind the educational site benlcollins.com Ben L Collins is extremely satisfied with his membership-based company and the online creator economy as a whole. "When you've created something, whether it's a musician or creator of the development of the curriculum for education or an employee of a construction business or even someone who uses the wallet to transfer funds and be amazed by the things you're able to accomplish. Over the coming years, you'll have the ability to do the same with many others.
"If you decide to examine my work and discover you in awe at what you're seeking in a piece to buy I'm willing to do every effort to provide the best possible experience experiencing this work,"" the artist states.
Ben is happy to be member of the group as it's cheaper than the price of one "We're speaking about"consulting agreements" that allow a company to finish the task by writing it properly and well-organized and also making sure that everyone is aware of the details that they're provided with. In the agreement, the individual states "I'd prefer to be employed by your organization for the next calendar year as well as for a month or for a period of one quarter. I am awed at the work and dedication you've shown. I'd be happy to join the team."
The author believes that joining may offer you the chance to be at the best possible level and also produce high-quality content. "People can now depend on me to make quality media. But, I'd like to create media for them, well as create them myself. "
Ben affirms that the class aids in forming bonds among the community "I think I'm contributing to the people around me rather than just someone who purchases the course, which you don't know anyone who's seen the course curriculum. This course provides you with the chance to establish an even deeper connection with the members or one that is more individual. It is the goal to build connections that last for a longer time and goes beyond the transaction."
From "always-on" through microdeliverables
When the epidemic of covid-19, Ben taught classes in manipulating data with Google Sheets over a period of 10 years. "I taught for approximately fifteen hours in Teachable perhaps with more as 25 students as certain classes were reinstated. When teaching classes, it is essential to make sure you put as much effort when you're able to invest, and preferably more than that, in promoting the class. It's certainly an interesting course, but I'm certainly not a teacher in it since it's not my field of expertise."
Ben L Collins Ben L Collins had taught online courses for 10 years, when she was struck by a covid.
Ben discovered that he likes to concentrate on spreadsheets' technical details and also being a resource for other users. "People came to me with questions such as "How would I how do I achieve this?' It's an enormous task to accomplish.
"Membership was just one of the subjects I'd thought about at the very least 2 maybe 3 times before I decided to take it up," Ben says. Ben. "I liked the idea because it's a reliable source of income. It's not necessary to create anything new in order to earn income that leads to an increase in income. It's nothing." The founder explains the platform is a well-established one that allows the creator to concentrate on their work working in conjunction with the people who use the platform instead of being directly involved in marketing.
"For many years I've thought about joining a group, however I've never thought about research. investigation. I was afraid about getting stuck in a loop when I stayed with this approach that forced me to take part with something. It was easy to break the loop and go to classes." The student was able to accomplish what was asked to be completed.
"I'd typically covered all the areas that I could have covered during my education. It was difficult to locate courses that weren't specifically focused. However, you'll find less need for specifics when you progress to advanced methods," he continues. "There wasn't any compelling economic motive to choose one of my options that I thought of."
Ben says he's exhausted. "I decided to make 100 Teachable videos which need to be included in the syllabus.' This isn't the best way to accomplish this with the same amount of time. It's not easy to determine the amount of people who may purchase the product. "
Ben clarifies that online courses require the authors to publish their works prior to trying to sell the course. It's therefore impossible to know whether the course will be successful. "It can take between three and six months to create the best plan. If it doesn't work the program will be put up for sale. your program on the market whenever the chance arises " He states. "I have decided I'd like to create long-lasting relations with my clients, that would require microdeadlines as well as microdeliverables."
Chess Game playing online that involves chess, the game of chess, as well as Google Sheets
The concept behind joining was quite simple. "I'll join the newsletter that is sent out every week. There are examples and guidelines, but they don't have to share the same information or linked to the other. It could be smaller in terms of size, and therefore simpler to comprehend, making it simpler for others to be able to comprehend."
From a consumer perspective, it's clear that there aren't many people who sign up in online classes "It's hard to buy the course that has over 10 hours of instructional videos that instruct. It is difficult for students to organize everything during the day and they stop to get the opportunity to be an expert in the field. If you only receive one weekly email it is feasible to set aside 30 minutes to have lunch break, and gain a variety of benefits each week. After you've finished your lunch will be available to choose saving it for the rest of your working week." Ben explains.
When the year 2024 began to set, Ben started to consider the membership he would be a part of. This was the time when Ben could choose the type of membership that he desired before the beginning of the month of September.
Email is the most powerful
When discussing the tasks Ben accomplishes, Ben is keen to acknowledge his colleagues for their assistance. "I'm satisfied that my wife is able to ability accomplish everything before. She's founded her own business and launched a range of goods, as well as set up up emails lists." Ben was offered a number of ideas at the start of his time as an active participant "that were extremely helpful" one of them was the development of emails lists.
The spouse of Ben was his expert in the field of content marketing when the man began building his networks. "She was a member of an agency which provided marketing services for clients. They also developed blog posts, SEO-related content, blog posts and social media posts. The process was very efficient and was a great match to my needs in order to complete my tasks to date." Ben adds.
"Emails will always be the best method of communicating with those you would like to get in touch with," he continues. He acknowledges that this concept isn't suitable for people who are older ages. But he also states "The difficulty of social media especially the latest ones such as TikTok is the distance that exists between you and your users.
When you make content, it is posted on social media sites which allows you to showcase those things that are trending and what's getting talked about. No matter whether you've received many thousand or 100,000 users that follow you on your. If the content doesn't with an overwhelming number of people following it, based on the algorithm, it's possible that the reader will be exposed to the post. The result could be bad relations. The relationship you have with them is subject to the rules of your business. If they alter their algorithms or become out of style and require a change to their rules. There are a lot of social media sites which fall into this category, and it is essential that you include an email address in the file that contains data.
Here are a few suggestions for those looking to join the membership holders.
"If you were a person who was just beginning accounts today I'd advise "Just start!" Ben smiles. "With the possibility of seeing it in the in the near future, I'd rather to begin this process at least two years prior. This process can be time-consuming for these kinds of tasks. After you've begun making adjustments The more time you're free to relax."
Ben at Zoom Ben hosting an online event with his fellow members
It's not difficult to do further research "You might convince yourself you're wrong in the way you're going, or there's a better approach. It's happened repeatedly to me. Once you hit "Go" and allow the object to enter the world before beginning speaking to people in real life. It's a totally brand new experience. Your focus should be on working out what issues you need to resolve, not just the imaginary ones."
He suggests that everyone shouldn't be too concerned about: "If you're addressing someone's need - and they're looking for solutions to their concern, you're eager to solve the problem and have the ability to solve it Simply remain there! The process can be improved in the future."
More details
To find out more information and participate in Ben's weekly Google Sheets tips, go to benlcollins.com.
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