
Oct 17, 2024

"For us, the notion of membership sits in the center of all we do. There is no way to simply be an organization that has an active membership. This must be a focus," begins Dan Carson, our Head of Product. "If you are seriously considering establishing the foundation of a member, we are of the belief that we offer the largest selection of options. Though we first employed WordPress as the only way to access these options, this is no longer the case."

Dan says we're not going to eliminate all of's capabilities, such as the ability to incorporate to WordPress: "If that's how you want to construct your website for members only, it's just exactly as possible as before - we're just providing them with a simpler on-ramp."

The value of simple tools

     The streamlining of navigation    

"There are numerous users who are using third-party applications, however this isn't always because they'd like. This is because it was the only choice available," Dan adds. "People could already be using WordPress However, they've made a site that's basic or used MailChimp however they don't use half of the features."

For those who must join simply need an option to let people sign up and then be able email them with no hassle associated with a cloud-based enterprise version. "Maybe they registered with Mailchimp in 2014, and they are still using it as this is the place they're. Are they really an ideal target for the direction Mailchimp will go?"

"We think there's those in the world who were if it were easy enough to simplify all of the programs into a single location and create a more tight-knit integration - as the tool still does all of the tasks they would like it to accomplish," Dan says.

Our software for sending emails will be able to provide you with the functionality you need. He adds: "We're not trying to provide enterprise-level marketing departments. We're trying to serve those who are looking for an affordable and simple way to reach out and publish content to their intended audience."

It's not so much about the software you're using and more about the goals you're trying to attain. If you'd prefer that users join the newsletter of your preference, we'll help make it simpler and less expensive as you won't need the expense of external tools.

This is dependent on the specific use scenario, of course. People want to be able to incorporate multiple options while others are concerned that this is costly and hard to control, particularly as only one business. "Previously we'd been exclusively creating for one of the companies. We're now building for both," Dan says.

member access to Posts and Pages

     The administration of access rights for members to Posts and Pages    

If you are a particular type of client that you are in, version 2014 of MailChimp will be what you want; that's the version that you've fallen in over. "If I want a simple website, I may choose not to use WordPress. Even Squarespace can be overkill to run a subscription-based site. The site isn't tightly linked to membership as a core," Dan adds. Then we asked ourselves What if you could have an entire service based around the idea? '.

This is our approach to podcasting, and for online communities too. "We're not redesigning Libsyn. The first version will be built which is straightforward to utilize and includes the bulk of your needs as well as everything else, in one place for the same cost," Dan believes.

It's an inherent fact that the longer software is in existence and the longer being used, the greater it would like to grow. It wants to become more complicated and intricate.

New features isn't necessarily a bad thing however it could be a negative thing for customers if the target customer that they're building for has changed and it's not you. "People want products that do precisely what they want and aren't seeking to be something more. Like jazz there are occasions when it's not the notes you must play!" Dan is laughing.

The process of making things simple isn't easy. Dan agrees: "It's about paring down to only what's essential within. One of the most simple tasks for us to do is integrate everything into the website and create an option that customers could locate it on the settings section in some place." But we aren't sure that's what clients need. Instead, we'd prefer to blend all our experience that we've accumulated over the course of a decade of creating membership software, taking the feedback from our clients and transforming the information into simple tools.

"It's easy to overlook the power of basic tools. Making them easy to use is a huge need that's not being met. Many things are more complex than they should be." Dan states.

The dashboard is updated.

One of the most noticeable modifications this quarter is the way we've organized the dashboard. Instead of having each option accessible at the top, and the options classified by feature, the team looked at the idea and decided, "Why not orient everything in relation to the task you're working on at any given time or point in time? '.

new  dashboard

     The dashboard is modified.    

Based on our experience and speaking with those who operate membership-based businesses generally your work is any of these four areas that include designing and building your own website, creating content exclusively for the site, managing your members, or generating more revenue. Dan adds: "Everything you're doing as the manager of your membership company is likely to fall into the four categories. So we thought that was an appropriate way of categorizing the benefits of ."


It is designed for those looking to build a membership-based website. Once upon a time, you've had to make use of WordPress or another customized. You can now utilize our website builder natively. This first section is for designing the site initially and later altering the design. Also, you need to set up your public-facing web content. "You're creating a space that people can go to," adds Dan.


Another task involves publishing the content. The modern-day business of membership typically involves creating exclusive content exclusively that members can access. This includes emails or posts, downloadings, along with podcasts. "The second aspect is to create content or sharing exclusive benefits. It's all about creating benefits that members can get by joining your club," Dan explains.


The last task is to manage the membership. "Part of maintaining a healthy members' base is to have a close connection to your customers and this is one of the big reasons why they're backing your business," says Dan.

Member management - downloading invoices

     Member management - downloading invoices    

"You have to be able to offer customers with customer support as well as understand the past together, as well as solving issues if things aren't working in a way that is efficient," he adds.


"If you're building the site for membership , you're looking for revenue. There's an array of things that go into making your plans, making a decision on the amount you'll charge, and also evaluating the effectiveness of your business to figure out the things that are working," says Dan. The section on discounting includes discounts to improve retention in addition to running promotional campaigns to gain customers, as well as referral program.

"We've developed a number of features that have been added over the many years. Not having them organized meant it was difficult to identify the most appropriate things, especially for people who are new to the site. We wanted to cut down on learning curves," says Dan. This gives us a solid foundation to build on as we develop new features. We'll also have easier locations to configure things that allows users to discover and find the new feature and then you'll be able benefit from these features immediately.

Website builder

Another significant change in this quarter focused on the website builder. "We'd begun to develop the new software last year and we wanted to move the needle of the new capabilities. However, we didn't want to disrupt the existing methods of employing it," says Dan. "We were in the position of an individual who wanted to create a membership-based site."

The procedure of signing up and getting into the program is much quicker and we provide the most sophisticated start-up setup and basic configurations as well as membership plans designed and the layout of your site already designed. All you have to do is create your Stripe account and launch your website in just two minutes.

 website builder

     The creator of the website    

Today, the editor experience has been redesigned to match the latest WYSIWYG (What You will see is the result) Website builder. It allows for the direct connection to your website for membership. "You are able to type directly onto the website, change objects around, conceal and show elements, and you can see what it appears when you launch it," says Dan.

Dan declares that this is not the start for future website-builder upgrades: "We had to redo the foundation of everything in this manner so that we're able to step up the pace of introducing new capabilities."

We've introduced the concept of blocks. Blocks are in essence content modules. As of now, we have the block that is the foundation of all contents as well as the banner title block, which can be either textual or an image accompanied by the button. Now this framework exists, we're working on new blocks, and creating various kinds of pages with content. Users will be able to arrange those in the right arrangement on the page as well as choose who will be able to view these based on the people who are registered to.

Building with blocks

     Blocks to build using    

Dan states: "It's everything you need to build a full-featured site to sell subscriptions. It's also linked to subscriptions. Membership is at the core of all things." What you get is an online-building experience that's easier initially as well as more user-friendly and in line to the needs of today's users.

Final: A fresh approach to making use of

"We have previously discussed glue that holds the whole group together" says Dan. "But in the event that the equipment is vital for the company you manage and there are parts that need to be glued to each other, it may not always seem like a good thing. Sometimes, they need to be put together like steel. You would prefer that the piece be made up of one instead of two parts that are glued together" adds Dan. These two pieces that were constructed simultaneously, the membership component was integral at the start.

If you've got an extremely successful WordPress website or millions of subscribers on your MailChimp list that would like in order to add subscribers rather than start all over again, it's feasible. There's still a tool available that allows you to plug in and put everything together. However, we don't think it's the only way people like to build anymore.

" is for those who are looking for an avenue for their communities to gather together on the web, to serve to serve as a hub for their audience and their members. Today, anything you could want to create, such as a look that reflects the business you run to having all of your content all together in one location could be what you build with this software ," Dan concludes.

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