
Jun 6, 2024
Customer service in the age of AI

New technologies are being released to the public It's tempting to plunge head-first into the latest technology and incorporate it into every aspects of your business.

With the advent AI which is also known as artificial Intelligence (AI), you may consider incorporating chatbots, or big-language models (LLMs) in your service offerings. However, here at the company we've noticed that there is a need for compromise to be found, says Lauren Gilbert, Eyal Avital and Mau Fournier from the Customer Happiness team.

Particularly when it comes to customer service, AI can be beneficial however, it needs to be used with care in comparison to the actual, human customer service professional. "Many customers want to turn the entire customer service task to cutting-edge AI instruments, but there are instances when humans are required. It is a risk that delegating everything to AI is likely to leave a lot of your customers more frustrated than they were before they entered their details," starts Mau.

Let's take a look at the ways and times you can incorporate AI into the customer service products you offer.

Essential qualities for a customer service group

First, what would perfect customer service appear as? What is the best way to assist clients of businesses?

"We attempt to live the five pillars in the PREACH model to keep the focus on customer service," starts Eyal Avital. "We strive to be proud, to be responsible, caring, and Communicative Clare, Clear and Articulate.

The team agrees that empathy may be the most important aspects. "Put yourself in the customers to their place Be empathetic and sympathetic to the situation. Tell them that the importance of their business is to the employees of the business who are involved in its running," Lauren says. Lauren.

"Empathy is often an undervalued ability," adds Mau. "You have to show compassion so that you be able to understand what the customer is experiencing, and you need to demonstrate empathy through your responses in order to let the customer feel at ease, as well as reduce their defensiveness when they're unhappy."

Additionally, clients require assistance from someone who is knowledgeable enough about the product in order to give all the information needed and the appropriate way to communicate the information. "When you're using software that you depend on to manage your business, getting support immediately from someone who understands the software from top to bottom, and can help you to solve the issue in a way that's easy to comprehend and implementable is essential," thinks Lauren.

Customer service isn't only simply a matter of checking boxes. Genuine compassion is essential. "Don't just answer their superficial inquiry - find out what's driving the inquiry and the purpose they're attempting to accomplish," thinks Mau. "Help them in resolving the root issue and follow up afterward to ensure they got it done. It is likely that people will walk away content if they sense that the person on the other team really want for methods to help them," he adds.

Also, do not forget timeliness and clearness when you interact with others. "You must provide quick assistance, communicating effectively in a concise manner," starts Lauren. Eyal says: "You must be timely with your responses to clients. It's possible to award an A+ rating, but, if you're not prompt enough to be noticed by the customer, the customer will feel unappreciated and see it as negative."

When AI fails

It is clear that AI is a great option in the case of businesses and entrepreneurs who have many things to accomplish yet it's certainly not the most effective option. There are several elements of exceptional customer service which AI is unable to replicate.


Based on our experiences up to now, AI is missing the goal of providing solutions that can satisfy the particular needs of a client. We've come across numerous instances of help desk software that requires customers to respond to a lengthy series of questions before receiving an automated response. And, by definition the automated answer can only address certain issues as there's not a one solution that fits everyone.

"AI is sure to show its the ability to solve problems and will come up with solutions to your concerns. It is generally superior to humans in this regard however its knowledge isn't as up-to-date and knowledgeable of your particular domain as a human might consider," says Mau. "It may be helpful in small, brief conversations. But, it doesn't have the responsibilities of helping or helpful, and will not be able to follow-up like human beings can or at the very least, not yet."


Although LLM (AI) apps have changed the tone they adopt to interact with customers, there's a way to move. "LLM apps are able to maintain the conversational tone that's respectful, but this isn't the same as the genuine empathy of human beings. Humans are able to be compassionate and have the capacity to determine the solution of something is impossible to duplicate," Mau says. Mau.

Similarly, AI is all about being short-term. "LLMs are prone to having a limited attention span and that's one of the features of AI technology," he adds. "They aren't likely to remember the conversation that you had with them last year about concerns of your customer and the information you supply them is matched with and their desire to take fishing trips with their family. Bring these memories back into the current discussions gives your customers the impression that you really are concerned about them."

How AI can assist you

However, this doesn't mean that AI can't be useful for the customer service. There's certainly clear possibilities to automatize, just similar to every other new technology. It's crucial to understand the right time to implement changes and how to go about it.

"We must put AI into action for everyday tasks that can be made automated while still leaving human voice as a choice to those with specific requirements," begins Mau. " LLMs are a great first draft for replies, but the most effective result will be achieved through personal editing on this draft. Integrate your voice into the discussion."

"What was once the FAQ section on websites is now handled by robots or AI that can solve the most basic of questions in a matter of minutes, and even 24/7. Any questions that are not addressed by single-click or one-click solutions should be routed to human support," Eyal adds. "Otherwise the customer could be quick to become frustrated. This reminds me of the days of getting stuck and having to repeat numbers in order to reach the correct department via the phone."

The integration with AI is a gradual process. "There's an evolution (crawl-walk-run) of merging bots and LLMs," starts Eyal. "New businesses are expected to be able greater time and effort towards the community, and offer hands-on help. As they grow more popular they can offboard their basic frequently requested concerns and turn to LLM."

"AI can help you scale as your career progresses as more employees may cause concern," says Mau. "Many can be simple issues that AI could take off your hands, allowing you to concentrate on the more complex issues."

"You may depend on AI in the beginning However I would not recommend that. I'd suggest a greater amount of manual help to those just starting to work. The questions that you get in the beginning phases of your career provide a wealth of knowledge that can be used to learn about your audience and methods to improve your services so that you can better serve them."


It looks like the people-first method we're pursuing has been successful, successfully mixing an array of knowledge and the compassion only human being can bring. Eyal affirms that our way of work helps to humanize Memberul as a brand "a mixture of empathy in addition to sharing resources and including a bit of fun with emoticons as well as GIFs" Keep things fun and helpful.

Mau shares some recent feedback from a customer who stated that it was wonderful to talk "to an individual who is a person who was so compassionate in their way of helping" and someone who was capable of providing individualized advice to your specific question. "That customer told me they received the most excellent support they ever had!" smiles Mau.

Lauren recalls a client who asked us for advice on the retention of members. Based on her own experience within her field, as well as the unique aspects of her company, we were able to provide guidance on a pricing strategy that ultimately increased her members value over their entire lives.

"You could certainly use AI for help with the kind of issue, but in the case of making choices that could be significant for the business you run, I'd wager that a majority of people aren't going to believe that AI by itself and they shouldn't I believe".

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