
Dec 31, 2023
Amanda Northcutt

HTML1Amanda Northcutt, founder and chief executive executive officer of Level Up Creators

"The majority of my professional life has been filled with pleasant moments," starts Amanda Northcutt who is director of the business and its co-founder, Level Up Creators. "My career path is extremely uncertain and is not linear. But, this is the norm for the majority of people. We tend to land in the place that we're supposed to be as long as we're preparing and strategically."

The family joke is that they never talked until their brother went to college. "My brother is a highly accomplished lawyer, however his practice filled every inch of airspace in the home. When he started college, I was fourteen and heading towards high school. I found my place after there was airspace in the house."

Amanda's first position was in the store for shoes. "Everyone was convinced that I would fail due to my shyness. I exploded out of my inner shell and started selling shoes in a blaze of glory. I set national sales records. This was incredible! I was enthralled by business in my teens and I realized in that moment that this was my path that I would like to follow."

In the following years, Amanda was a student at the university, and connected with a friend who was the owner of a site and had it in operation and required somebody to sell advertisements on the website. "This was back in 2005. Advertising on the internet was comparable to banners advertising. Similar to selling air! I heard the words "no often" and managed to get over my anxiety of selling to customers quick," she recalls.

Then being thrown down into the deepest part of

"I discovered my craft by being in deep water," she continues. "I transformed that opportunity into a larger selling job at a new firm named TexAgs.com in business for over 10 years. While at that firm I was able the art of managing a business." At this point, she thought of the concept of memberships, and how they can provide an ongoing revenue stream that is worth increased, in addition to the growth of LTV and selling sponsorships.

"It's not just a small, cool site anymore. It's now the largest college fan website on the planet. I was the 2nd employee on the website and enjoyed everything about it." We hear her tell us about it smiling. "I discovered how to control and supervise employees. It was then that I became obsessed with the concept of membership and the concept of regular income. That was back in 2005. In the next year I'll have lived there for nearly two decades. Amazing how quickly time flies!"

The result was thousands of individuals paying $13 a month for details about Texas A&M University sports teams. "We also broke the code in the transition from banner advertisements to sponsorships (brand contracts in modern terms). These companies wanted to get their message across to the public and we offered accessibility to specific data points which could be tracked and resulted in positive effects for the businesses" she says.

Amanda used the method to create Northcutt Media, using the sponsorship model that they refined during their time at TexAgs before, then rolled out this model to various websites throughout America. United States. "That was my first try to venture into business when I was 22 years old. The business was constantly in motion and diverse things such as that."

In the years afterwards her health began suffering. "I needed to take a break, and dial in on maintaining a healthy lifestyle." Amanda said. Amanda needed to alter the order of her life's priorities including her husband, medical issues, and her newborn son.

Amanda is now publishing the information about her journey to recovery publicly and plans to continue sharing more. Amanda is aware that a majority of women with work which can be stressful, demanding and demanding suffer from an autoimmune condition or similar. "The the more vulnerable, I am, the greater in danger and the higher chance I am able to take on a vulnerable role," she says. "Every when I talk about my experience, somebody not familiar with me, texts me to ask if we can chat? It's incredible."

Amanda has modified the rules. "I was required to be mama to my children. I was expected to perform the role of a person who took care of my health, and I was expected to perform the role of an expert advisor." In order to be able to go back to work, the couple purchased their second business partner through Member Up and took it into their own operation as advisors.

"I am extremely grateful to have spent my experience helping companies with memberships that cover every kind of subject - things that most people don't ever think of unless they're in this world and are aware of the niches that is a fascination for everyone and customers on the internet that are looking for your products." After a lengthy period of doing work in the realm of membership, she moved to an executive job that was one of SaaS businesses around the world.

In this new life style, which is more balanced, Amanda reduced her work to 20-30 hours a week, but she was determined to be "extraordinarily influent" in all of the companies they employed her at. Amanda resigned from Silicon Valley at the end in 2022 and founded Level Up Creators: "I decided to use everything I had learned in the B2B business, especially within the SaaS industry, and apply it to creators, specifically women.

"I'm eager to help women develop wealth generation cycles and leverage their expertise through providing enormous benefit to their community and members while earning a certain amount of cash compensation via gifts."

Level Up Creators offers services. Level Up Creators

What exactly is the Level Up Creators do? "We're looking to improve the effectiveness of our efforts and to increase the income of women creators. We're certain that we've gathered the most knowledgeable group of entrepreneurs anywhere in the world." she says.

They assist people in determining their current location where they want to go and also what's stopping their progression from taking place. They then plan how to break down the barriers and get you in the direction you'd like to pursue. "Our most effective time to get started is once you've established a fan base for a specific area - this is very important and has greater than 50k fans on social media, or over 2,000 email subscribers."

"When you arrive at our place I'll likely ask you about 100 inquiries," says Amanda. "I'm constantly trying to learn the basics before I can comprehend." Amanda collects both the details of both qualitative and quantitative aspects from a writer so that they're capable of helping them comprehend their choices.

"We want to assist specialists in creating an array of products. We'd like to create lead magnets. Then, an educational course or maybe a masterclass designed for beginners of three parts or something similar. Then, we'd move onto a recurring income product. Perhaps it's $49 or the cost of $79 or a monthly subscription of $249."

As time goes on, Level Up Creators would switch customers over to group coaching with more recurring revenue levels. It's because "you can provide consistent, regular quality that is on the mark to both your fans and clients" she explains.

The Level Up Creators team

The Level Up Creators team - image (c) welevelupcreators.com

This is how she assists others to improve their mindsets as professionals. "Oftentimes professionals in their area of expertise are reluctant to sign brand contracts or even develop products, and demand to have their fans purchase their item. My goal is to assist creators in understanding the unique opportunity to continue giving value beyond what can be offered via social media, for no cost.

"We are all seeking the strength of respect, honour and authority. Everyone wants love and relationships - the basic desires for our culture," she continues. "We consider ourselves to be those we admire. We've got a wealth of knowledge on their lives, and want us to live as similar to them." Amanda thinks that when creators provide opportunities to us all to get closer to them, then there's an chance for them to promote products that can help followers to fulfill their desires, and thus create "a profitable cycle".

"We enjoy a lot more respect for the musicians whom we partner with than the huge legacy global brands due to the fact that we're talking to an individual and not a brand's logo. Our primary goal is to educate people on the idea that it's acceptable to sell things - as you can ensure that customers will buy the products they see.' We will not be involved in unsavory marketing or sales and will not work with companies that aren't offering real benefits to their customers. This is similar to table stakes."

The future and the death of legacy brands

"I'm delighted to be in an area that we're helping creators again, and also extending our assistance towards women."" Amanda muses. The company is one of the most professional companies, but we're striving to be a mirror of the success of our clients through being a maker-first business to us." In her summary, The company helps creatives discover how to become leaders in their thought processes and effectively manage their business.

"We have been working hard to develop some amazing products!" she says with a smile. Actually, the group are preparing to launch their Level Up Creators School in March 1st 2024. The school will be a business school that is subscription-based that is specifically designed for creatives. "We'll provide our expertise and knowledge to deliver the most precise training as well as community-based equipment and solutions to assist creators with attaining the next step in their income which is for a lot of creators, $50,000 of the RR. We'll employ our Fastest Path To 50 framework to assist people in reaching that target. This is a fantastic idea!"

For a final thought about the business in general, Amanda concluding: "The market is shifting towards a direct-to-consumer approach that allows creators to have greater control over consumer spending as well as curation of content. It's incredible the amount of affection that consumers have for the creators that they cherish."

Amanda says that millennials and Gen Xers don't depend on large names from the past to get the latest news "These big cable networks are now time gone by! There is a choice for them to joining this train, or they will die."

"I am taking my shot to see the future. I've created a business to bring this dream to life and assist people become highly profitable. I'd rather that the money is distributed to creators rather than huge companies. It's like telling the world, "All right, let another person take the reins the helm! It's time to create new content!" She smiles.

Additional details

Amanda Northcutt is a consultant and coach and executive for at least six occasions. She has established and grown online companies to D2C B2C, both B2Bs and D2C.

She created Level Up Creators to help prominent creators and educators create profitable businesses that are sustainable. Level Up Creators offers strategies and solutions to individuals who own at a minimum one product currently in use in areas such as the areas of personal finance and wellbeing, travel, etc. and are ready to scale their reach and create profit. For more information, visit welevelupcreators.com.

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