Staff Choice Premiere Toast to friendship

Apr 10, 2024

The two are most common aspects of the human existence. It's simple to conclude that they are our two fundamental needs as human beings. These are the bonds that connect us. They allow us to stay connected, however they also make us more vulnerable. They make us be afraid of losing them, just like we want them in the initial place. The role of film makers is to express this conflict through its various forms. This is a difficult task but in the rare instances when a film addresses the complex emotions of us with a manner that is authentic as well as revealing, it may become an effective tool for understanding our personal experiences. That brings us to the current Staff Pick Premiere: Liv Karin Dahlstrom's "Women&Wine," a comedic exploration of self-destructed pride when it is confronted by a broken friendship. It won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2017 Seattle International Film Festival (full details: I served on the jury), "Women&Wine" is simultaneously a touching, awkward film that tells the tale of a woman's desperate battle to stay connected to her best friend.

The film begins by introducing Turid (Marit Andreassen) and Signe (Jeanne Bee) who are women in their late-life friendships and have planned an extravagant celebration for the birthday of their best friend Grete (Turid Gunnes). A fun prank turns into in the form of a rude remark that results in Turid becoming concerned about not being ever being considered one of their friends. The confidence of a person can get in way of trust, and then funny and cringeworthy behavior can result. The film offers a sensitive and honest representation of human interactions. film reveals a wide range of feelings, from sweet as well as funny, to harrowing and snarky. According to Dahlstrom who wrote the script along with Thorkild Schrooff the incident was similar during a friend's bachelorette party and led them to reflect about the "humor of vulnerability and insecurity that people try to hide to protect their self-esteem during difficult social settings. Both of us are inspired by the human brain as well as the consequence that occurs when our feelings to rule the day." For Turid the woman confused due to her belief that Grete is not worthy of their friendship, the occasion is transformed into an attempt to prove their friendship and move up the ladder of friendship through stumbling onto her, and even others in an effort to prove their friendship.

The subject of jealousy and friendship may appear familiar, or an ideal recipe to make a film dealing women who have unhealthy relationships, Dahlstrom has a clear intention to avoid melodrama and employs a style that's organic and focuses on the lively acting of her characters and their emotional flexibility. Inspired by the everyday happenings of seemingly small moments, Dahlstrom decided that "the camera needs to be able to follow the actors and their actions, and not take the opposite route." It's the result: a film that effortlessly flows between different scenes and reveals the extent to which we'll go in order to protect our friends, and even our pride.

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