Personalize Your Member Account Portal for Powerful FOMO Marketing

Feb 17, 2024

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    The security feature of the Account Add-on Nav Tabs puts the best benefits you have to offer front and center, taking your site's revenue-generating potential up to the highest levels.

WHAT'S INSIDE          Toggle

We all know what happens.

You're headed out for an arc around the terminal on an uninteresting, long layover, and you see the sign: VIP Lounge - Platinum Passengers Only.

Beyond the doors of this super-exclusive establishment lies a mythical land of time-burning treats, such as overstuffed couches as well as cheerful-faced attendants. the occasional tinge of Tchaikovsky to the background.

If you're on the other side the coach and you ticket will have to make use of shabby vinyl, angry faces and a symphony of competing loudspeaker alerts and over-tired infants - for the following four hours.

Miserable traveler sitting and waiting out a layover

If you've been a frequent enough flyer, this will likely be the last time that you fly without-Platinum.

 Exclusivity makes money!

Offering everything "more", as long as it's worthy of the money it's earmarked for, is a fantastic marketing strategy - for existing andpotential customers and clients. There's real power in exclusivity.

The power of exclusiveness (what marketers refer to as FOMO) is the reason behind the Account Navigation Tabs Protection is all about.

Here, we'll show you how to utilize this feature to turn your client account nav into a powerful FOMO marketing tool.

And we'll give you some revenue-generating ideas for tab-based contentto help you make the most of the tool.

But first a bit of history...

Account Nav Tabs Add-On Overview

Text reads " account navigation tabs".

is the world's #1 software for recurring revenue on WordPress. It can be used to build and manage subscriptions, online courses along with others subscription-based services.

So it also enables the user to run full-blown online coaching programs and manage your clients in totality - and all this with the benefit of a absolutely free of code interface.

What is the add-on's purpose?

The account page serves as a member's portal, which your members and subscribers land when they login. The account page is in which members can access and manage their account details.

From the beginning, is a standard list of tabs for navigation, that includes the ones you'd expect to see on a standard membership site. You can also create custom tabs for the account page.

It is possible to store every kind of media behind the tabs. For example...

  • VIP Support Access
  • Accessible resources that can be downloaded, such as ebooks and white papers.
  • Links outbound to other resources
  • ...and pretty much anything else

WATCH >> create a vip members/client area on your site w/ the protected account nav tabs as an add-on

With legendary Rules capabilities in the mix, the navigational tabs on every client's page on their account will transform into a FOMO marketing force.

How to turn your client's Account Nav into a FOMO Marketing tool

The Tab is what's the Ad

You've reserve an hour each weekday as a time where clients will be able to gain "walk-in" the access you provide to products and services, similar to an online version of your professor's office hours at college.

Naturally, offering this kind of service would result in cost-effective use of your time, and you'd limit access only to Premium-level users.

In conjunction with Account Nav Tabs security You can utilize the tab in which Premium users gain access to working hours in order for a compelling advertising campaign, inspiring lower-plan users to move up.

Customize the Member Portal Based on Types of Membership

The add-on comes from customer requests. And it was a bit like an "a-ha!" moment for our staff. It was discovered that some of our clients actually have multiple membership types.

Take the example of an airline I've mentioned. The airline has passengers who have different membership levels. There are pilots too. Many airlines offer an area for crew and pilots especially for those who are pilots.

Similar to a non-profit, an organization could have donors to its members and staff members. With an add-on called Account Nav Tabs add on it is possible to create a new login experience for every membership type.

In this case an individual donor accessing the account page could view tabs that relate to their membership. It could be related to the history of donations, benefits for members, or access to the donor community.

And the volunteer members could have a completely separate account interface. This might include a workshop for employees and volunteers, or a schedule of volunteer activities as well as any other material which is not relevant to members who donate.

Additional Revenue-Generating Strategies for Your Account Nav Tabs Content

Exclusive Member Resources: Create a tab specifically for high-value content such as ebooks videos, exclusive content. These tabs should be secured based on the level of membership, making sure only premium members have access.

Customized Coaching Content: For sites which offer customized coaching or consulting, tabs can be protected and customized to the needs of individual users or specific groups, providing the user with a personalized experience, including materials, tasks, as well as feedback specifically relevant to their coaching programs.

Events Registrations and Offers Create the tabs for event registrations and offers, protecting the tab so only those who have a certain level or who are in the program for a certain amount of time are able to view upcoming events as well as special promotions.

Member-only Forums and Communities: If your website has forums or community boards A protected tab will connect members to these areas, ensuring that only those that have the proper membership levels can access these online spaces.

Advanced Training Modules In the case of educational websites, tabs can be used to gain access to advanced training modules and certification courses only to members who satisfy some criteria. It will also encourage your users to upgrade their skills or get involved more deeply with your content.

Access for Beta Features Provide your customers the chance to try out the latest features and services prior to when they're released to the public. Make sure that only those who sign up to be a beta tester can access these areas.

Donation and Financial Information: For non-profits or community groups, a secured tab could provide financial reports, donation history, and special updates for donors or members with specific levels of contribution.

custom dashboard and analytics Users can get an individual dashboard which displays their progress, analytics, or usage statistics within your platform. Secure these tabs so that members see data pertinent only to their activities and membership levels.

Networking Opportunities You can create a tab for networking opportunities such as member directories or contact lists, which is only available to those that belong to specific networking groups or tiers.

Access to Archived Content Secure tabs that connect to archives of webinars, workshops or other old content and make them accessible only for members who have been in the community for a long time or who have reached certain levels within your group.

It's clear how account navigation tabs increase your membership options for members. Let's talk about customizing your members' portal to suit your membership.

Next Steps

Any rhapsodic thing is worth having - especially the FOMO marketing tool worthy of a description. Also, and extra-especiallyas it is related to your business's the bottom line.

The next steps are easy, depending on your circumstances:

The new feature is yet another nod to our customers. Its Account Nav Tabs feature brings all new opportunities to users as well as customers. We're excited to see how you'll use this new feature.

Let us know what you think. How will you leverage custom account portals on your website? Leave a comment here.

Curt Noble Growth Manager       Curt is the growth manager at , and is responsible for implementing strategies that empower entrepreneurs and businesses. A deep knowledge of membership websites and LMS websites, Curt's insights are instrumental in helping countless individuals and organizations in achieving their online objectives. His recent post on the process of setting the GA4 for WordPress is a testament to his knowledge in this domain. Beyond his role at , Curt's extensive professional background further cements his position as a thought leader in the field of digital. Follow Curt on LinkedIn to stay updated with the most recent insights.          SEO Marketing WordPress LMS Entrepreneurship