Paddy McGill: How to Scale Your Business With Online Courses (Success Summit Day 1)

Sep 8, 2022

Are you an entrepreneur wondering how to scale your business?

This is the place to be. Perhaps you've maxed out your time working with clients, or want attracting potential customers to buy the product. No matter what your model of business If you've reached an impasse, you'll need a strategy to scale your enterprise.

Today, we want to demonstrate the ways online classes will help you achieve this by bringing more clients to you, saving you time, and expanding your sphere of influence, no whatever type of entrepreneur you're.

  Check out our no-cost video with course development specialist Paddy McGill, to learn how to grow your business with online courses as well as see how other entrepreneurs have done it.  

  Grow Your Client Business Using Online Courses  

Working with clients is a great way to be fulfilled. Whether you're a freelancer, consultant, influencer or service business, there's often nothing more satisfying than being able to work with clients and helping them achieve an outcome they would achieve on their own.

There's a major issue when running a business for clients.

When you work with clients in a one-on-one manner that means you're trading time for money. With only 24 hours in the day, there's no limit to the amount of customers you are able to serve.

There's good news when you take online courses, you can multiply your efforts to assist more clients, without having duplicate yourself.


A variety of types of entrepreneurs are transitioning into online courses in a similar fashion. We'll look at the various types of businesses that are client-based accomplish this.


YouTubers have always relied on advertising revenue. Given the amount of content that they have already created, packaging the content into an online course is straightforward, and allows them to generate a much more lucrative return on investment than what they get with advertisements.

Sunny Lenarduzzi is a great illustration of this.



In general, bloggers work to create content that is available for readers to download on their sites and would attempt to make money from their posts through banner ads or affiliate hyperlinks. These days numerous bloggers have realized they can make more money with the same effort when they convert their content into online classes.



For those who've reached an end point in terms of the amount of speaking opportunities they could take on, online courses will help them break the limit. A lot of experts opt to give talks for no cost to earn money selling courses online.

Michael Port has been giving keynote addresses on public speaking and professional growth for more than fifteen years. He's a prime example of someone with a successful speaking career who decided to transition out of keynote speeches and focus on making a bigger impact with online courses.


Podcasters are also eschewing the old model of sponsorship instead, they are selling their own programs. This enables them to monetize their viewers without having to interrupt the show with commercials that come from other organizations.

John Lee Dumas 0nline Courses

John Lee Dumas is a podcaster who has utilized online courses to build his fan base as well as his business. The popular podcast was created by "Entrepreneurs on Fire, which grew to yield six figures through sponsorships. He went on to create an online training course for podcasters which is now bringing in greater revenue.

  Coaches & Consultants  

Professionals who have reached capacity on their calendars and cannot exchange more hours for more money are expanding their business by creating more online courses through the creation of a digital part of their businesses.

Mari Smith is a leading specialist in Facebook marketing and consulting for countless companies. In order to grow her business, she decided to spread her knowledge by creating online courses.


Authors could boost their revenues by creating online classes as an natural extension of the ideas covered in their books. One example of this could be Dorie Clark, who is a top-selling writer and expert on branding. Following the popularity with her novels, she took her business to the next step by launching an online course called the Recognized Expert.


If you have a skill, audience, or passion that people want, selling it online as a course can be an excellent option to grow your business and generate additional revenue.

Online courses can also serve as an acquisition method, which can bring in more customers for another part of your business. This is the subject we will explore in the next section.

  Online courses for Customer Acquisition  

Certain businesses turn the concept of online learning on its head by using online courses to build an audience, to make the students purchase products from other companies.

A great example of this is Hootsuite which is a leading supplier of software for managing social media. They offer free social media marketing online classes within their Hootsuite Academy. Over 250,000 took these classes, as well as many of them become paying customers of Hootsuite's program.


  Online courses for customer Successful  

Additionally, you can use online courses to train your customers to utilize your product, while making sure they don't leave for an alternative. This is a good method to employ when your product has an education curve in order to be used.

An excellent example is Later, a company providing software to manage and schedule social media postings. While their software is easy to use, lots of users don't know how to be effective using social media. Later found that people would sign up, use the software without much satisfaction on social networks, and then leave the site.

  Myths About Creating Online Courses  

You might be wondering: if online courses are so fantastic, why shouldn't everyone have one? After all, as we've shown in the cases below, online classes are beneficial to many types of entrepreneurs, at various phases of their venture.

In our poll, It turns out that there are some commonly held myths and misconceptions about creating online courses that stop students from engaging in the process.

Let's break them down.

  Myth No. 1: I'm not an specialist, therefore I cannot make an online course  

If you are able to help someone achieve the outcome they're hoping for, for that person you're an professional. While there may be certain things that you're able to master, if your ability to take your audience through their desired learning journey, this is enough.

  Myth 2: You are able to learn from me for free  

While this could be the case, what people value most and are willing to pay for is the convenience. Through an online class students will receive a proven curriculum along with accountability and the benefit of a community. In fact, getting access to a community can be a major selling point in someone's decision to invest in an online course.

  Myth 3 I'm not sure what I should teach  

Examine the connection between your skills, passions, and market demand. Are you uniquely qualified to teach? Do you have questions that are repeatedly asked by your clients? If so, this is usually is a strong hint that you can create an online course to address those concerns.

  Myth 4: If I train them, they won't hire me  

It's not everyone's dream or can afford to hire your expertise. Design your online course to appeal to the market of do-it-yourselfers - it's likely that they are not looking to purchase the services you offer.

  Myth #5: I don't have enough time  

The creation of an online course will allow students to assist more learners with less effort. By investing time up front and letting more time in the future.

  Myth No. 6 I would like my class to be flawless  

Ah, perfectionism. It's true that there is no such thing that is perfect. That's because your customers will be the final judge. Although you may think that your course is perfect Your students will point out opportunities for improvement. A course that is done is much better than one that is perfect.

  Myth 7: There's too much competition  

Competition is a sign of market demand. It's not a negative issue. What you need to focus on is how you can be noticed. Consider ways to match your content to a specific target market as well as infuse your message with your unique voice.

Do not let these myths stand in the way you of getting involved!

If you're looking for additional tips to begin making your own online course, download this free guide for creating and selling online courses.