Next.js And React? This is a Partnershipand Not an Competition (r) (r)

Feb 10, 2023
Illustration: Developers evaluating Next.js and React.

In this post, we'll look at the pros and cons of Next.js together with React in order to help you determine the best option for the project you're conducting.

Next.js used in conjunction with React JavaScript on the Next Level

 Chart showing the number of programmers using various languages suggests many are wondering about Next.js vs React.
Analysis of data and slash of programming languages programmer will employ by 2022. (Source: Statista)

The broadness of JavaScript is the reason having a thorough understanding of all standard tools is vital to your success as web-based web developer.

What is Next.js?

Next.js is among the most advantageous experiences for developers when it comes to making fast, SEO-friendly software. There are a variety of features in Next.js that are a perfect choice to develop production-ready applications.

  • Hybrid rendering capabilities
  • Automatic code split
  • Image optimization
  • Support built-in for CSS preprocessors and CSS-inJS libraries.
  • Built-in routing

These features will help Next.js developers cut down time when installation and setting up. Begin developing your app, and you could use it to support initiatives that include:

  • Ecommerce stores
  • Blogs
  • Dashboards
  • Single-page application
  • Interact user interfaces
  • Websites that have static web pages with static

What do you think?

React is a JavaScript library that is used to create interactivity user interfaces. In addition to designing user interfaces that's web-based, React can also be used to create mobile applications using React Native.

React has many benefits. React includes:

  • Performance enhancements In lieu of updating all components in the DOM React utilizes an imaginary DOM that only updates changed components.
  • Component-driven:Once you create a component, you can use it again and again.
  • Debugging effectively React apps make use of the unidirectional flow of data between the child and parent component.

Next.js Vs React

While developers typically employ Next.js as well as React for the same reasons. But, there are important differences between them.


To use Next.js the most simple approach is to follow:


If you have nothing more that could add to the arguments to create-next-app, you're not alone. Installation takes place through an interactive approach. The application asks you to enter the correct name of your project (which is your directory's name that you've created for your app) and also if you'd prefer to provide an option to run TypeScript and your code Linter ESLint.

The design will follow this

Screenshot of a Next.js application being created with npx.
Create the Next.js application interactive.

After you've launched React instances easiest procedure is to include an appropriate name to the directory for your project.

npx create-react-app new-app

It creates a folder with all necessary options for setting up the initial configuration , along with dependencies.

Screenshot of a React project being created with npx.
Create React by configuring the React project by using commands from the terminal.

Two elements allow you to get started however, you must remember that Next.js is built upon React. React. This makes it impossible to grasp Next.js without understanding React , and understanding how it operates. This is a great aspect. React is a relatively easy to understand curve that is perfect for people who are novices to the field.

It is also crucial to know that React isn't well-structured. Install and configure your React router and then decide the best way to manage data fetching, image optimization along with code splitting. This requires installation and configuration of other libraries and applications.

But, Next.js comes with these tools, which are available to you to use. With Next.js each and every file placed within Pages folder Pages folder is automatically employed in the design of a system. Because of this feature that it is included in the program, Next.js is easier to utilize each day, and allows you to begin making your own application's algorithm today.

Next.js is compatible with React's capabilities

Since Next.js is based in React and React.js which share some similarities to the functions. However, Next.js goes a step over and includes additional functions such as code splitting routing, pre-rendering , as well as API integration since the very beginning. The features are designed to be integrated by using React.

Data Fetching

React provides information from the viewpoint from the perspective of the user. It gives static data for the user to use. It pulls data from APIs and then fills the app with information. It can slow down the speed of application and result in a poor user experience since the app is slow to load. Next.js may solve this issue with the help of pre-rendering.

The process of pre-rendering happens as servers make API calls, and gather all required data prior to providing apps to the users. When the browser is opened, it will be able to display pages from the server hosting web. pages.

Here's an example Next.js creates pages that don't rely upon any information:

function App() return Welcome export default App

To create static sites that utilize external data, use this SearchStaticProps() function. Once you've exported statsprops() from a webpage, Next.js will pre-render the website using props it returns. This function is always running on the server. It is recommended to use this function in conjunction with getStaticProps() when you need to know what data was available at the time of creating. You can, for instance, use it to locate blog entries on the CMS.

Const Posts = (Posts) Export const GetStaticProps to and from async () *

If the links in your web page is dependent on data sources other than those you're employing, you can utilize the obtainStaticPaths() function. If you want to create a path which depends upon the ID of the page, it is possible to generate staticPaths() from the document's webpage.

For example, you might export staticPaths.getStaticPaths. () It is taken directly from pages/posts/[id].js as shown in the next screenshot.

export Export GetStaticPaths = async() *

receiveStaticPaths() is often utilized together with this function, GetStaticProps(). For this scenario, it's appropriate to utilize the function named"getStaticProps"() to fetch details about the ID in the path.

export const getStaticProps = async ( params ) => const post = await getSinglePost(; return props: post ; ;

In SSR the data is downloaded according to the time specified and then sent to the web browser. To use SSR you must alter the to obtainServerSide() props function within the webpage that you want to render. The function is called by the server each time an request is processed. which means that SSR perfect for sites that utilize dynamic data.

It is possible to, for example, use it to get API data to find out more about the latest news.

const News = ( data ) => return ( // render data ); ; export async function getServerSideProps() const res = await fetch(`https://app-url/data`) const data = await res.json() return props: data 

The data is downloaded each when a request is submitted and is sent via props back into the News component using props.

Code Splitting

Coding refers to the process of breaking code into smaller pieces that the browser is able to read at any moment. This reduces the amount of data that is sent to the browser at the initial load because the server will only transmit data that the user would prefer to read. Bundlers such as Webpack, Rollup, and Browserify let code split inside React.

Next.js allows the code to be break right at the start.

In Next.js The pages are split into codes. Additionally, adding pages to the program can decrease the size of the application. Next.js can also enable dynamic imports. Users can import JavaScript modules and load them dynamically during runtime. Dynamic imports help improve page performance since bundles load slow.

The section titled Home, which is the section that is a follow-up to those of the server does not include the hero element in the bundle which was made.

const DynamicHero = dynamic(() => import('../components/Hero'), suspense: true, ) export default function Home() return ( ) 

In this case, this could be true where the suspense's Fallback component is rendered before the hero component being loaded.

API Integration using Next.js against React

Additionally, you can create for example an API route such as pages/api/user.js API route that returns the user's username using the following method:

export default function user(req, res) res.status(200).json( username: 'Jane' ); 

If you visit the https://app-url/api/user URL, you will see the username object.

 username: 'Jane' 

API routes can prove useful in scenarios in which you want to conceal your website's URL you go to or protect your environment variables, without having to write a complete backend application.


Next.js definitely has a superiority in its capability to develop apps that can be more efficient and effective through a simple method. SSR as well as SSG Next.js applications provide better performance when rendering than client-side (CSR) React applications. In addition to getting data from the server following that it transmits the entire information needed to the browser for rendering the data, Next.js eliminates the need to transmit an information fetch request through APIs. As a result, loading times are faster.

Next.js features font optimization, smart bundle optimization and prefetching route routing, and bundling. The features aren't yet accessible within React.


Because React is over a decade in age, it's had a longer time over Next.js and has an even greater number of users. Yet, many React developers are embracing Next.js and the growth of the community continues to grow. Developers can more readily discover solutions for problems they encounter instead of having to design solutions themselves.

Next.js offers a fantastic tutorial with detailed illustrations which are simple to comprehend. However, despite not being as well-known, React documentation is not at all as accessible to users as Next.js's documentation.


The decision of whether to go with Next.js or React depends on the specifications of the app.

Next.js increases the efficacy of React through providing the framework and tools for increasing effectiveness. tools like code splitting, routing and image optimization, are all built into Next.js and programmer do not have to set up the manual configuration for each one of these functions. This means that Next.js is able to be utilized with ease as developers can to begin writing the business logic after they have mastered the fundamentals.

Due to the wide range of options for rendering, Next.js can be used for rendering server-side apps and applications that mix static generation with Node.js rendering within servers. Additionally, due to the speed features offered by Next.js it's ideal for sites that require to be quick, such as websites that sell products online.

React is a JavaScript software designed to aid users in the creation and enhancement of front-end apps. Its syntax is simple for users to learn, specifically for people that have the JavaScript background. Additionally, you're in control of the tools are used in your program along with the approach used to develop the apps.

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