New Dripping Course Content is available through the Courses

Sep 5, 2024

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The past few months, we've introduced an array of amazing new features designed to improve your online course's efficient and accessible.

What's inside Toggle

With our creative assignments and organized Assessment Book, we've been developing all the necessary instruments needed to deliver the best learning experience.

The initial anxiety from the beginning of the day have been absorbed, your students are becoming comfortable and settled You can focus on the most important aspects of the course. This feature is designed to help keep things running without a hitch and to keep you on track with the plan you have set.

The most up-to-date version of Courses updated: built-in content dripping!

An organized and well-thought out programmed with our brand new course content dripping feature ensures the students are educated precisely and precisely at the time they require instruction.

Be careful not to overload your students with too much on them simultaneously or pushing them to sprint. Dripping helps you present information about your class in small portions that are easier to control and keep your students entertained and curious to know what's next.

The new features are set to change in accordance with the needs of your students, making it simpler to plan and control the content of the online courses you offer.

What is Course Content Dripping?

There have been times... those are when you've watched all the television series over the course of a weekend and you stayed up all night, turning pages after pages in a book, only to wake up only to discover you've had a complete sleeve choc chip cookies... completely on your own ().

Although a treat can provide an enjoyable moment however, they often leave our bodies not satisfied.

Learning may be a similar process. Students who absorb excessive amounts of information in a brief amount of time and are not careful, they can end up with:

  • Anxiety: Worrying they missed the most important detail or made errors.
  • Resentment We wish that they'd spent more time trying to grasp the subject.
  • Doubts: Questioning if they truly grasped the content.
  • The Devastation It is overwhelming to think of all the information you need all at once.

It's not the kind of emotion you want your students to experience after the end of your class.

HTML0 This is the place where and the contents are dripped in!

Instead of giving all of the course content to students at the same time, The Dripping Course Content lets students access content at a timed appropriately and at a precise time. It helps your students to progress through every lesson. This helps to keep them interested and learning faster.

What Impact Will Content Dripping Have on Your course?

1. A Step at an time

Instead of providing students with access to all the material at once, Dripping releases each lesson or module according to a particular arrangement and gives students the chance to grasp the material slow.

This step-by-step method assists students feel the satisfaction of achievement and growth throughout the course.

Imagine your classroom as an stairwell in which each step is the start of a brand new experience. It is essential that students grasp the basics before they move onto the next. Students must grasp the basic concepts before getting into more complex notions.

2. Engage Students, and Keep They Interested

Students are informed that the latest information that is added frequently and frequently, they can increase their enthusiasm and interest. This keeps students interested, and they're eagerly waiting for the next lesson or activity.

They are accustomed to having one hour of their time each day. It increases the likelihood that they will remain in the classroom and eager to learn throughout the entire course.

3. Create Content in the Correct Time

Dripping course material provides total control over when and how your classes will be distributed, aligning them perfectly in your scheduled classes.

It doesn't matter if you're trying to explain a complicated concept that needs some more attention or preparing to tackle a major task that takes longer. Content drip will allow you to adjust the content you deliver so that it meets the requirements of both your students, as well as your students' goals.

4. Help Everyone learn at the same time

Dripping course content can be an efficient method to keep students on track with a regular pace to ensure that nobody progresses too fast or gets lost.

By releasing information at regular intervals, you build the conditions for learning in a way that is unified and where all learners are advancing by working in tandem.

Welcome student discussions 
 in  Courses

Additionally, with everyone working together, you'll be able to identify quickly those areas where students could require extra help, ensuring nobody falls between the lines.

5. Learn how to make it relevant and Easily managed

The learning process is one that students can enjoy and not an overwhelming learning experience. If all the course content is taught simultaneously, the learners may feel a high degree of stress and anxiety.

Dripping of course content provides the students with an easier experience in learning students, by using smaller and manageable chunks.

Instead of being put under pressure to learn everything all at after learning, learners learn to process facts in a more gradual manner that makes learning more individual and attainable.

If you break down your material, you also provide the feeling of accomplishment for your students after they've successfully completed each step. The steady progress helps to maintain the excitement of your students and also keeps them enthusiastic to continue the process of learning.

Course drips are an effective strategy that assists in keeping your students motivated, engaged, and on track. It's an easy but efficient method to change the way you present your lessons and create a pleasant and enjoyable for everyone participants.

New Course Content Dripping In basic rules for course

Making sure that course drips of information were challenging task, requiring numerous processes and configurations. The method was successful and effective, but let's get honest, it's not the most effective method to complete this task.

We recognized that there was an urgent need for an easier way to solve. So, we've integrated our Rules feature in the extension Courses. Setting your calendars for drips is more simple and straightforward.

By integrating the drip feature in the builder, it is possible to make drip-based plans without having to leave the builder for curriculum. This not only saves time but also makes sure that your resources for the course are secure and distributed according to the program.

You can also alter drip notifications within the settings. It's simple to inform students when the next version of the content is due to become easily accessible. This will help to ensure everyone stays in the same place.

We've paid attention to technical issues. This has enabled us to concentrate on the important things: creating the most efficient educational courses.

How do I configure the course content Dripping feature in courses

If your students are already speeding ahead, think about creating a strategy for your class in order to keep them on the right track and focused on the subject before them.

The topic was discussed a while time ago. Courses utilizes Rules for powering the drip of information.

This indicates that drip options applied by using Rules do not work with the drip options integrated into the course that integrate into the course's setting.


  • for an effortless user interface that is simple to utilize: If you would like your class to drip contents according to a predetermined schedule (like the release of weekly new lessons) the built-in drip feature is the most effective option. It makes the process easier and provide a stable system without the requirement for additional setup.
  • To have more control that is personalized: If you need the capacity to provide your content with highly flexible or unpredictable timings by making use of Rules allows you to control this. It takes a certain quantity of time and energy to establish the additional Rules.

Simple Let's make your Drip Content flowing seamlessly!

To set up course drips of material, you'll need first turn off"Enable Dripping" or "Enable Dripping" option from the settings of your course.

After that, you'll need to specify the way in which the contents will be distributed, whether through sections or in individual item. Also, you can set the interval (daily each day, week or even monthly) as well as the beginning date and the time zone of each release:

Enable Course Content Dripping in  Courses curriculum

Are you planning to design courses that drip? Take a look at this video for a detailed walkthrough on how to begin.

What's coming up for the coming courses? What can we talk about? What's Still New...

Course Dripping could be the most recent and effective feature that we've added to Courses, however it's not the only one we've added lately.

Before diving into the pouring water We'll also look at another interesting change that you might have noticed in the plugin.

We continue to develop methods that you can use in your online classes, we discovered the constantly growing list of choices - which includes Questions, Lessons, Assignments and even the Gradebook deserves an entire area.

We've also provided Courses their distinct menu item on the WordPress dashboard.

 Courses WordPress dashboard view

Everything that is connected with the course, be it designing a course, developing your own curriculum or altering the course's configurations, can be managed directly through the menus for Courses located in the Dashboard.

The separation of Courses from their own menu item allows you to ensure that the course development as well as the management of membership-related tasks remain separate. This can be particularly advantageous for businesses that rely on both.

If you're a user who's seen this minor change and we're disappointed to disappoint you. We'd like to see you using this interface that will make it more effective and clean!

If you're new to the realm of education and want to start designing your curriculum it's likely that you're wondering what you could do to access the amazing tools available.

Just open the plugin and navigate to the Add-Ons tab, and then do just a search of "course" in order to narrow down your choices There are a variety of instructional tools, which are now beyond the basic plugin's own:

 Courses add-on

Keep an eye out for brand new exciting upgrades and new features in the next few months. For now you can make use of our latest drip feature for course content, and explore the new enhancements we've developed to make it easier for you to create your courses even more enjoyable than ever before!

Katelyn Gillis Katelyn Gillis Katelyn handling an online website for students or members can be a challenge, but that's the point where Katelyn could be of assistance. She holds a bachelor's degree in teaching and her job as Content Manager will be a perfect fit to her. She is adept at dissecting the complexities and providing suggestions that seem like a conversation with someone who can understand. If you're in search of new ideas or just a little inspiration, her blog entries on her site that will help.

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