More SaaS Cost Prices to Reduce Stagflation

May 27, 2023

     already presented previously on SaaS pricing of fees and packaging to combat inflation in 2022. However, this article was based on the most recent presentation, which was presented in March 2023, given by David Vogelpohl. For more information or to view the prior presentation look at the additional details included in the last paragraph in this blog post.

Pricing the price of your software as a services (SaaS) isn't easy enough even in most ideal of circumstances However, finding out the best way to establish an appropriate price to generate more revenue in times of inflation isn't easy.

This article provides tips for optimizing pricing and packaging of your SaaS services in a low-quality market:

What exactly is Stagflation?

Simple to understand, stagflation is an economic phenomenon affected by three main variables:

  • The economy is slowing down.
  • The rate of inflation is very high.
  • A high rate of unemployment.

That means that there's greater pressure than ever on:

  • The pockets of those you want to attract.
  • Your wallets as a customer would you like to see improved.

That's why taking the time to think about the SaaS pricing plan is essential to ensure that you can continue to grow your business in a tight market.

Using Your SaaS Pricing Model to Fight Stagflation

It's the easiest way to go about raising your rates as you'd be not alone should you decide to do so.

A third of SaaS software as well as digital products customers have seen their usage increase in the last 12 months.

Graphs showing that over a third of  companies raised prices recently.

Amazingly, SaaS firms tend to increase prices over the rate of inflation.

This lever -- not an unexpected one -- typically helps to boost revenue, although it's an uneasy choice to make as many people aren't able to afford money to spend in a stagnant economy.

Rethinking pricing and package is one of the few levers that are not optimized in SaaS.

What is the reason for raising prices? Are you really required to do something different?

There are a myriad of ways to earn more cash in times of slowing markets in addition to increasing the price.

It is possible to increase sales, improving conversion rates, and reducing the rate of churn is all there.

The options listed above require lots of effort with regards to effort and time required to execute the plans.

When you think about the time and resources which must be devoted into the process of increasing the number of sales, or decreasing churn by using methods like Product-led Growth (PLG) or enhancements to increase customer satisfaction, it can become an unwieldy and overwhelming procedure as shown by larger and medium-sized shirts:

Table with headers Strategy, Acquisition, and Churn, then rows labeled PLG, Customer Success, and Pricing and Packaging. Each cell includes a t-shirt of Small, Medium, or Large.

The medium and large t-shirts symbolize the effort, time as well as the money. That is required in order to put into place PLG along with customer success strategies to increase customers' acquisition, and reduce the percentage of customers that leave.

Pricing changes for items are easy to make and can be accomplished very quickly and easily, as shown by the small t-shirt that is over the the top.

As Patrick McKenzie points out, it's as easy as replacing a particular number with a larger one:

A screenshot of a tweet quoting Patrick McKenzie.

In the end, altering your pricing may be the easiest, most straightforward option to do when you're in the place to grow your revenues quickly.

Optimization of your SaaS Pricing Strategy for New MRR as compared to. the Net Revenue Retention The Growing Mustache

If you're thinking of implementing another pricing system, an additional factor to keep in your mind is whether you would like to boost your effectiveness for the an entirely new MRR as well as for net revenue retention or both.

Enter"the "growth mustache."

A graphic of a sideways bracket with Growth at the top and New MRR and NRR at the bottom.

The mustache that grows is a sideways bracket an ex-CFO from my past often was using to mean. (I also added the "mustache" description, because it does look similar to a mustache for me.)

It is driven by growing the monthly recurring revenue (MRR) in addition to new customers entering into the market. Also, there is the net retention rate (NRR) that is the proportion of your existing customers' MRR or ARR you're retaining or increasing.

When your net revenue is higher than 100%, then that's the base to calculate a multiplier on your profits. But this is also an indicator to your company's value.

There's usually a advantage to operations when you have different pricing and packages But it's equally crucial to be aware that you're in an environment in which customers may have lesser entry into the system and more leaving. How you change pricing can impact your ability to gain new customers, maintain and increase the number of customers you already have as well be aware of this in your the back of your mind when you make adjustments.

Explore a new pricing model for SaaS which is a creative Combinations to Unlock the Revenue

After you've determined that altering your pricing model is the best way to proceed, there are numerous ways you can explore. Pricing per feature, plans which are pay-as-you-go along with Freemium pricing models. Flat-rate pricing, usage-based pricing, per user plans Which are best for your SaaS enterprise?

Here are a few options to consider, to begin with:

  • SKUs:
  • Platform tiered plans
  • Product(s) tiered plans
  • Persona tiered plans
  • One-time add-ons
  • Bundles of Add-Ons
  • Entitlements:
  • Features
  • Usage
  • Need Help?
  • Pricing:
  • Price
  • Recurrence
  • Geography
  • Method of payment
  • Discounts
  • Trials for free

Check out those possibilities ways to boost your leverage in operations.

A few may require the buyer's persona as a basis for pricing which has a slight increase in mean revenue per consumer (ARPU).

If you're not, it's adding a new feature that will allow them to increase their price higher.

If the company is in the process of restructuring, the above, it may mean switching to a flat-rate or a user-based price, in favor of an evolving and feature-based, or use-based pricing structure.

Monitor the effects of any Changes to Your SaaS Pricing Strategies

If, for example, customers' base decreases little when there's an rise in the cost, however the current customers are paying a higher price, and generate greater revenue, certain businesses might appreciate the new price point.

However, you must know what changes will affect your business structure. Established SaaS firm may have different priorities from one a start-up has.

Success is written with three S's

In most cases, when we consider packaging and pricing, we couple the potential to generate more revenue with our ability to create something entirely new.

For instance, consider the innovation curve In other words, we create some thing, and it increases in popularity, but then stops. And it's easy to get trapped in thinking that the only way for generating a new source of revenue is to create a entirely innovative product.

It is possible to decouple this thinking and begin to think that the new income S curves are generated simply by modifying the package plans, add-ons and plan changes simply by offering users the opportunity to shop with you and also to benefit from your service.

If we look further at an use metric that is built on a value metric that includes overages, the plans and extensions themselves could raise ARPU as time passes.

SaaS Price and Packaging Additional Add-ons

The inclusion of additional features is a great way to increase the average revenue per user in both existing and new customers who are on a budget based on income because they can choose to picking what products to purchase from you instead of spending, for example the flat-rate pricing option for a larger package, that includes many things they don't need or need.

For example, are there already any existing entitlements can be offered in an addition without needing to create any extra engineering efforts? Are there any of those functions that can be separated in order to create an entirely new SKU but without having to design an completely new product?

Add-ons can be found in numerous varieties, so it is possible to choose from a vast selection of various add-ons, or create several bundles.

There is a risk with them - since they may lower the upgrading MRR as fewer customers upgrade to a bigger package But accessories may play a major role when it comes to NRR.

In order to reduce risk, carefully measure the rate of upgrades and downgrade prior to making modifications to your packages and add-on services.

In addition, you could delay pitching new features until when users are enrolled in your main product. After the users have used the purchased product and have been enjoying their experience -- and all purchases made would qualify as an upsell, which can increase your revenue retention You can offer additional features that will enhance their experience using your product.

Customers can then access into the SaaS product with the less expensive price that can help build your MRR and also ARPU, by offering more sale.

A lower price point can also give you an advantage when it comes to pursuing the market share you want, particularly if you are able to surpass competitors' prices some.

The creation of a new pricing tier which drives the Average Price per User (ARPU)

Could it be that the ARPU-boosting tier you require exists between the plans you have in place?

As an example, if you're using an e-commerce model with tiered pricing that provides $25, $150 and $300 choices, the best pricing level to drive more revenue can be found somewhere between $75.

Segmenting SaaS plans will help clarify the value of your product and boost ARPU

Another option is to separate the packaging you use based on individual customer demands.

In this case, WP Engine is a managed WordPress platform, which manages a variety of diverse websites. However, they recognized an opportunity to market WooCommerce customers in particular, therefore they developed an application specifically designed for the WooCommerce users.

A screenshot of the WP Engine pricing page for a segmented pricing plan for WooCommerce users.

WP Engine was able to emphasize the needs of customers in this specific segment to attract their attention, and to gain more registrations. Over time, WP Engine was able to provide more value for the customers using it that increased the revenues of WP Engine.

The Payment Frequency can increase the leverage

The annualized pricing model gives buyers the benefit of discounts in the form of having to purchase an entire year upfront, but it also gives customers the advantage of decreasing your churn rate while improving the lifetime value of your customer (or LTV).

In order to further benefit of this strategy, you can also offer more aggressive discounts on pricing for annual subscribers or for subscribers who wish to move from monthly fees to annual fees.

The introduction of a price period may aid in the acceptance process for clients.

Tips If you're offering an Enterprise plan and the cost starts to appear a little more costly when you pay for it each year, make sure to keep the price below $5000. Most procurement departments adhere to a policy of requiring staff members to be approved to purchase anything greater than $5000. If you can be able to keep the cost below the threshold, this lets customers pay for the purchase using their credit card, without needing to go through the internal hurdles within their companies. The rules can differ and aren't an absolute requirement, but it's a good option to try.

You can't be flat. Adjust Your Strategy

If you are thinking about altering the method you use to manage your SaaS business's pricing strategies and strategy, the willingness of customers who are interested in paying for your service isn't the sole thing you should keep on your list. The rate of inflation can fluctuate a great deal over a short time. The fluctuation of inflation can differ across the globe and in every region.

An inflation graph of the annual percent change in consumer price index in Brazil, US, India, Germany, and China from 2008 to 2022.

The impact of financial headwinds on performance with respect to various areas can signal the significance of localization, especially in the case that you're offering the Saas solution worldwide.

Remove Unnecessary Purchasing Friction With the Localization

Localization typically involves multiple elements, which include but are not including:

  • Accepting preferred payment terms in the areas that you're selling to.
  • The localization of the price.
  • Localizing the currency.

Each one of them has an added benefit that is not only for the buyers and profits margins too.

The conversion rate used for localizing costs is 2x for B2C SaaS companies. Make sure that you provide a good justification for various prices across various countries or regions, should a prospective customer has the ability to see more than one price.

Local currencies are simpler to gain approval for and customers in your target market are more able to comprehend. If new customers can see your SaaS cost in a local currency this makes it much easier for them to buy and removes the hassle of the conversion process prior to making an investment.

How Can You Help?

The data in the article was recently presented by David Vogelpohl in a webinar that was hosted by You can watch the webinar on the YouTube channel.

David Vogelpohl For more than 25 years, David Vogelpohl has led teams who have created elite engines of development and technological solutions for the top brands, such as WP Engine, Genesis, AWS, Cloudflare, and numerous others. David is an effective-insights presenter, who concentrates on the practical aspects that can be used to increase growth.

This post was first seen on here