Latest News US Judge Warns Google It's a big change that will be Instigated to Stop Illegal Game Store Monopoly
U.S. District Judge James Donato has advised Google that major changes will be imposed upon its Android app store after an appeals court ruled that the Play Store is operating as a monopoly that is illegal.
The Associated Press reports that Judge Donato suggested he may need Google to allow different app stores for Android devices. It is a step designed to limit Google's control over the distribution of apps and its charging on its platform. This monopoly with "nearly complete control" generates billions annually for Google however, this court's ruling could alter the system, with Google forecasting potential expenses of up to 600 million dollars.
Google has expressed concerns regarding the fact that opening up to open the Play Store to third-party app stores could expose users to security risk, leading to what Google describes as "security confusion." Despite these worries Judge Donato stressed the necessity of a major revision, noting, "We are going to tear the barriers down; that is going to happen."
This is part of an antitrust campaign that is broader than Google and another important case regarding its Google search engine due to be launched in September. The judge hopes to issue an order outlining what changes are required to the Play Store soon, possibly before Labor Day.
The article in The Verge on the same subject provides a list of Epic Games benefiting from these outcomes as well. There is also a the article's subtitle which reads "Judge James Donato will issue his final decision on what Google gives -- and Epic is awarded in mere months."
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