How to write great email copy and stay true to yourself

Jun 23, 2023

There's no need to be an email copywriter to create brilliant newsletters. Learn how to write amazing content without claiming to pretend to.

It's obvious that you must make a newsletter, but the process of writing it can be a little difficult.

How can you grab the attention of your readers and inspire them to open your emails every time?

There's a good thing that you don't have to be a professional writer in order to write content that is sure to impress your audience.

In the spirit of passions You can also sell your digital products, online training, sessions for coaching, as well as community memberships on one platform . Register for a free account.

Your email should be framed around the same goal

In order to begin a journey you need a destination. This is the same for every newsletter you create.

Ask yourself "What's the end result for the email?" and work your to go backwards. You could, for instance, ask them to click on and read your latest blog post or purchase a product.

Once you know your outcome determine the best way to make this journey as easy as possible for your reader.

For instance, Brooks wanted its customers to sign up for their online shoe finder.

They started their email with a striking photo of mismatched footwear. The picture is also accompanied with the graphic message "Let us match you with". The text below continues to warm up the reader towards the goal with a friendly conversational style.

It's then a switch of colors for the next paragraph to draw the attention of viewers. If the reader were just reading the mailer, this is where they'd likely land. That's where they present the call to action (CTA).

The placement of your CTA further down in the body copy increases conversions by 304 percent as compared to placing it on top. Even better is to have it stand out as Brooks uses the use of a striking button.

Make sure to draw more interest to your CTA By adhering to your own  the way they approach. In order to promote their collection of tips for photography and tricks, they have created a special newsletter.

Each of the five tips is given its box, with some advice and two photos to illustrate the idea. Clicking a button takes the user to the specific suggestion, but it's recommended to stay in the email to see all five recommendations.

Then, you can click through to see the entire series of blog entries.

The advantage of this strategy is the way it will guide you through the series of blogs and provides value in every summary. Once you've made it to the CTA You're prepared and excited to know more.

Like Moment, you can offer numerous opportunities to your subscribers to take action. They also utilize the lower portion of their newsletter to announce other offers, such as this trip to Iceland.

It works because the main CTA and the purpose behind the email are well known. It doesn't distract. This doesn't mean, however, that you have to try to stuff each and every offer that you can inside each newsletter.

If you're looking to design your journey through email take a look at the outline templates . You can also edit it directly in Canva .

When you've found a good email format and selected your CTAs, the most challenging step is completed. Now you just need the excellent email content to it.

It's easy to think that good writing is about wit and flourishes, but it's far better recognized. And who understands you better than a close friend?

Your reader should be treated as if they were a friend

If you've read any newsletter advice, then chances are you've come across this gem: "personalize your emails".

Personalizing your email is a great idea, but not in the way you think. Don't bother adding the recipient's first name. It could be a disaster  as it does not give your emails a personal touch.

The thing that makes an email personal is the copy. The best email copy will feel like that it was composed just to the recipient by a person you've known. It taps into your wants and desires or the sense of humor.

Here's an extract from a recent newsletter written by Ann that shows how friendly and personal her writing is.

Note the familiar opening "Hi, Sweet Cheeks" and also how she swiftly engages her audience with "You might know him as".

Like Ann, you could make your way into readers' hearts by writing them letters like they were close friend.

Make use of second person pronouns ("you/your") and the active voice as much as is possible.


As an alternative to " Our cake recipes have been adored by our users," say, "You are awestruck by our cake recipes".

Or instead of "Readers are known to struggle with semicolons," say, "I know you hate semicolons".

The new versions are more direct and grab the attention of your readers. Utilize this strategy to help readers be interested in what you're saying.

If you'd like to get some writing inspiration Here's a collection of free email templates:

Segment your email list

If you want to treat your subscriber as if they were a acquaintance, you must get to know them.

That's where the concept of segmentation is at play.

Segmentation is the method of splitting your email lists into distinct demographic categories. You can then send email advertising campaigns most relevant to the particular segment.

For example, you could create a new segment customers, and then use it to send emails that get them up to the speed of what you are doing.

Segmenting your list is extremely powerful. 82% of marketers have a better opening rate when they use segmented campaigns compared to non-segmented campaigns.

Segmentation is accompanied by some cautions, however.

As an example, you could think that segmenting your list by gender or age is a wise move. It doesn't reveal any information about someone's desires or issues.

Instead, it's better to segment by pain points and past behavior as opposed to based on demographics.

If, for instance, you sell painting courses and classes for children, segregating your students according to gender won't help sell your classes. Knowing what classes they've previously signed up for (watercolor for beginner, portraits with acrylic paint, etc.) will give you more valuable details.

If you've not segmented your audience at all when making your email list Do not be concerned.

Here are two easy segmentsation techniques that you can apply at any time in your email list. You can segment your customers based on the past purchase or behaviour.

For example, imagine you provide a download "social media 101 checklist" as well as the "advanced blog automation" course. Based on the products they purchase, these audiences have different abilities.

If that's the case, it would be logical to send them diverse newsletters. As an instance, one could include additional resources for beginners.

The behavior of your subscribers is that is based on the actions of your subscribers. Send an email to subscribers who've dropped items during checkout, in order to reconnect them, or new subscribers, to say hello.

For example, Birdie sends an email to all new subscribers. She introduces herself as well as her business, so that they feel comfortable in her environment.

Similar to Birdie You could also share some personal information about yourself and your business. It will help your brand new subscribers feel welcome and even more engaged.

Another strategy to market your business is, and that's to ask your audience which segment they are in. This is the method Vassilena Valchanova performs it.

This mailer helps her filter her email audience according to their job titles (freelancers or in-house marketers etc.).) and their interests.

After they've completed the brief survey, Vassilena ensures they only receive what they'd like to see in their email. It's a win-win for both the newsletter's creator and subscriber.

Here's the gist:

Personalize your email text and address the recipient as if you have a connection with them personally. Do not be hesitant to separate your email list, if it can help you to get more precise in the content of your emails.

Make sure you grab the attention of your readers before they even open your email

Writing better email copy is just one an aspect of the process. In order to take your newsletter to the next level you need to improve what surrounds it: the subject line, the preview text and recipient's name.

They may seem insignificant to your email, but they all play a significant role in determining whether an individual is able to read it. 47percent of recipients open emails based on the subject lines they contain. In addition, 42% of users verify the name of the sender before they open them.

One of the most important advice I have to provide is do nottreat the email as something you'll do after.

Choose your sender's name

Your sender's name is the displayed name. In this case, for example, there are the names of a few people in my inbox, coupled with their subject lines.

There's a variety of names available, from business names (Netflix, EFS, BrowserStack) Personal name (Allison Ashleigh and Allison Ashleigh) as well as an in-between choice (Will be at Mailjet). The three options listed above are the most popular names used by senders.

Which is the best option for your company?

There are several requirements that your sender's address needs be able to pass before it can get into the junk mail folder.

It must:

It appears legitimate. Don't use an email address to display a name.

Be recognizableby the reader. Names are generally just a good choice if it's your company's brand name or accompanied by the brand name (e.g., Will at Mailjet).

Be short,or it could be cut off. Like, for example the one I use for my Gmail inbox cuts names off within 20 characters.

The smallest but the most powerful, your Name is what that readers receive in their inbox. The second.

Brainstorm your subject idea.

Here are a few ideas to get you inspired:

You can ask a question, e.g., "Wouldn't you like to have a three-day week?"

Give the impression of the urgency of your situation,e.g., "Spring discount will end at midnight tonight".

Upload a "how to",e.g., "How to cut your cat's claws, without having to lose the arm".

Include a statistic or numbere.g., "57% of sailors are more enthralled by oranges than bacon".

Present a listing,e.g., "17 methods to create tables without any equipment".

It is important to know exactly the contents,e.g., "[PodcastMeet our founder".

Are you unsure of which option to pick? When in doubt, it's always better to be clear, not intelligent.

The readers of your blog need to be able to see quickly what's in it for them. Trust me. Nobody will ever complain that your subject line is too simple to comprehend.

It is also possible to combine the formulas listed above. The subject line in Jimmy Daly's Superpath newsletter is a great example of being transparent and employing the "how to" method. When you open it you know exactly what it is and the value it can bring for you.

Subject line alone is just half the story and it must be used in tandem with your preview text for it to stand out. The preview text, often called a pre-header is what appears next to the subject line of your inbox.

Take a look at this topic line and preview text from the Newsette . The subject line is fascinating, however the preview text is what is what makes it truly stand out with its humorous tone.

You want to click to see if ketchup masks are a joke or not. (Spoiler that they are).

There is no reason not to create intriguing subject lines like the Newsette's. Just make sure your content follows through, or you may trigger the unsubscription of a large number of people.

Subject lines don't need to be elaborate or witty in order to get the job done. They just need to bear your audience in the mind of your audience.

It's been a while since you've decided what your email will look like and written your copy. The display names, the preview text and subject lines are the final push to persuade the recipients to read your email.

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Nail your email copywriting strategy

It doesn't matter if you're an expert writer or understand anything about content marketing for newsletters that your customers will love.

Here are the steps to follow in creating your new email:

Then, you must establish your idea of creating the outline of your email.

Then, you must decide on the reader's experience will be. It is also important to choose your first call to action.

Make your email more personal by talking to your recipient directly, and segmenting your list so that it reflects their preferences.

Select a name for the sender that is easily recognized, for example your company's name.

Write a strong subject line as well as a preview to encourage your readers to take a look at your email.

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