How to Sell Digital Art Online for Free [Guide to Selling Art in 2023]

Mar 2, 2023

 Last updated: 1st March, 2023

A lot of artists are finding out how to market their artwork online has provided huge opportunities to market and share their artwork with like-minded people who are also art lovers. But many creativepreneurs are also overwhelmed with how to get started and how to successfully create a solid online presence.

If this sounds like you and you're one of the many artists wondering whether it's possible to sell their digital art on the internet, this article is for those of you. We'll guide you through the entire process you'll need to know in order how to make money selling digital artwork for free.

Below is a brief overview of the topics we'll discuss:

The benefits of selling Digital Art Online

There are many benefits of selling digital artwork online opposed to physical art:

1. Get in touch with a larger audience

The selling of digital artwork online allows the artist to connect with a worldwide public and show your creative work to a much larger marketplace than through traditional avenues.

Digital art is also able to produce artwork at a lower cost in comparison to making original artwork through physical mediums such as oil painting. Selling digital art online makes your work more available to a larger number of customers, which includes those with no access to traditional art galleries.

2. Low cost - No additional costs for items

Selling digital art online eliminates the need to have physical storage space and transportation costs, which makes it a more cost-effective option for artists.

3. Unlimited passive income potential

Selling digital art can potentially provide passive income for artists because you will be able to sell your work over and over again , without having to pay additional costs for production or shipping. You won't have to be involved in the order fulfillment process because most online platforms will automatically deliver your digital artwork to clients as soon as they complete their purchases.

4. It's so easy to make it happen with no budget

Digital art is easily offered for sale and distribution through various websites, making the procedure easy and efficient both for buyers and artists. Artists will have the ability to sell your work digitally at any time, from anyplace, offering you more flexibility and greater control over your sales and income.

How do I Create Digital Art for Sale

If you're a seasoned artist, you're probably familiar working out your own digital artwork by using Adobe Illustrator, Procreate, Rebelle and many more software that is specifically made for artists.

However, digital art doesn't have to be exclusively created in a digital space. A high-quality scanner will allow artists to turn their artwork like watercolors into downloadable digital files , such as JPEGs or PDFs.

The most important thing to think about here is the width of the scanner bed. A majority of scanners for budgets have been designed for typical paper sizes, like A4. If you typically create artwork larger than this you will have to either get a more powerful scanner or you will need to learn to create individual pieces of paper and stitch them together in the software program such as Photoshop. Additionally, you'll likely utilize Photoshop to increase the resolution of your digital scans to make them ready for sale.

Remember that your customers are able to increase the size of the image when they print the image (so long as you scan with a high enough resolution). The majority of printers operate in 300 dots (dpi) so scanning at 300 dpi will provide plenty of resolution even for larger pints.

One thing to keep to keep in mind that a higher resolution results in larger files. Many artists choose to add different sizes of files to their online shop in order to let customers choose which one is the most appropriate. At you can upload multiple images within a single list, with each file having a maximum size which can exceed 5GB (this is generally adequate for the majority of artists).

What else do I need to have? Equipment?

A well-specced computer or iMac will certainly make the job easier. There's lots of memory to work with these large files as well as the best quality display that accurately displays colors.

We mentioned Photoshop earlier. This is a great tool for cleaning up your digital files as well as removing backgrounds. It's quite simple to use, and you can find online tutorials that can help. Cleansing digital files is crucial if customers wish to increase the size of their prints.

Where to Sell Digital Art Online

There are 2 main channels that allow you to sell digital artwork on the internet:

Via Online Marketplaces

There are plenty of online marketplaces that allow sellers to market their digital art such as Etsy, SketchFab, CreativeFabrica, ArtStation, DeviantArt, and many more.

These are the pros and cons selling digital artwork via online marketplaces.


  • You can access the marketplace's customer base: You can tap into the marketplaces' established traffic and customer base which means you don't have to conduct as many marketing that you would in the event of driving traffic to your own website (there are some caveats to this, see the cons section down below)


  • Profit margins are low: Online marketplaces tend to charge relatively expensive fees compared to selling from your own website. Additionally, certain online marketplaces will also charge listing fees regardless of whether or not you've successfully sold your digital art.
  • Delayed payouts: Most online marketplaces only pay your income after you reach an income threshold, or on specific pay periods (e.g. monthly).
  • Little-to-no customization of your online store and product listing A benefit of being an artist is that you should have the ability to show the aesthetic of your online store design However, this isn't typically possible with an online marketplace. Your store (e.g. Etsy Shop) will look exactly like the other sellers' stores with minimal customization.
  • You don't own your customer data. You aren't able to easily collect your customers' emails and remain in contact with them to establish continuous relationships and promote your future product.
  • Certain online marketplaces could have a high level of competition. You'll need to constantly fight for attention. At the same time in the event that the marketplace changes its search algorithm (which has definitely happened multiple times across many online marketplaces) the listing you have on it could fall in the results of a search and your prospective sales.
  • It is difficult to establish customer loyalty. Your clients are essentially shopping in an online mall in which they are able to see your work on digital media, as well as the work of other artists and more. Oftentimes this results in pricing wars, or consumers buying the most affordable products, which isn't conducive for artists who would love to establish a reputation or the best price for their artistic creations.
  • Limited marketing tools Marketing efforts using marketplaces online are typically limited to providing discounts or coupons. Selling on your own websites using platforms like Amazon lets you run a variety of innovative marketing campaigns, ranging from temporary discounts , to an entire affiliate programme.

Through Your Own Website

Selling digital artwork on your personal website is as simple as signing up on an eCommerce platform, such as one where you could add your art work and design a completely custom web store or.

These are the advantages and disadvantages of selling digital art from your site.


  • Fully customizable online store or website to sell your artwork
  • The ability to create additional revenue streams by selling other things through your website (e.g. products, online courses, art commission, coaching services, memberships for example)
  • Full control over your customer experience
  • You own all the customer's data, allowing you to use email marketing to continuously advertise your digital art products to your customers
  • Pay faster since the majority of eCommerce platforms payout instantly through payment gateways , such as Stripe and Paypal


  • It is necessary to direct visitors to your website which might take some time depending on the efforts you make to market your business.

It's no surprise that we suggest selling your digital artwork on your own site. But the great thing about this is that you don't have to make a choice. You are able to market your work on your own website and also on online marketplaces simultaneously. Expand your wings as far as possible to increase your chances of a sale!

If you plan to market your work on several platforms, you should pick platforms that offer an forever-free option so you won't have to spend a dime before earning your first dollar. We'll go over ways to begin in selling your work online in the following section.

How do I sell Digital Art Online Free

1. Make an online Store with no cost

provides an excellent listing of features that include:

  • Generous forever free plan. Perfect for artists who want to have a stunning website for free.
  • A simple website builder that includes Drag and Drop editor (no need for technical expertise)
  • Built-in eCommerce tools so you are able to sell a variety of products such as Digital downloads (e.g. digital artwork, design assets) Online courses, arts tutorials, coaching or custom art commission sessions, memberships, and physical items
  • Security features such as the ability to limit downloads, as well as PDF stamping, which assist in stopping pirates.
  • Unlimited storage space - perfect for artists who need to upload huge image files to your websites
  • Hosting and domain registration for free (you are also able to connect to custom domains if you'd like to)
  • Integration with payment gateways Paypal and Stripe so you can get paid instantly once orders arrive
  • Highly effective marketing tools such as referral systems, affiliate marketing upselling, cross-selling coupon codes and marketing via email
  • If you already have a website, you can also incorporate the "Buy" button onto the existing site
  • Plus much and more!

As a side note, is has been offering the same great forever-free pricing plan for nearly 10 years now, so you'll be able to rest easy knowing that this pricing plan isn't going anywhere soon!

Sign up to get a no-cost account (no information about your payment required) and follow along with the remainder of our guide in the following.


Join the more than 130,000 sellers who have launched their online businesses with

2. Upload your Digital Files to the site as Product Listings

After your work is in a sellable digital format, you are able to transfer them onto the product listing. Upload any file format on so you won't have to worry about the process of converting your images.

provides a thorough instruction of how to upload the product description of your digital art Here.

In addition there are a few of additional important points to note:

  • Make sure you have a striking cover image for your product listing. If needed, generate the mockup of your artwork with free graphics design tools such as Canva
  • Powerful product descriptions will not just entice your clients to purchase your products as well as help you achieve a higher rank in organic traffic
  • Add additional things that might increase your customers' purchase conversion such as customers' reviews or "Related items"

3. Set pricing

If you're new to online selling, deciding what price to set can be one of the most difficult aspects. It's a question of finding the perfect price that allows you to earn a living and build a following and not be a sham.

Research how much similar products of similar artists sell online. Keep in mind that you can constantly increase the price as you grow your reputation and profile.

Additionally, you may set the charge-what-you-want policy that allows your clients to pay an extra "tip" on top of the minimum cost.

4. Create your own website

Source: (Example of a Design Assets Online Store on )

It is possible to select any of their free web themes to help you create an appealing and cohesive design for your website and you could also create a brand new one with's drag and drop store builders. It also offers the easy to follow video tutorial on how to make a web-based site without cost with their store builders, so let your imagination run wild and design an incredible website that showcases the unique style of your artist!

Having a powerful online presence is essential when selling digital art and showing your work. Be sure that your site is easy to navigate. You should have separate web pages for your portfolio, biography as well as a contact form as well as your online shop section. Only use top quality images and proofread all of your written content to ensure that your website looks professional.

5. Advertise your site or store

After you've had all set and ready to roll, it's time to promote and get people to visit your site so that they can browse your work and purchase items.

Here are some affordable marketing strategies to get you started:

  • Develop a social media presence. Social media platforms offer excellent possibilities for connecting with potential customers as well as displaying new works.
  • Meet other artists and professionals in the field. You might be able to promote your stores online or even recruit them as your affiliates
  • Join virtual art exhibits or join galleries to expand the chances for selling
  • Create content that engages the readers, such as blogs, newsletters, or questions and answers

What other digital products can Earn Money as an Artist?

Artists have the option of selling a range of digital items that go beyond digital paintings or other traditional art. Some examples include:

We've included some links to video tutorials where you will be able to see how it's done to sell those product types as artists. It will assist you in getting your creative juices flowing in terms of how you can establish this income stream for yourself.

 Final Thoughts: Sell the Artwork of Your Digital Art Online

Selling digital art online can be an exciting and lucrative opportunity for artists. With the rise of e-commerce and online platforms making it easier than ever to get your work noticed by a wider market. With the help of the suggestions and techniques outlined in this guide will improve your odds of success, and begin earning money from your passion.

No matter if you're an established artist or are just beginning your journey, makes it easy to sell your digital art and reach a global market. It offers a long-term, free plan that lets you start an online enterprise without paying a single dime. With  this plan, you'll get everything you need to make your digital art into a profitable business. Get started selling your digital work online for free with today!


What exactly is digital art?

The term "digital art" is an umbrella term that covers any type of art created by digital technologies, regardless of the phase of the process. In the example above, one could snap a picture and use digital tools to manipulate this image to create a piece of art. Digital art can include digital art and drawing 3D modeling, vector art and photo manipulation, pixel art, animation and many more.

What price should I set my digital artwork for?

Digital artwork can sell for anywhere from a couple of cents, to possibly million dollars, based on the artwork and the creator, and on whether it is sold as a single NFT or as several copies. If you're creating custom pieces that are digitally created and you're selling the artwork for more than $100. If selling digital work that can be bought over and over again such as graphic designs, you can expect it to be somewhere between $1 and $50 range.

Does my artwork meet the standards to sell?

The only way you can determine if your work is good enough to sell is to test it by selling it. It's hard to judge whether artwork is "good" and not because it's so subjective. An artwork someone likes could be deemed unimportant or badly executed by someone else.

Do you think being a digital artist is worthwhile?

If you enjoy creating artwork with digital technology and are interested in becoming a digital artist could be hugely rewarding for you. It can be a long the time needed to earn significant amounts of money, many digital artists earn a regular income from their art. Make sure you are prepared to do the hardwork to grow your customer base before you begin to see a strong return on your effort.

Are art prints selling profitable?

They can be viewed as an art form that can be considered digital because you've likely designed them using a computer or some other gadget, and they're being sold online. They can be a really lucrative way of selling your artwork, particularly if you enjoy creating designs that is appropriate for printing. You could, for instance, be a fan of designing borders or calendars, checklists or any other element that is suitable for printing.

Is the digital version of my artwork not considered art?

The digital representation of your art is definitely an original piece of art. It's not cheating: even digital fine art paintings, digital illustrations, digital images, or sketches take a lot of talent, time, and effort. Even though digital artwork is able to be duplicated many times, without losing any value, it has value as art. It is possible to use NFTs to create digital artworks with an exclusive, unique impression of artworks made of paper.

It is better to create an Etsy digital listing of your product or have a product listing on your own site?

Can I sell art prints?

Selling the digital versions of your work is simple and enjoyable, you can also offer your clients the chance to buy art prints from your. A few customers possess the appropriate printers that can print your digital art to display your artwork in the most professional light. Art prints can be offered for sale by using print-on demand services that print your artwork at your request and deliver artwork directly to your clients. There is a reasonable profit margin by selling art prints.