How to Price Your Online Course for Maximum Earnings (7 Steps) |

Jan 4, 2024

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Are you an self-employed content creator, or small-scale business owner looking to monetize your coaching blog using a WordPress LMS, you might be realizing that building an online course isn't a small feat.

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It's a maze of choices:

  • Gathering the tools you'll require;

That's a lot of work to take on!

Woman spinning plates

All of which can cause the price of your online course look to be a difficult undertaking.

You're looking for a cost that's fair for the hard work and knowledge you're offering while at the same at the same time, something that your customers is able to pay for.

a bowl filled with small folded paper notes

This comprehensive guide is here to alleviate your anxieties.

This guide aims to provide the reader with insights into the major aspects that affect the pricing of online courses and how to strategically address them.

We'll also discuss ways to leverage the incredible feature set to improve your pricing strategy and maximize the profits.

Let's take this all apart and determine a cost that is just perfect.

The challenges of pricing your Online Course

a hammer crushing a walnut

Why is pricing an online course a difficult piece of cake to crack?

Let's dive into the intricate market of pricing to discover the difficulties that make it appear difficult.

The absence of the Standard Pricing Model

Two road signs pointing towards two opposite directions. The one on the right says "Best Price" while the other on the left says "Better Price".

For the most part physical products come with a cost for production. But, the price of making an online course could be quite different.

It is difficult to establish a cost which covers the costs and makes profits.

Value Can Be at the Finger of the Beholder

A golden egg in the middle of regular eggs.

You want customers to believe your course is worth the money they pay for it. But you also want to cost it at a price that is within their budget. It can be difficult to find the right balance to achieve.

Choose a pricing strategy that is compatible with the budget as well as the expectations of your target audience.

 Do they want to pay a premium to access premium content? Do they prefer a month-long subscription or an all-in one installment?

The knowledge of their preferences can give guidance for your pricing.

A Highly Competitive Environment

Chalk drawings of stick people trying to climb up ladders.

The market for online education is vast and diverse.

Determining a competitive price requires study of what other businesses charge for comparable content. This is a lot simpler than it appears.

Just take a take a look the prices your competition charge for similar classes.

You don't necessarily have to undercut them, but you do must price them within the same range.

a flatlay of a target board and two darts.

The unique nature of your audience adds to the difficulty. Different groups possess different price preferences.

In other words, a class aimed at corporate professionals may have a more costly price compared to one aimed at students.

Understanding your audience's willingness to spend will take a bit of research. It's not a big deal.

4 key factors that affect pricing of your Online Course

a series of emotive faces leading up to a lightbulb

However, knowing how to cost your course is one of the essential things you need to be aware of. It could be the decisive aspect in your achievement!

And the golden question, "How much should you charge per person?" doesn't have one straightforward answer.

But keep reading! We'll guide you through some steps that will assist you in determining your course fee without too worry.

1. The Course Development and Delivery Costs

post-its in a shape of an arrow with dollar signs drawn on them. one of the post-its has a question mark drawn on it instead

Take into consideration the cost you've spent in the process of creating your online class. It's a valuable effort that is worthy of reimbursement.

These costs include everything from the script's creation to, editing, hosting, and advertising.

Additionally, if your course is successful and your name grows in popularity You should think about expanding.

Include these costs in the cost of your item to ensure you don't operate in a losing manner.

2. Perception of Value

the words "value" and "price" on an adhesive note

The cost you pay for the online course is also a a message about its quality.

Low prices can cause prospective students to view the course as unimportant or not of high quality.

On the other hand, a high price may communicate that your course is premium or advanced.

So, your pricing strategy should be aligned to your branding as well as the value you can provide.

3. Consumer Behaviour

a portrait of a disappointed man holding his phone while looking at his credit card

The pricing strategies you use can impact the actions of your students.

As an example students who pay a premium for a course are likely to be more committed and engaged than students that get the course for no cost or with a minimal price.

Additionally, they are more likely to finish the course and provide positive reviews, which can increase the popularity of your course and attract more students.

4. Segmentation and Reach

customer segmentation model concept using blocks grouped by color.

Lastly, your pricing strategy can be an instrument for differentiating and segmenting.

  • Segmentation is dividing a large group in smaller sections according to similar characteristics or needs.
     Consider it as the organization of a closet in which clothes are put in one area and your pants in another.
  • Differentiation, on the other hand, is about making something stand out.
     It's like if you decorate your bicycle with awesome designs and vivid colors so that it appears different and unique than other bicycles.

In this case, for example, you could provide a simple version of your course at a lower price and the premium version, which comes with more features at a higher price.

This way, you can provide for students who are budget conscious as well as those who are willing to shell out more for greater value.

What is the best way to price your online Course in 7 Steps

So far we've identified the significance of having the right pricing strategy for your online course.

We'll now move on to making sure you've got a good understanding of the basics of course pricing.

Flay lay of office implements and a notebook with a checklist written on its open page.

When you know these basic concepts and making smarter choices for yourself. Not just based on competition however, but by recognizing the distinctive worth you provide.

1. Assess the worth of your course

Find out what value your class can bring to learners. Are you solving a critical problem or teaching valuable skills?

The uniqueness of your online course will allow your course to be distinguished from the other courses of similar value on the marketplace.

2. Know Your Audience (and the willingness of them to pay)

a magnifying glass laid on top of an icon of a customer

Understand their financial capability to ensure that they can easily afford the course.

Be aware that your price will make the course an attractive proposition.

To get a deep understanding of your audience's spending habits, consider administering surveys and conducting individual interviews.

This interactive approach does not just reveal students' financial capacity but their perceived worthiness of online classes.

When you're trying to determine consumer demographics as well conducting market research their pre-made survey forms are a time-saver. You can even create your own survey within a matter of minutes.

3. Calculate Production Costs

pacman shape trying to devour illustration of coins with dollar signs on them.

Take into account all the cost of the creation and maintenance of your online course.

This knowledge is essential to the ability to precisely price your course to pay for these expenses and generate profits.

Let's take a look at the most common costs:

  • Resources for your research: You may need to purchase books, be a participant in courses similar to yours and even engage a consultant for your course. The costs are high and should be in your calculations.
  • Production costs: Tailoring your course to your audience may require you to film videos or set up an at-home studio, all that will incur costs.
  • design costs: The visual appeal of your school's curriculum shouldn't be ignored. There may be a need for hiring graphic designers or purchase the latest design software to create stunning visuals.
     Or even, you could just take advantage of the fact that it's has (tm) integrated into it.
     This page styling tool makes it super easy to incorporate branded designs to each one of your site pages No coding is needed.

Learn how to auto-style your pages within a minute

Marketing costs: Paid advertisements, social media marketing campaigns as well as other methods of promoting your courses will all have their share of costs.

PRO-TIP: Begin by establishing an amount that is sufficient to cover your costs and offers a decent profit margin. This will not only make your course viable, but also offers the resources you'll need for future course development and business growth.

4. Do Market Research

a woman  in a meeting with other co-workers discussing charts and graphs, representing market research.

Analyze the prices of similar courses on the marketplace. This will help you set competitive prices.

The research process for analyzing your competitors isn't just concerned with understanding the competition you're with, but it's as well, accurately pricing your online course.

 Then, where do you begin?

Your first step should be to identify your main opponents.

Be on the lookout for courses that have some similarities with yours in terms of content, complexity as well as the target audience.

After that, you should study the pricing structures of their competitors.

 Are they charging a similar cost to you? Do they offer any discounts or bundle deals? Are they selling any additional items for sale?

Take note of these particulars.

Note: While it's important to understand what your competitors are doing, don't simply duplicate their prices. Your pricing must reflect the worth of your course as well as its distinctive selling points.

5. Select a Pricing Model that is appropriate for your needs.

bag with money, measuring tape, and gold coins

Let's look into the pros and cons for each.

 One-Time Payment

This model of pricing is perfect for self-paced learning courses which offer lifetime access.

BenefitsThis technique offers instant ROI on investment, and obvious initial profit.

Pros:These are typically higher-priced due to the worth of the product.


Pros: This model provides the same income flow which can simplify budgeting and plan.

Pros:However, as a course designer, you need to continuously provide quality content in order to keep your customers interested and engaged.


This fee-based model allows users to access select content for free and offers paid access to further or more sophisticated content.

Benefits: This model can draw a wide audience as it lowers the barrier to admission for students who are interested.

Cons: Course creators have the daunting task of trying to the right chord to get free users to a paid version.

6. Review and Reset Your Pricing

Young man reading chart

It's essential to periodically review and refine your pricing strategy.

As the online course landscape changes swiftly, along with audience preferences and competition the pricing of your course may have to adapt.

  • Monitor your pricing effectiveness over the course of time, refining and adjusting whenever necessary.
  • React to shifts in customer preferences or market trends. course enhancements.
  • Always stay reactive and ready to alter your course should you need to.

7. Use Flexible Pricing Tools

Tiny Mechanic Figures Next To Tools

It is possible that you are thinking at the time you are here, "Is there a software which can help simplify this entire process?"

It's a complete, feature-rich plugin that simplifies the entire process of setting up, managing, and selling online courses.

Takes the mystery out of pricing, while providing the most value to your customers.

In case you want to even turn your performance up to an eleven (who wouldn't? ) There's another thing worth a try - the WordPress Coaching Platform (tm).

It lets you unlock the full potential of the Courses WordPress LMS with a click of a button.

This powerful duo transforms the way course creators manage and optimize their operations.

Through CoachKit(tm) it is possible to build your own successful coaching business in WordPress which is where simpleness meets endless possibilities.


How To Price your online course

Explore the features which can make your price experience much simpler and also more lucrative.

 Simple Pricing Options

Red Calculator With Floating Numbers

The most notable feature the course is its ease of creating and changing pricing choices for your courses.

You can offer only one-time purchases, subscriptions or courses for free it's possible to do all this and much more with .

 Unlimited Membership Levels

A popular strategy is to begin by offering a base pricing tier for a less expensive cost before offering packages with progressively higher quality features and content for higher cost.

This makes your offerings more accessible to a wider range of budgets while also increasing your potential earnings from customers who are willing to spend higher prices.

Coupons, and discounts

You can create your own custom coupon codes and discount coupons for your courses.

The process of setting up discount codes should be easy but it certainly isn't.

    Content Dripping

Watch >> HOW to provide FREE PAGE VIEWS with the PAYWALL SETTING

This can be particularly beneficial for pricing, as it permits the creation of subscription-based model.

Instead of charging a huge upfront fee, course creators could charge small, regular charges for access to new material.

Through the program, you have the option to integrate with various payment processors that include, for example .


Data and Analytics

They can offer valuable insight into the behavior of members, including what is the most interesting content for them to be in, as well as the price they are willing to pay.

Watch >> news reports

Final thoughts

Portrait of a woman analyzing a business report

We've walked through the following crucial steps to determine the price of your online course:

  • Knowing the true value of your course
  • A deep understanding of your your target market
  • Accurately estimating the cost of production
  • Conducting an extensive market research
  • Choosing an appropriate pricing model
  • Constantly monitoring and adjusting your pricing strategy continuously.
  • Selecting the appropriate tools can make it easier for you

The process of navigating these stages on your own can feel overwhelming. But, it's not necessary to take on these burdens all on your own.

It is an all-in-one software designed to aid you in improving your pricing strategy and all other aspects of the running of your business online.

It is a WordPress LMS, membership and coaching plugin It allows you to modify your course to the changing market conditions and adapt to your students' behaviors, and ultimately, price your course in the most effective manner.

cta character

Start today!

Get paid to create the content you create.

Are you looking for tips, or concerns about pricing strategies for your online course? Join the discussion in the comments section and let's get the discussion rolling!

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