How to Make an Onboarding Website or Hub with WordPress

Jun 3, 2023

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Are you looking for the most efficient method to finish the process of onboarding...

  • Customers
  • Customers
  • Students
  • or employees?

A web-based hubis the best and speediest way of helping users quickly and efficiently get all the info or instruction they require, regardless of the subject matter. The hubs can be expensive and restricted.

There's good news: creating your personal hubas an onboarding site that is specifically designed for you can be extremely cost effective. It also gives users access to the features, and customizations that other services can't match.

With your own onboarding hub and connecting conventional onboarding, the potential of...

  • Put yourself on a waiting list
  • Manage attendees
  • Generate unique QR codes for entry
  • and many others. Each one is tailored to the specifics of your occasion.

If you have your own Onboarding Hub it will allow you to save money and accomplish more. That's quite a bargain!

In this piece this article we'll cover the necessary tools to build your own website for onboarding or hub using WordPress. In our next post we'll explain how to do it step-by-step. We'll get started!

The Tools You'll Need

To create an Onboarding Hub, you'll need the WordPress website and these useful tools:

  • RegFox. It's the most well-known software for onboarding that we use together with WordPress. RegFox permits you to sign up people into an event, a training course or on a website. RegFox lets you create complex process for onboarding and monitor your customers.
  • . With Regfox, you'll be able to give the registered user access to private websites, documents, along with other forms of information. This also integrates perfectly with Regfox.
  • Zapier. This tool lets you connect "apps" and platforms, allowing you to build "zaps" - an action that takes place on one platform when activated via an event happening on another.
  • . This extension allows you to be capable providing users with access to downloads via your site. For instance, you can, share perks when users are at an event or give material to students in classes.

It makes it simple to sign-up and then onboard users. If you are planning to make money available, it lets you accept payments too.

Regfox was created to make the process of onboarding, and allow you to modify it at the beginning.

The integration allows you to register users using RegFox and later transfer the information into WordPress. This means that after a user has joined, they are registered as a user on your site, and allow the user access to exclusive advantages.

In the next part, we'll explain how you can set up your own site and link it to RegFox for an easier process of in-boarding!

What's the motivation behind why you develop an Onboarding Site?

The concept of the website for onboarding is easy to understand. It's designed to help you in your efforts to get people to sign up to something and provide users the necessary information in order to make use of your services.

Here's an example of the page for onboarding created using RegFox:

You can think of the onboarding portal as a central point. It contains all the information needed for a particular occasion or event, and that's why it encourages you to sign-up.

Use cases for the Onboarding Website

One of the scenarios for which the use of an onboarding site is a good idea could be:

  • The summer camps. Onboarding sites could include guidelines on rules, the things participants need to bring with their entry, intake forms as well as information on what to expect upon arrival and so on.
  • . Patients can fill out intake documents on the site as well as access information on how sessions are conducted as well as billing and payment procedures. All the other information they'll need to be aware of.
  • New employee onboarding. A new employee is often asked to read many onboarding documentation. The centralization of these documents along with the registration forms that they have to fill out to their customers will make the process.
  • Event volunteers. Just as with campers, utilize an onboarding website for registration of volunteers, as well as inform them of what you expect from the volunteers.
  • New club members. If you are being a part of a club that is brand new you must know the club's guidelines and rules. Onboarding sites are the ideal location to share the information.
  • New forum users. When joining a forum, you must read the rules for the forum as well as what it does. Onboarding websites is a signup page as well as an information center.

If you're planning to host a party, or have a group that offers an onboarding program for new users to the site, a separate hub is beneficial. That page can be operated through a third-party service like RegFox as well as function in conjunction with the other sections of your site.

How to Make an Onboarding Website or Hub with WordPress (3 three steps)

You must have the Plus licence (or greater) for this tutorial. The Plus licence allows you to make use of Zapier's integration capabilities required to integrate with Regfox. However, you can alsodon't required to purchase RegFox and the Zapier account.

Step 1: Install WordPress and

There are many methods to setup WordPress. A few web hosts will even install it for you. So you're able to build your website straight immediately.

If you're not sure regarding a hosting provider then this article can give you some suggestions.

Once WordPress is up and operational, you'll need to activate and set up your license.

Create and personalize your personal pages using readylaunch(tm) created by .

It's now time to establish members. With , you can make one or several types of members which allow users access to various content:


Instead of creating an online hub full of documents, you'll be able to lead students through the essential onboarding procedures in your courses.

Step 2: Install RegFox

Registering for a RegFox account is simple as well as you have the option of using the free service offered by the platform for this integration. After registering and registering, the system will take you through an easy set-up procedure for creating a new website.

If you're ready to start, read the RegFox guide on how the process of setting up an account. Then, you can utilize the builder tool to design event pages. RegFox offers a variety of customizable options for onboarding pages.

To get a complete explanation of customization settings you can look up this instructional video:

After your onboarding page has been completed, it's time to join them with WordPress and . Go back to your WordPress dashboard!

Step 3. Connect Regfox to

Zapier is a platform that lets you connect Zapier it is possible to connect "apps" and platforms in order to build complex chains of action by using "recipes". In order to get started creating your Zapier account. It is free to sign up for a Zapier account.

If you're using a premium license, Zapier allows you view all the Zapier connections on the dashboard. For further information, click on the developer taband select to open the Zapiertab.

Search the bar on the right side of the page to search for the RegFoxintegration. Once you have selected the integration, hit the button to on the button to build your personal workflow:

It will open Zapier on a new page. Log in to your Zapier account, and then select the trigger that best fits the recipe you want to create.

In the case of RegFox it's possible to pick two options when a user registers on your onboarding webpage or the platform processes a payment. In this guide, select the New Registrationoption:

Zapier will prompt you to sign-in into the RegFox account. It will then let you choose which page you want to add your trigger on. Choose the RegFox page that you made during the second step.

The following step is to complete this process. Zapier will let you know which actions you have to perform . Follow this step-by-step guide to select the Create Member option:

Zapier requires the user to create an account. Enter your API key and your site's URL. You can find the API key in the section Developer > REST APItab on WordPress.

Then, Zapier will ask you to set up the actions. This means deciding how to register new users on Regfox. Zapier is able to display a range of fields that are required. Zapier will also present your options when it comes to usernames and passwords:

Pick each of the fields and select the option for it in RegFox. For example, under the email field, we picked the option for the Registrantoption. Next, select to select the Email option. This means we'll sign up the user using the RegFox details.

After you've finished, tell your friends about your recipe and you'll be at all there is to it!

It will register users who are registered for an event or program via your RegFox page. After that, you'll need to assign them manually different membership levels.


RegFox could be the ideal choice for building completely dedicated websites onboarding for events, online courses, RSVPs, and more.

The following is a short description of the procedure to follow:

  1. Set up WordPress and .
  2. Configure RegFox.
  3. Connect RegFox by .
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Get now!

By using this service, you will be able to have your own onboarding hub set up and operating in less than a day.

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