How to go about using interactive content & quizzes for your offerings

Jun 22, 2022

Are you looking to gain an advantage over the competition? Interactive content is simple, free, and fits to every stage of the buyer's journey. Here's how to use it.

I can think of some words that have been cursed more in combination than listening to my eighth-grade life science teacher announce, "Pop quiz!"

And yet, despite such a harrowing childhood association, there are few words more enchanting to me in my adulthood than "personality test."

Do I really need to know which breed of dog have in common with my character? No. But will I saddle up with the cup of tea to take a long, hard look- - as many times as you can in a matter of 20 minutes -- on what my favorite park looks like?

You bet.

It's not just me who indulges in this addiction, neither.

90% of people who take a test on the most popular time-killer of all time -- Buzzfeed -- complete it.

Contrast that with statistics like that of that 43% of readers admitted to reading blog articles or the time it takes to read through a blog post is just 37 seconds  and the pattern will become clear.

The trauma that we experienced through pop-quizzes, we've only moved on from it as adults, but we've returned to the zenith and have embraced them as part of interactive media.

And if you want to offer digital items -- whether they're classes online, subscriptions, or downloads in digital format -- you need to do exactly the same.

Let's find out how and why.

Interactive media is now the most talked about latest trend in marketing

Before we go any further, we should clear up what we mean by interactive content.

Everything that demands user involvement to consume, whether it's an informational graphic which requires the user to click, a survey the users fill in or an online quiz that has multiple-choice options, falls into this class.

Blogs that contain static content (like the one you're currently reading), plain infographics, and videos, on the other hand, fall outside of it. Users can consume the content passively: whether or not they do anything does affect their enjoyment of the material.

This infographic interactive from NeoNam Studios is the perfect illustration of what I am talking about.

When you scroll through the content through the content, you'll encounter new features and respond to your actions. While it doesn't require extensive involvement like an exam requires, it is still dependent on you taking action -- without it the user is unable to move through the information.

Marketing and sales professionals around all over the globe are excited by this kind of content.

Just how excited, you ask?

88 percent of marketers claim that content with interactive elements helps them differentiate their brand (or the brands of their clients) from their competitors.

Furthermore, engaging content creates almost twice the engagement rates as static content.

But what's most exciting with interactive media is its flexible it is in the life of the consumer.

In order to ensure we're in the same boat about lifecycles, let's clear the confusion while doing it.

Lifecycle stages differ based upon who you consult and the industry you work in, however, to our needs, HubSpot's model is the most appropriate one for us to start from. It's concise, and although created to be a reflection of the SaaS cycle, it is applicable to every online company.

Here's how they're broken into:

Acquisition is the first stage in which the client enters your sales funnel. The customer isn't quite ready to make purchases yet, but they've most likely joined your email list and at least be aware of the issue the product could solve.

Engage is the next step where nurturing and purchase occur. In ideal circumstances, activation occurs during this time, so that the customer begins using your service regularly.

Diverse types of interactive content work best for certain stages of the process. The Content Marketing Institute surveyed more than 350 professionals in the field of content marketing regarding the best ways to integrate interactive content fit into the lifecycle, as follows: observed:

The majority of interactive content are ranked most effective in the initial to middle stages of the lifecycle.

This may be because consumers in the late stage are likely to be mostly interacting with the product, not its promotional assets, but it could also be due to the different prioritization.

Confusingly, despite overwhelming statistical data that shows customer retention is cheaper and more profitable to keep, 44% of companies still place greater focus on acquiring new customers as opposed to keeping the ones they've done business with.

Also, many businesses' goals remain primarily focused on marketing to consumers at the beginning of their journey and this is the reason for the decline in perceived effectiveness in the later stage of the life cycle of a customer.

However, if we return to the point, what do the higher engagements rates using interactive content tell us about the overall bottom line?

For Neil Patel, it meant 500 per cent more leads that were captured than prior to.

The New York Times , it's consistently meant high-profile articles that got more attention and became viral, often times surpassing even their (ridiculously excellent) static editorial content.

Consider, for example, this old-fashioned, but timeless quiz about accents.

Despite being published six years ago, a reader sent me this information the other day, not knowing they'd play a role in my study.

In fact, the test in the above example was shared 150,000 times and contains 1,500 referring domains pointing back to the quiz.

Bottom line:

Interactive content is modern in comparison to other marketing techniques excellents such as copywriting and advertising yet it's proved easier to access than ever before thanks to the platforms that support creators (more about this in a minute) and stands the test of the test of time.

We've now covered the "why," we can move on to the more important stuff and the what.

However, please keep in mind that throughout the course of this article, we'll be focusing on interactive content that comes in the form of quizzes and calculators and surveys. In part, it's because they're free to make and are user-friendly. In another way the reason is that they're quick.

If you'd like to learn more about interactive media, we suggest going to SnapApp and the ion interactive for a chat with designers who are experienced.

Otherwise, full steam ahead.

Qualify leads and drive them to the next level through fun and engaging interactions

Beyond generating leads which is the biggest obstacle to overcome in acquiring customers?

Make sure that your leads are qualified in the first place. The majority of people who visit your site or sales page will fit in with your business (and in reverse) this is particularly relevant as leads are generated.

This is something even businesses that have over 200 employees must managein fact, it appears that as leads increase overall getting leads that are competent becomes more and more difficult.

So, how do solve this problem?

Simple: you inquire about your leads' capable, and do it so that you don't harm any relationships or cause a poor experience for the visitor.

Interactive content is where it can come in. A quiz can not only aid in determining what leads can be qualified for your company, but they also give you the chance to connect with a larger audience because of their shareability.

After all, 84% of all social shares of media on Facebook consist of quizzes.

Plus, they have massive potential to grow an existing subscriber base during the course of.

One creator pulled in 10,145 ultra-engaged subscribers in 10 days -- and that's not a typo -- by launching an online quiz. All told, their quiz converted visitors to subscribers with a rate of 62.89 percent .

While the results are extraordinary, they're not the only ones benefiting from using quizzes to bring more users to their website.

Kayla Hollatz, a creative marketer and copywriter produced more than 3,000 leads by taking her " What Is Your Brand Voice Style? " quiz.

It's an excellent quiz too, which I highly recommend taking a look after you've gone through the article, and I'd particularly like to draw attention to two questions.

The very first question lays out the possibility to categorize, or at a minimum sort the leads that she receives from the quiz, by asking the users perception of their brand.

Someone who selects the last two choices will probably require much more nurturing as compared to someone who selects one of the two options above.

Why? Because if you've already made the foray into running your own business, you've most likely been able to get by the plethora of information on the necessity of branding and hiring professional Content creators.

Another question I'd like to point out is the last. You can read it here:

What has this particular question in common with the question about finding your brand's voice? Statistically and scientifically, probably not much, but it's an entertaining way to close the conversation and make it a fun experience.

Also, it shows that even though interactive content can be considered an important business venture but the content doesn't have to be stuffy or even serious in order to be useful.

If you're interested in creating content similar to Kayla's quiz You can download free template templates available on the website she uses, Interact , or create similar results with the Typeform .

(Not an existing customer? Check out an interactive demo to see what HTML0 could do for your company, or sign up for the free account now .)

In addition, keep in mind that tests are a powerful tool to generate leads and certification, however they do not have to be boring, long, or stodgy to achieve any of the goals.

They're also not an untrick-pony, either.

Engage customers by engaging them with your interactions

If you're from the states like me I am, then you are exposed to anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 daily marketing communications. This kind of exposure breeds a lot of things however trust isn't the most important one.

The same concept applies to your customers, too.

Sure, you can explain to them how your program could save them around more than 400 hours by reducing their time consumption or build up a graph to support your findings, but if you really would like to convince them then let them do the calculations themselves.

You could also inform your students that they'll gain learn more about marketing in as little as one session, but wouldn't it be more beneficial to demonstrate your learners?

If you're using to host your online course It's simple. Let me demonstrate how.

Like every other time, you should start on the page for your products and then select the online course you want to change.

Once there, choose where you want to add the question and click the "add" button in the module on the top right-hand corner or click on"add content" by clicking on the "add contents" button on the module.

The result is a completely new modal for the quiz. Click on "edit" to continue setting it up.

Begin by giving it good name.

Since this quiz is specifically for education, it's okay when it has the academic aspect However, you should keep your general goal in mind. even if your teaching style isn't usually formal, it shouldn't suddenly alter when it comes down to interactive content.

Settled to name a child? Then let's include some additional questions by pressing"add question" in the form of a purple "add question" button. If the question you are asking has more than one possible answer, simply select the grey "+ Add Answer" link to continue expanding the field.

Check the right answer and hit save.

That's all there is to it. To edit or change the question you've asked, simply select the relevant links. Once you're all set for the exam to live, toggle to the "published" button, and your online courses will have interactive contents alongside your fantastic lesson plans.

Wondering how to use this to get leads that haven't converted into customers? Create a free mini-course or lesson. Attach a quiz to it to demonstrate how quickly they'll master the skill you're trying to teach.

Additionally, it helps to gain advantage over a trend that 55.5% of businesses consider as their number one goal of making sure that customers have a personalized experience.

Aren't sure how the concept of the customer experience (CX) can be incorporated into all of this?

By the way, if you'd prefer to give calculators an opportunity to test their capabilities rather than taking quizzes for participation, I would suggest the uCalc .

In the category of free platforms with a free version, the one that was most intuitive and elegant features, though be prepared to use a bit of software magic to get higher-end computations.

Now, for our last foray today, we'll look at retention-focused interactive content.

Additionally, we'll focus on another type of interactive content for this round, because although quizzes definitely have a place in retention but there's a clear champion of interactivity that gets your users more information and protects you from churn and provides you with user-generated content to show off.

That's it for the survey.

Utilize surveys and polls to keep customers for longer

Did you know that it's up to ten times cheaper for you to maintain your existing customers than it is to earn a new customer?

It's extremely easy to lose your existing customers.

Just one negative experience with your company can result in the loss of 51% of your current customers .

It's an incredibly tightrope to walk, you think? Fortunately, not all optimism is gone -- one-fifth of customers' loss can be prevented merely by reaching out to customers.

The most effective way to make money from that is creating open dialogue and obtaining information directly from your clients.

That is to say, you have to interact with them. However, it does have to be your presence in charge of the conversation.

Only one of 26 dissatisfied customers will voice a grievance when they leave.

Take the Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey.

Although you've probably never ever heard of the NPS survey by name or even taken part in it via telephone or email. Most often, based on scales that range between zero and ten  and the NPS determines the likelihood that an individual customer would recommend a product or business to a friend.

Here's another example that I recently received within my email inbox by OfficeMax ---

Plus, one more spectacle from our extremely talented leader Spencer:

(Spoilers that the response is a solid 10.)

In and of itself in itself, an NPS isn't a great source of details. Rather, the benefit of this type of interactive content is the ability to provide the opportunity to intervene in a poor customer experience.

It's an opportunity many businesses especially successful ones -- strive to never miss.

In this case, for instance, by responding to their NPS ratings in real-time, the health and fitness label Genesis can be in a position to tackle problems that cause customers leaving (loss) actively and keep their members satisfied .

Orangetheory  Another fitness company is a fitness business that has had similar outcomes .

Are you thinking that NPS is best reserved for corporate clients? Don't.

Instead, look at it this way:

In the case of fitness business, one of the most churn-replete industries regardless of which part of the globe , can create NPS surveys an instrumental method to maintain customers and increase sales, then you can too.

It's actually really easy as well.

Creating an NPS survey and then sending it to your email list is as easy as sign-up for a no-cost surveyMonkey account, and then logging in to your dashboard .

From here, click on "create survey" on the upper right corner. This will take you to the next screen where you can choose to build an entire survey from scratch, or use templates. We want to select the top option on the right side.

When you've made your decision, a new window will pop up asking you if you wish to make use of the template. Select the option on the right side of the window to proceed.

We only have one thing we'll need to alter to use this template -- the title.

Click on the title using your mouse, and you'll be able to click the "edit" option and then modify it according to your company's name. It might not be a bad idea to change some of the wording to reflect your brand voice when you're doing it, but it's not critical.

Once that's done and you're happy, you can click then the "next" button -- again in the top right corner -- to preview the survey.

If you're happy with how it looks, keep clicking to "next" until you land at the "collect responses" phase.

Choose "send via email."

(Want to connect your list of email addresses with this? Connect to them using this zap .)

The next screen will allow you to modify your subject's title, and ensure that the "embed first question" option is turned on and keep clicking through.

Make sure that everything is correct with your preferences on the next screen. Then, you can get ready for the last step.

You'll be given the option to choose to either set your email up for later delivery or to immediately send it. To illustrate this scenario, let's start sending this email right today.

And like that and you're finished. Within a matter of seconds, your customers will be able to access a live and interactive content piece that they can complete inside their email as well as valuable information about your customers.

Anything that can be easily completed from my inbox and using a touchscreen? Sign me up.


Similar to forest fires, the customer retention process begins at the top of your list. Use interactive content by embedding NPS surveys in your emails to find weak points and ensure that your customers satisfied.

In the event that it is not, another firm could.

Interactive content is changing the way we do business

As with all transformations, that might seem daunting initially, but it's eventually a great thing. Interactive content generates more engagement as opposed to static content. It also generates higher leads and offers an opportunity to develop and maintainrelationships with your client.

Here is the breakdown of interactive content:

Content that directly requires user action to access is considered to be interactive regardless of whether the activity can be as simple as scrolling.

Interactive content fits into every stage of the customer's lifecycle.

In the beginning of your lifecycle, tests can be extremely effective in driving lead generation and qualifying your prospects.

In the next stage the calculators and tests give you an opportunity to go beyond just make a statement -- they allow your customers to take a walk along with them and show the value of your service.

Plus, adding online quizzes can be as simple as just 1-2-3 . Try it out if you haven't yet.

The final phase of the customer lifecycle, SurveyMonkey allows you to integrate interactive surveys directly to emails, and then get your NPS. When you're able to access real-time data coming in from customers, you have the opportunity to intervene in customer churn.

With the many options for free accessible and user-friendly tools available it's not a reason to ignore interactive content. It's much easier than you think affordable, economical, and can set your brand apart from competition.

So get out there and start doing what you do most well: make.