How to create and sell Online Courses With |

Apr 27, 2022

The business of online courses is growing rapidly, reaching over 250 billion dollars in the last fiscal year. If you're like a lot of people are, then you're probably thinking about selling a piece of this market.

It is a great moment to develop your own online courses. But you should know that the field of online learning is evolving. More competition is on the horizon, which you probably figured out already. There's a lot of creators on the market. There are plenty of accounts of people who created a course that made $45,000 during their first week. All this might leave you feeling a bit smug, confused and maybe motivated! It's our hope that this is the case!

We're going to be a little more specific about the methods you can create and sell online courses by using . If you're looking for more detailed tutorials on creating online courses, check out these related posts, The Ultimate Guide to Creating an Online Course as well as Selling Courses Online

If you're looking for more help for building your online learning community, come to join OUR Mighty Community for free and get to know other newly experienced community managers! We'd like to get to know you. Sign up at no cost!

    In this article...

1.Community Design(tm)

2.Decide on delivery

3.Choose your pricing structure

4. Find your members

5.Deliver value

6. Adapt and grow


Community Design(tm)

It is recommended to begin this method, regardless of whether you are creating a course. In part, this is because the thing that makes so successful is their communities - more on this in a minute.

Our trademarked method that we call Community Design(tm) walks you through creating a solid idea about who the ideal client will be, what the needs are, and the ways in which you can help your members. It's the place to start designing an online class.

Decide on delivery

Consider how you would like to present the online course. There is the possibility to have the class pre-recorded, to drip out information, or for it to be taught in person!

In fact, we've had some great successes of students who've chosen to present the course in person !

There's no wrong answer. You can choose what feels right to you. If you choose to take live courses it will be recorded all the time as an online course.

Choose your pricing structure

One of the hardest parts when creating an online class is working out the price you can sell it for. It's easy to think that keeping your price at a low level will result in higher sign-ups. However, as we've seen from experience, this is not always the case. People often pay for what they spend on.

One of the advantages of offering a course via the Mighty Network is that you can sell it in different ways. You might choose to keep membership in your community cheap or even free, and add an upsell to the course. It could allow you to provide worth to your customers before asking them to pay for the class. If they already belong to your community, it's an easier jump to upsell.

Feature Item 2 - Courses

or, you could decide to offer the course as a one time fee, and allow members to access the community for a set duration.

or, you could choose to charge one cost for membership and add the course in your group.

However you want to handle this aspect of your business, lets you build almost any kind of package you could imagine. And if you are not located in the US You can bill using your local currency.

Find your friends

After you've completed the necessary background research, and you have your community set up, the next step is to find your members. Whether you are trying to recruit members into the community for free, or if you're pre-selling the course, membership acquisition is an essential part of any course-based business.

Start with the individuals you interviewed to determine the ideal members. Perhaps it's not a shock that the people who have shared their frustrations with you may be willing to pay for your solution.

Contact them to them with a messages or emails like these:

Hey James,
Thank you for the feedback on the challenges that come with starting a freelance writing business. As a result of my research, I've made the decision to start a freelance writing community. It's totally free to join it's an opportunity to help freelance writers and give back the experience I've learned from building my own business in writing that's six figures. I'm also planning to offer a live course in the fall on creating your own six-figure writing business.

    I'd like to meet you at the event, but there's do not feel any pressure if this event isn't for you right now! I appreciate your insightful insights, and Have a wonderful week.

Otherwise, you'll need create a way to acquire members for your course company which is suitable for your needs. It could include things like:


  • Email        
  • Social media        
  • Free trials        
  • Ads        
  • Webinars        
  • Guest speaking        

Remember, you can easily invite people on your Mighty Network by either sharing your landing page or invitation hyperlink.

Deliver value

Once you have the members of your course then you're able with delivering value. Naturally, one of the primary channels to deliver worth will be your course. Pick the delivery method you prefer that we discussed above. Also, with an Mighty Network, you can easily add new content to extend your course in the future. Make sure that each course is accompanied by a discussion section in the middle, which means that you can engage your students with a discussion about the course too.

There is no limit to your course's function when it comes to delivering the value. You are able to easily amaze your customers with things like live streaming, live events, periodic posts, articles, polls and much more.

While your course material is important, the connections that your members make with other members will also play a crucial role in their transformation, as they come to realize that they're not on their own and meet others who will walk in their footsteps.

Adapt and grow

Do not quit with your plan of action. Be sure to keep developing and changing to find out what's working. Add more information when you dig deep into the questions your students will be asking. Check your statistics to see where students are spending the most time, and use these insights to modify your course content.


This short guide has provided you with an ideas on how you can create and market online courses using .

When you're creating and marketing an online course, above all, have fun! The process of creating a course or community does not have to be a hassle. If you pick the best platform, it'll take care of a lot of the work for you. You just need to provide the best material to share and we'll assist you bring your ideas to life!

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