How to Begin an Online School with WordPress

Mar 3, 2023


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Are you looking for a simple way to make cash online? You might be a teacher in search for new students.

WordPress can be used WordPress to build almost any website including stores, blogs and even online schools. If you'd like to create an online school with WordPress, you'll need to build virtual classrooms, hand out assignmentsand so on.

There are a lot of online learning tools and plugins you can use to convert your WordPress website into a virtual school.

It also However,completely simplifies this process. You can charge people for access to online content and protect the materials you've created for your students.

In this post this article, we'll review the tools you need to begin an online school. Additionally, we'll walk you through the steps needed to get it done with WordPress. Let's get going!

The tools you'll need

WordPress provides a variety of features out of the box. However, not all of them are geared toward online learning.

Fortunately, it's pretty simple to include all options you'll need to WordPress to transform it into a learning online platform.

Here are some resources to get you started:

  1. Our plug-in will form the center of your school's online platform. It can be used to protect content and create memberships that give students access to the content. That means you can upload online courses, create student membership tiers as well as select who can access which lessons.
  2. The add-on lets you build online online lessons with the visual builder. Lessons can include quizzes and track progress. Plus, you're able to issue certificates to students that complete your courses!
  3. The tool can be used in lieu of it, but we recommend giving students access to online forums in which they can interact with one another. These days, most people tend to use Discord as it's a much more dynamic option for classes that are online.
  4. The plugin allows you to create an online directory of your school's teachers as well as students. This way, all students and teachers at the school is able to know more about the other.

Keep in mind that you do not need to utilize the entire setof these options to create an online school with WordPress. For the school's core functions, you only need and Courses.

However, the more features you add to the lessons, the more engaging learning experiences become. A content that is engaging is vital for monetizing your online school.

In the end, since you're the only private school for profit it will be competing against other learning institutions.

However, having access to the right features and tools isn't the only thing to take into consideration when creating an online site. There's more to createit.

How to Start an Online School with WordPress (In 3 Steps)

In this video we'll walk you through the process of determining what type of school you'd like to create. We'll also show you how to install WordPress and how to make the first lesson.

Let's get to it!

Step 1: Choose a Type of School

Online schools come diverse in their forms or business models. These models vary depending on how students learn and the degree to which you can offer certificates.

Three of them are most common:

  1. Private Accredited: This type of school provides some type of accreditation. Certificates prove that students have completed their coursework, which should help them find jobs.
  2. Unaccredited: The schools do not offer an accreditation. Students have access to useful materials and classes however they do not earn the certificates they earn for finishing their the course.
  3. Homeschool co-op model: This type of school focuses on providing learning materials but letting students self-manage. Students may collaborate but they don't get access to instructors who hold their hands.

Every single one of these learning models can be used in any way. The most appropriate choice depends on whether or not you can offer some type of accreditation and if you plan to act as teacher (or recruit instructors).

The model you choose will also determine how much money you can make.

If you provide accessibility to teachers and offer certifications for completion, you'll be able to charge more than you could should students take the materials and learn the material on their own.

Site Exemple

If you're seeking ideas, it's a good idea to check out this article from the Marketing and Communications Association for Schools:

The online school provides marketing and communications training programs for educators. They also offer subscriptions for paid members and to paywall its learning materials.

Step 2: Install WordPress and

Installation of WordPress is the most straightforward step in this procedure. Actually, many of the hosting providers will install the CMS on your behalf.

If the web hosting provider you use doesn't offer this option You can install WordPress on your own. Once your website is up and running then you'll have for the installation of WordPress

First thing you'll need to accomplish after installing your account is figure out how to make members.

The tutorial video below will demonstrate how the procedure is carried out:

Step 3. Install Courses and Make a Course

To earn extra points, we suggest taking a look at this article on creating quizzes for your school online.

Questions can be used to engage students and make them think to think about the material they're studying:

If you are at this point it is also advisable to take some time to learn more about Courses.

>> Click Here To the Courses Help Docs

Configure and personalize your first course until it's available for people to access it. After that, you'll have to choose whether you want you want to start your online school as soon as possible or plan additional classes.


You don't need a massive budget, or even a group of developers to start an online school.

If you're interested in creating an online school with WordPress You can accomplish it with just three steps:

  1. Select the type of school you would like to build.
  2. Setup WordPress and .
  3. Create your own program.
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Are You Ready to Begin Your Online School?

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