How do you create a Masterclass

Oct 19, 2023

If you have knowledge you want that you want to impart, a masterclass is an ideal method to connect with your public and make them talk about it.

The most appealing aspect? Masterclasses are as brief or as long as you'd like and you are able to give your best advice and provide the most impactful content in just a fraction of the time of an ordinary class.

Here at , we are experts about masterclasses. We've also helped numerous creators create, present and even sell their own masterclasses online.

We've got a guide for how to design a successful masterclass - plus insider tips and examples from some of the true masters of the masterclass.

Skip ahead:

What is the format of a masterclass

Masterclasses do not have a strict format - a masterclass could be anything between a single class to an entire video course.

However, typically masterclasses contain three essential elements:

  • An explicit goal for learning goal(s) Each masterclass should have an aim or learning goal that your attendees can complete or learn from by the end of the session.
  • A skilled instructor Masterclasses are usually given by a professional who has experience in education or experience relevant to the topic of masterclass or industry.
  • Assessment or an activity: Many masterclasses may also contain exercises or a method of evaluation to assist students apply and evaluate their skills. Successful learners may also be awarded a certificate upon completion of the masterclass.

  Are masterclasses just videos?

Yes as well as no. Masterclasses are training content that teaches specific skills. are taught by experts in their area. They're usually videos - but they could also include live webinars, blogs, podcasts, and more. The best masterclasses also include other resources as well as activities for learning, such as quizzes assignments, Q&As, in addition to the accreditations and certifications.

How to make your own masterclass with seven steps

If you're considering hosting your own masterclass at home, there are seven essential steps be following to ensure that your course is well-organized, marketable, and ultimately beneficial to the audience you want to reach.

Here's how to make an online masterclass (click to skip ahead to further details):

  1. Pick a topic: Find your niche and pick an area for your masterclass that is interesting and relevant for the audience you want to reach.
  2. Plan your masterclass: Carefully determine the format of your masterclass along with the contents and format - including writing the outline and rough draft of the script.
  3. Create your Masterclass: Record and edit your masterclass to produce a professional-looking product customers will want to purchase.
  4. Find a hosting platform Select a platform hosting your masterclass on which you are able to publish, advertise, manage, and sell your items all in one place.
  5. Market and promote your masterclass: Get the public aware of your masterclass through a combination of marketing channels, including social media, email marketing and specific page landing.
  6. Edit and review the masterclass: Collect students' feedback, and then revisit your masterclass content to continuously make changes and improvements to your course.
  7. Grow your business: Keep making digital items to grow your masterclass, build your brand, and open many revenue streams.

Are you ready to get started? What do you need to learn about creating the perfect masterclass. This includes suggestions along with examples and hyperlinks to extra resources to guide you through each step of the process.

How do you create an online masterclass

Choose a topic

If you're planning to develop masterclasses, you'll first must decide the subject or area of interest will be. The process may differ depending on whether or not you already have an established name or you're beginning your own business.

If you're starting your business from ground zero, start by making a list of the things that you're proficient at, enthusiastic about, and able to do - and make sure it's something that you feel comfortable imparting to others. It helps you focus about your specialization and what kind of experience that you can share with people around the globe.

If you have already established a business, it's likely that you'll already have a good understanding of your area of expertise or niche lies - but this is also helpful to give you the space to generate fresh ideas and possibilities if you want.

The next step is to confirm your concept. Here's how:

Research on the audience

It's not enough to just have an idea for the topic, and then begin making a masterclass immediately. In the beginning, you must do audience research to make sure that there's a demand for your masterclass and an audience that are ready to view and even pay to attend it.

  • Research on the audience could include: Customer surveys
  • Interviews
  • The focus groups
Competitor research

Alongside talking to your ideal audience In addition, you could find your niche by conducting competitive studies. The process of conducting competitor research is to look at the services your competitors providing their customers in order to help you see what you could offer differently and even better - to gain over potential customers.

Here are some simple steps to help you with the research of competitors:

  • Conduct do a Google Search: easiest method of starting your competitors research is to search for your masterclass idea using a search engine such as Google. Check out which companies pop up first and the services they offer what's similar to what you're proposing? What do they differ from? What do they haven't done?
  • Visit their site After you've made your top contenders list take a deeper dive into the research you've done and examine their sites and masterclass landing pages. What topics are they talking about? Who are they targeting? What are their core messages?
  • Take a look at social media. In addition to looking at their online presence, check the social media pages of their followers as well as the kinds of content they're connecting with. Check out your competition's followers, comments, and check out other brands they're working with.
  • Check out customer reviews: Customer reviews and testimonials are also an excellent source of knowledge about your rivals and their offerings. Review the main feedback, their complaints, as well as the types of products they are purchasing.

Evaluate your competitors based on these key aspects:

  1. Product: What does their masterclasses include? What resources do they include? What features are good or bad?
  2. Pricing: What is the price their masterclasses cost? Do their prices vary for different customers? Are they able to offer bundles or discounts?
  3. Promotion: What strategies do they use to reach out to their customers? Which social media platforms do they use? What kinds of posts do they post?
  4. Place: Where are they located? Where are their customers based?
  5. Positioning How do they position themselves? What is their distinctive selling proposition? How do they position themselves? What are their core messages? What is their intended audience?
  6. Reputation: What do people commenting on their goods and services? What problems are customers encountering?

Throughout your competitor research In the end, you're hoping to be able to answer the following questions:

  • Who are my top rivals?
  • What is their strength and weakness?
  • What's the possibilities and dangers in this market?
  • What are the features of my ideal customer versus my competitors' ideal clients?

You can keep track of the research you have done with a spreadsheet. It will assist you analyze the data from your research and then use it to develop a unique plan for your masterclass.

You should ask yourself: "What do I excel at when compared to my peers and what would I like to concentrate in?"

Plan your masterclass

If you've conducted your research, you should know the details of your masterclass topic and specialization - which includes whom you want to reach and what you'll do to distinguish your product from other items available.

Next up, it's time to plan your class.

Choosing your format

Based on the topic of your masterclass as well as the audience you intend to reach, you'll have to select an appropriate structure to present your masterclass. As an example, the format of your masterclass could be:

  • Video tutorials
  • Audio
  • Live or recorded webinars
  • Blog posts or ebooks
  • Slideshows

Opt for the format (or combination) that you believe will be most effective for the presentation of your material to the audience, while also keeping the masterclass interesting and engaging for customers. What is your target audience most likely to enjoy?

Creating an outline

Make sure you write an elaborate outline based around your primary learning objectives and goals. The outline you write should contain:

  • What topics you'll cover
  • How long your masterclass will last?
  • What kinds of activities will you add
  • Additional tools and resources do you plan to provide?
  • What types of assessments or certifications learners must pass?

When you break your masterclass session down into specific subjects, tasks and assessments, you can make your presentation according to a predetermined format. This will help you make sure that it contains the information you need and follow through on your promises to your participants.

Writing a script or plan

When you're got your outline, you can begin creating a comprehensive plan or script for your masterclass. In order to ensure that your presentation is natural and flow well make sure you avoid reading from a script word-for-word rather, you should write down the things you're planning to talk about along with the major elements you'll be covering in order to ensure you don't forget anything.

Create your masterclass

Now it's time to create the content of your masterclass using your outline and plan.

The precise steps to follow for the creation of an online masterclass are contingent upon the type of masterclass you're planning to make and the format you choose and style.

Masterclasses tend to be recorded tutorials. They usually consist of talk-head videos that feature an instructor or expert speaking to the camera, aided by diagrams, visual illustrations, and prompts that help explain key concepts.

To create this type of masterclass, you'll require an array of basic tools, such as:

  • A video camera equipment or a recording device
  • Lighting equipment
  • Equipment for audio recording
  • Editing software

This type of masterclass relies on the passion of the instructor or expert and how engaged they are, how clearly they can explain the topic, and how they convey their personality when they're on camera. Make sure to smile!

It's a good idea to take multiple copies of your masterclass to help you edit and cut the text to make it the most effective possible resource for your audience.

If you need more assistance with how to create a masterclass in various formats, refer to these guidelines:

It is also important to develop any additional materials and assessments at this stage. Here are some resources to help you make masterclass materials to add value for your audience:

When it comes to editing your masterclass, check for these guidelines to the best software and top tips to ace your editing:

Locate a platform for hosting

After you've created an outstanding masterclass you're confident of and eager to promote, you'll need to locate a web hosting service to allow you to share the information directly to your audience.

Here are three suggestions to assist you in choosing the right hosting platform for you:

Be aware of your payment structure

Knowing the type of payment system you're likely to utilize before time can help make sure that your platform is compatible and will accept the payment method you choose.

This may comprise:

  • Memberships and subscriptions
  • One-time transactions with limited time access to content
  • One-time payments that provide lifetime access to content
  • Access for free for lead generation

If you intend to make a series of masterclasses around specific topics, using an escalating subscription or membership structure will let you generate recurring revenue from your products. Users pay an annual or monthly subscription cost to gain access to your content.

If you just want to make one or two masterclasses for now, it's generally more suitable to charge an annual fee to customers to access your learning material. Customers can be granted restricted access to your masterclass, or offer a higher price and give them the ability to return to your content as well as your expertise at any time they'd like to.

Certain platforms don't permit subscription-based payments, for example, so ensure that the platform you choose to use offers the ability to bill customers with the kind of payment system you want.

Consider your marketing strategy

In addition to contemplating your business's structure It's equally important to consider your marketing strategy in selecting a web hosting service. Why? because various hosting platforms offer functions designed to aid you in market and promote your masterclass or other digital goods.

If you've got a specific marketing strategy in mind - such as live webinars, email marketing and other events, or specific landing pages, make sure your hosting platform supports your plans and offers other features to aid you in implementing.

Read customer reviews

When it comes to choosing the right hosting platform for your business, current customers usually know best.

Promote and market your masterclass

After you've signed up for a hosting platform and have uploaded your masterclass materials and are ready to get started advertising and marketing your content in order to start getting your first sales coming into.

Here are some effective ways to market your masterclass

Social media

If you're looking to market masterclasses by 2023, you must have a social media presence.

Pick the top social media channels for marketing your masterclass according to your intended market. If, for instance, you're offering a B2B class you might want to promote your offering via LinkedIn. If the class is on a lifestyle topic, Instagram and Pinterest are likely to be better in attracting your ideal client.

If you're only beginning you should choose between three or four social media sites to begin advertising your masterclass.

Create content that's specific to the audience you want to reach, including:

  • How-to posts
  • Tips and techniques
  • Behind-the-scenes
  • Interviews with experts from other fields
Email marketing

In addition to establishing your social media presence to help promote your class or master class. You could utilize email marketing for even more promotion.

If you don't have one started creating your list of email addresses to enable you to directly reach the people you want to reach and create stronger connections with your potential customers.

Marketing emails can contain:

  • Newsletters for the month
  • New product launches and updates
  • Round-ups and suggestions
  • News from the industry
  • Tips and mini guidelines

The first principle for marketing via email is to ensure that all email content you create is helpful to your audience No one wants to receive spam emails, so make sure your email content has value each time it is delivered to your email subscribers' inbox.

Pages that land

Of course, you also want somewhere to direct your customers to a place they can learn more about the masterclass. That's where landing pages are essential.

landing pages or sales pages are designed to inform your audience precisely what they need to know so that they can convert from users to paying customers.

The top landing pages are:

  • An attention-grabbing headline
  • A captivating overview of the masterclass you are taking
  • A bit about the instructor you are working with
  • Key topics or highlights
  • Customer testimonials
  • Call-To-Action (CTA) e.g. a sign-up button

Edit and review your masterclass

So you've created, launched, and started selling your masterclass - congratulations! But what comes after?

The work doesn't end when you've finished your first launch. Most successful companies remain in the process of improving and enhancing their content to better suit their intended audience and develop an even more impressive product.

For help with that, start collecting customer feedback following your masterclass for example:

  • Post-attendance surveys
  • 1:1 customer interviews
  • Follow-up email messages

The more feedback you collect from former students The more information you have, the easier it is to improve your masterclass and tailor it to your target audience for improved customer satisfaction as well as more frequent sales.

Feedback from customers can help you decide what new digital products you can create, as well as open possibilities to convert your current customers to HTML0 in the near future.

Expand your business

Many Creator Educators find that creating a masterclass is just the start. Masterclasses can be a great digital solution to make your name known as an expert in your field, and to build your brand, while also creating revenue for your company.

It is important to build the success of your business through the creation of several revenue streams. As an example, you might choose to launch a long-running online course that is a part of your masterclass or set up an online community of members for your existing customers.

When you're ready to take the next steps to grow your business, check out these guides for inspiration:

Masterclasses with top examples of masterclasses from Creator Educators

Take a look at these examples of the best masterclasses taught by successful Creator Educators to inspire you and come up with ideas for your own class.

George Pitts The Money Management Masterclass

George Pitts was motivated to start his own personal finance company after he was able to get himself out of financial debt. In 2017, he was living from paycheck to paycheck, and did not know how to change his situation financially. So it was a week from work to study what he had to do in order to repair his credit and his finances.

Being a self-taught financial planner, George became determined to aid others in the same way to attain financial independence. Since the beginning of his venture and teaching over 10,000 people through a variety of masterclasses as well as online learning courses, generating a seven-figure annual income in the process.

The XayLi Barclay The Camera Confidence Masterclass

Expert in the field of content creation and coaching XayLi Barclay has a passion for helping entrepreneurs become the best version of themselves on the internet. The masterclass helps creators make their mark and stand out through compelling visual content and videos.

Since launching her company, XayLi has created multiple masterclasses that help to impart her knowledge to more students. One of them is the Camera Confidence Masterclass that will give creators the chance to be more comfortable when in front of cameras.

Learn more about her journey to began here.

Create the masterclass of your choice

Making the initial step to create your own masterclass can be scary - but If you just take one step at a time you'll be able plan, prepare, and deliver a masterclass that you're happy with. You owe it to your audience to create that masterclass that's hiding within your head. Don't let imposter syndrome keep you down!

Are you willing to make the leap? Take a free trial and build your own masterclass now.