How did the process work? that Laurel Parmet went from Staff Picks to feature films

Aug 5, 2023

"I I know that everyone tells me, 'Just take it on. Make your movie.' However, it's not true," she says. "Self-doubt is a huge issue and simply as draining on your energy. It's the time you're spending thinking, "Oh you're right, I'm not going to be able to accomplish this, and I'll never get it right. You're probably making use of that and I might use it to make." We were able to sit down with Laurel to learn more about her creative process and the development of her creative process. Take a look at the entire interview.

   What's your favorite piece of advice you've received?  

Laurel One of the most valuable advice I've ever received is that at any point you're unsure go back to what's fascinating and important to my work as an author. You can easily become entangled with industry issues and, ultimately, at the end of all, it's because I am obsessed with telling stories, and that's just sort of my North Star.

   Where can you find the source of inspiration?  

Lauren In truth, I draw motivation in my work through observing locations. As I write, it is beneficial to actually be in that place, no matter where a story is written. My next project, I'm going to set it in the Oregon coast, since I've just been to Oregon on vacation, and was completely in love with the place and thought, "I need to write the tale of this location into a film."

What was it like stepping on the set for your debut feature?

Lauren It was an extremely long journey to reach this point. Making the story, then getting it in a good place, raising funds, and then forming your team. It should take some time because good things take an extended period of time, and great scripts take an extended amount of time to write. consider.

On the first day of filming "The Starling Girl" I imagined I would be nervous and think I didn't know what I was doing In reality, the experience was so fun and I was so relaxed and felt like the exact thing I was supposed to do. It was similar to cycling. It was as if I could get back to work in a snap, and was enthralled.

What motivates you to keep going?

Laura in the initial place where work is done. I am a fan of being on the set and it's my most favorite place to be. It's good to have that mental image of "Oh I'll get there." It keeps me motivated. It's a joy to be part that comes from working with other people. I would love to design an item with my buddies. It's so much enjoyable.

    Can you describe your Staff Pick experience?  

Laurel : Staff Picks, it was pretty much everybody's goal when I was creating short films and participating at festivals. It feels like you're being recognized by those who appreciate your efforts. You're accepted into the group that so many filmmakers belong to, which I admire.

   What can you make use of for your job?  

Lauren is my favorite way to use it for every thing. We were recently using it the platform while cutting "The Starling Girl," making edits and sharing them to everyone. It's the highest quality streaming platform I've seen, and it's the one I prefer to use.

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