Get (and Keep) More Students w/ Return-on-Investment Certificates

Jun 30, 2023

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Latest updates to Courses will fast-track your revenue and get students interested, enrolled and ready to renew. including NEW sharing, updateable and expired certificates!

Attention course designers The certificates you've received just got a glow-up

There's even more with your Course certificates to improve student motivation and get them circling back to learn more!

In this walkthrough this walkthrough, we'll cover every feature that has been updated and the benefits that come with the new and enhanced Courses certificate.

We'll also show you how to use the full power of these tools. This way, you'll be able to keep your income engine roaring and the reputation of your company soaring.

Ghostbusters we have the tools we have the talent

But first, a question...

Why do you need Certificates of Completion in the in the first place?

Certificates do a heck of much more than just getting mothers stoked with joy (though it's an awesome thing).

The thing we're most interested in is how the certificates of completion will help your online education business.

The bottom line is the following: Certificates sell!

1. Drive Up the Sign-Ups

Yes, it's a noble motivation by itself But who doesn't like an award of gold?

Good job! 10/10

Reward-based learning is effective.

All learners, knowing you'll have some tangible reward for your efforts and effort can increase your chances of being more likely to be involved at all.

For adult learners, earning a certificate could be real-world advantages. Students can demonstrate their achievements and dedication to their studies through posting their certificate to their professional resumes.

2. Increase Completion Rates

As a course creator You want your learners to be satisfied after the course they've completed - this means you'll be more likely to register for your next course.

The prospect of receiving a certification of completion is the extra motivationsome students require to stay committed till the finish.

3. Increase the Credibility of Courses and Increase the value of your course

This can attract serious students who want to learn and who are eager to demonstrate the skills and information you offer within your class. As a result, you'll boost the reputation as well as the perceived worth of your class.

As you can see, the act of givingcertificates of achievement to potential students could boost your bottom line in major ways.

We should go through them!

NEW Courses Features

Easily Build And Sell Online Courses

1. This is a Super Reusable

Certificates are now available with an able to share link that makes it simpler than ever for students show their achievements on their resumes online as well as LinkedIn profile pages!

Employers who are interested in hiring you can go directly to the certificate as proof of successful completion of the course.

With the increasing highly competitive market for jobs, job hunters are looking for ways to set themselves apart. With certificates that can be shared with one click makes it much easier for job seekers to be noticed and demonstrate their abilities.

Increased exposure

When students present their certificates, they're spreading the word about your course for other people in the business. This is a great method to expand your market.

2. Expire, Finish... then Repeat

You can now choose to add completion and expiration dates to your certificates. This is an obvious and major benefit of this.

    It keeps the students coming back.  

When the program is completed and has an expiration date, students are required with expiration dates and completion dates, students are requiredto return to their involvement with your program and refresh their skills periodically.

This consistent interaction and branding recognition. Most importantly this, it .

It also i mproves the reputation of the course more by making sure you have the most current information.

In fields that are constantly evolving, such as technology and health, knowledge could quickly become outdated and become irrelevant.

An expiration date on a certificate makes sure the only individuals who can display the credentials of your school are the ones who have up-to-date information and are knowledgeable about their subject.

This is why people begin to think of your company as having high-quality and reliability..

3. Automatically Reset Progression

Do not worry about the added administration fees on expired certificates. With Courses you can automatically reset students' course advancement when their certificates are due to expire.

What are the functions of certificates in

Now let's get you off the blocks and on your way to enroll. Below is a brief guide on setting up certificates for your course.

Watch>> Get ready for the race to Register with Courses Certificates
  • From your WordPress dashboard, go to > Coursesand click on the course you want to add a certificate to.
  • Click on the Certificatetab located at the top of this page.
 Courses certificate settings
  • Active the Enable certificate on this courseslider

Before you hit Update,make sure you personalize the certificate by adding your information and your logo.

Here are some of your alternatives:

  • Select between Letter and A4 paper size.
  • There are 3 Certificate designs you can pick from. Choose the one that best matches your brand.
  • Upload a logo using an uncolored or clear background that will be displayed at the top of the certificate.
  • Upload Instructor Signature.  
  • Customize the message that appears on the certificate.
  • Scroll down to easily add the date of completion as well as the expiration date on your certificate by using the sliders.


  • When the Expiration Dateslider is activated, you can choose which years, months, weeks or days you want your certificate to be valid for.
  • Click Update to make your changes go live.
 Courses Certificates Completion and Expiration Dates

ALERTS! Certificate Use Cases

Are you wondering how your company can utilize certificates? Here are a few conceptsto help you get your creative juices moving!

Language Learning Sites

the Japanese page homepage screenshot
The Japanese Page uses it to teach its learning of Japanese

If all that you're able to remember from high school French was " ou est la bibliotheque?" you're not alone.

There is a saying that the process of learning languages is like watering your plant. Without continuous attention, the plant will wither away.

With this in mind, you can see how it makes sense to include the dates of expiration and/or completion on the certificates you purchase.

Imagine someone rocking up to an interview with your "Business German" certification. The person interviewing you quickly figuring out that your certification is nothing.

In enticing students to attend an easy refresher class to maintain their skills to par. You'll also get a revenue booster at the same time.

Nutrition Diploma Courses

Health my lifestyle
Run a My Lifestyle shares diet tips

What's the deal about eggs? Back in the '90s we were of the opinion that if you just glanced at an egg we'd spontaneously combust .... Or something equally ridiculous.

Incorrect or outdated dietary recommendations can result in severe health effects.

If you offer certification renewal, you will ensure that nutrition professionals under your guidance provide their customers with best advice and the latest technology.

As a result it will be making them more credible and your personal.

Tech Training Companies

Dans Tutorials provides all the information about Apple and iOS through their Software Consulting website

Do you want your certification to shout "I'm way ahead of the game" rather than "I have saved this class on a floppy disk"?

Take advantage of the date that expires.

Fitness Certificate Programs

My Mindful Movement online yoga classes

Be sure to expire the certificates.

Although some workouts don't go out of fashion It is essential to stay current with the most recent research and methods that pertain to wellness, health, and exercise science.

That's especially true with the amount of misinformation floating around.

Healthcare Training Providers

Kresser Institute homepage
Kresser Institute provides training to functional health professionals through their site

When it comes to certificate programs Expiration dates aren't only beneficial, they're a must. Expiration is the pulse check to ensure that that your students continue to stay at the top of patient healthcare and not sifting through old medical books.

Having an expiration date allows for continuous improvement and strengthens your dedication to high-quality and the most current techniques.

We must keep our scalpels sharp, and ensure that our healthcare certificates have the same shine as our sidesboards following a ward check.

Need more ideas? Browse through our list of over 100 authors employing HTML0 and you'll be sure to see examples of course in your industry. CLIKE BELOW

The Knowledge Baton and the relay Race for Continuous Education

Your certification is much more than just a gold star for your students. it's a shining beacon of your dedication to excellence, integrity, and the seeking of knowledge.

Adding expiration dates to the certificates you have isn't onlya savvy move to improve your bottom line...

It's about ensuring your students (and the course you teach) gain an excellent reputation within the field.

cta character

Start your course today!

Sign up with and get your course online on the fast track to the top!

    Got any ideas or tips on how to leverage these features to market online courses? Share them with the community in the comment section below!

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