Five Sales Funnel Examples that Motivate You

Dec 1, 2022

Do you struggle to get emails from prospects so you can send them additional marketing material? Do you see potential customers abandon their cart and don't have the knowledge to follow-up? Are you finding your inbox difficult to handle, and never end up getting return calls from customers?

You're not alone -- these are common challenges for artists who do not have any experience in sales. These challenges could result in massive losses in sales. What is the key to turning your business around? Proper sales funnels.

A sales funnel is a representation of every step your potential customers go through on their customer journey, from when they first discover your business to when they buy your products or perform other actions they wish to take. Sales funnels that are effective can help your convert more leads into customers.

Colin Longworth is the Founder of and an expert in the creation of custom solutions and sales funnels. He's been creating for over 5 years and a Expert since 2019. In this post he shares five high-converting sales funnels that you are able to use to increase the number of businesses.

Want to get over the line?

What exactly are the sales funnels?

A funnel is the path that you want your customers to follow, to reach a particular goal or outcome.

The result could be the sale, a download, a subscription, or just that you're decreasing friction. The goal is to get your customer from A to the other end as swiftly and with the least friction as possible. In the end, funnels can assist in increasing your profits to help you expand your business more quickly.

Combatting the myths about sales funnels

The word "sales funnel" induces fear and panic in many creators, but it does not have to. Here are 5 common myths that Colin believes needs to be addressed before diving into the specifics of funnels.

    Myth 1: Funnels cost money to design, operate, and maintain.  

It's not the case. Funnels can be set up for free or for under $50. After they've been implemented and maintained, it will take minimal time as they function completely automatically!

    Myth 2: Funnels need complicated subscription software in order to function properly.  

Expensive or complex software isn't required. It is possible to create great funnels with very easy-to-use software that is available to you for free or for a small subscription fee.

    Myth 3. If I don't have custom landing pages or gamification my funnels won't work.  

There's no requirement to build highly sophisticated landing pages for your funnels to function. Many of Colin's most effective conversion emails have only a brief paragraph. Many of his most effective landing pages are just one button and some simple paragraphs. So long as your content and timing of your communication is appropriate, your landing page can be successful!

    Myth #4. I must employ someone to create my channels.  

If you can use Facebook or other software, you are able to build your own funnels. Colin will demonstrate precisely how to do this on this blog.

    Myth 5: Funnels require numerous steps as well as complex flows for users to succeed.  

It's not true. A complex flow leads to more complicated problems that are often very difficult to fix. A shorter flow works just perfectly for most needs of business.

Now that we've got all the myths out of out of the way, lets begin with building funnels.

Colin will share five sales funnels that are applicable and necessary for every company, yet they are still automated. Colin will also demonstrate how you can incorporate them into your site.

The three platforms Colin uses in the examples are MailChimp, Typeform, and Zapier. These platforms are accessible through the App Store.

5 examples of sales funnels

The first step in sending marketing content to your prospects is to gather their personal information. After they've accessed your site, they have displayed some interest in your products and it is your responsibility to win them over as a customer!

If you've visited an online site and noticed the section that says "Welcome! Subscribe and get 15 percent off your first purchase." It's an excellent example of an Footer opt-in. The funnel lets potential subscribers to join your newsletter very easily and you can collect their contact information for future communications.

The implementation is straightforward and takes between 15 and 30 minutes. It is estimated that about 1 to 2% of site traffic will sign up to this. Once you have their contact, there's a great chance you'll be able to nurture them up to the point where they purchase your products.

 Watch this video to see Colin use the funnel step-by-step:  

 2. Contact us to follow up

Every website needs an Contact Us page to make it easy for customers to get in touch with the business. Your site's your customers may contact you for assistance with their questions regarding the courses you offer or about pricing. If they are unable to contact you and their questions remain unanswered, the it's likely that they'll go away and search for other alternatives. Don't lose out on revenue!

An Contact Us follow-up funnel will let you automatically contact students that are in touch. Building this will only require 15-30 minutes, and according to Colin's own observation, 25% of those who use these funnels have taken the next step, such as purchasing his products!

The way this funnel functions is when a user navigates to your website, and then fills in the Contact Us form, then Zapier will recognize this action and then add them to MailChimp. In MailChimp you can configure an automation which sends a follow-up message regarding their concerns.

Another benefit of this funnel is the reduction of support time and the manually laborious task of having to follow up with each student. The most powerful part of this funnel is the FAQ follow-up. Colin advises you to start with a FAQ page from the beginning of creating your site. Imagine yourself as a novice user. What would you want to know? Which questions do you think you would have?

 Check out Colin apply this funnel in this clip:

 3. Abandonment /lead onboarding

It's commonplace for customers to sign up but not complete their purchase. It could result from a distraction, an urgent task which has led them to your site, or worries about the commitment. What can you do to ensure they come back and purchase your course?

The best solution is to design an onboarding process for abandonment or lead. Users who signed up but didn't purchase the course will be encouraged to come back and complete the checkout procedure.

Similar to the previous funnel one, an email is immediately sent out to customers who did not complete the purchase. Colin suggests sending a simple reminder about the items that were left in the cart, or offering a slight discount to instantly boost the sales. The funnel described above is perhaps the most effective funnel out of five that are discussed in this article.

The implementation process takes anywhere from 1 to 2 hours and When Colin used it for his own business it was able to achieve a 50 engagement rates as well as 13% of the people who engage move forward with the transaction.

See the way Colin uses this funnel in this video:

 4. Student onboarding

The sales funnel isn't over when your customers purchase the products you sell, it is important to keep nurturing and build a strong connection with them to ensure future purchases. One way to do this is to provide an effortless onboarding experience.

Students may be unfamiliar with the platform or even to your courses, and need some guidance throughout the process. If onboarding for new students is seamless, they are more likely to return for more courses and also tell others about the courses. If they have an unpleasant beginning, the students may leave the class and be hesitant to purchase more.

The Student Onboarding funnel aims to create an onboarding experience that is easy and help your clients get their feet wet quicker. Some common methods to help your students is to send a course welcome email as well as a sequence of emails with important details like how to log on to your website and navigate your dashboard and even ask questions in a discussion.

The process of implementation is similar to the previous funnels and will take around 1 to 2 hours for the construction. Colin saw up to 30% improvement in retention of students for his company.

Colin tends to educate students via groups and drip plans. One of the easiest ways to make sure that your students are equipped with the tools they need to be successful is by sending them weekly emails. Inform them of what they can be expecting in the coming week and the best way to prepare. This is, naturally, able to be automated , which is the main reason behind this funnel.

Another benefit of this funnel is that it can reduce the amount of refunds. Most refunds are from people who have logged in but don't where to begin and are overwhelmed. Help them onboard those customers and reduce your reimbursements.

 This video, Colin will show you how you can build your own Student Onboarding Funnel:

 5. Automated review request

The lives of online businesses are according to the feedback they receive. The more favourable and highly rated a course has, the higher the likelihood that potential customers consider it trustworthy. Thus, you must encourage learning to leave an evaluation and perhaps offer them rewards for it.

The way this funnel operates is, when someone finishes the course that and an email with the review form will be automatically sent. When the review is complete you can follow up by offering a small reward for their action, like a bonus credit to use towards their next purchase. In addition, depending upon the scores provided by customers, you could be able to tag them as an advocate for your company.

The purpose of the tag is to include them to a list within your email platform. This specific group of clients is extremely engaged and are one of the most effective groups to market to, get feedback from, and pilot programmes with.

The process takes between 15 and 30 minutes, and 10percent of customers on average will write a review according to Colin's own knowledge. This funnel is also an overlooked opportunity to sell. If someone has completed a corporate finance course, they might be interested in taking your accounting class. Another example is when they've completed your introduction course, they could be looking to enroll in your intermediate course next. Make sure you include a similar course to the one your student wrote reviews on.

 Find step-by-step instructions for building this funnel in this video:

Use TCommerce to simplify selling and managing payments

Colin's 5 sales funnels can help lead to higher conversion. In order to ensure that you're set up for success and can handle your growth more efficiently, TCommerce can support your payments needs.

Here are some essential features of TCommerce:

  • Access robust, fully connected selling tools made specifically for course creators like you.
  • Manage and accept payment transactions in one convenient location using our integrated payment processor. Payments.
  • Simplify bookkeeping with an easy way to access your payouts or Orders as well as Transactions Reports.

Are you looking for more assistance in getting set up? Check out the Help Centre article.