Digital Creator: What's It and How Do I become one (2023 Guide) |

Nov 3, 2023

In this piece, we'll introduce you to the concept of digital creator. We'll define "digital creator," help you understand the advantages and disadvantages to becoming one, take you through some types of digital content, and lastly, explain how you can become an online creator. If you're considering becoming a digital content creator, this guide is the perfect guide for you!


What exactly is the digital creator?

Definition of a digital creator of content

A digital creator is a one who creates, and shares original content in electronic mediums; common digital creators use formats like texts, video, written words photographs, as well as animation. Unlike people who make physical creations, digital creators have more flexibility with digital tools and can leverage massive distribution networks to connect with people, make fans and even sell their digital products.

Content on the internet is divided into content created by independent creators and content developed by companies and brands. While content creation may appear like these two types of content however, they have distinct goals.


  • Individual creators often create content for artistic expression, education, to grow followers, and make money from their works .      
  • Brands and organizations often hire digital creators to create educate customers, develop the member-led growth companies, and grow brand awareness.      

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The growing popularity of digital content

Digital creators are a crucial component of our interactions with technology. A lot of the apps we love such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook or LinkedIn would be nothing without the digital creators who populate these apps.

Here are a few amazing statistics to show that the digital creators won't be going away anytime soon:


  • At least 300 million users from social media platforms regularly post content to create digital artifacts.      
  • 30% of 18-24-year-olds believe they are creators. 40 percent of people between 25 and 34 consider themselves content creators ( Hubspot ).      
  • 40% of Gen Z value influencer recommendations for buying more than their friends or relatives (Hubspot).        
  • The total value of influencer marketing has been estimated at $21.1 billion dollars .      
  • 40% of all digital creators earn less that $1000 in annual revenue ( Linktree ).      
  • 66% of digital creators consider themselves working part-time (Linktree).        
  • Even though AI has a major impact on the creation of content just 26% of the population believe in the content made with AI (Hubspot).        

The statistics presented are inspiring and humbling. With the number of digital content creators and lots of content, it's quite sad that some creators don't make a lot of money. We'll talk below about some of the most profitable forms of digital creation.

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What can a digital Creator do?

Digital content creators don't always accomplish everything However, if we look at the skillset of the common creator, there's nothing to sneeze at. While your parents might not understand it (you publish photos on the internet? Do you think that's difficult? ) Being a digital creator isn't easy.

Digital creators typically...


  • Examine the digital content playing field and look for opportunities.        
  • Make digital content by using analog and digital tools: design, create, build, edit.        
  • You must possess amazing technical and creative skills (e.g. editing videos, photography Writing, marketing in digital format ).    
  • Know how to leverage email, social media and communities., to get their works noticed by the world.        
  • Navigate interpersonal relationships (with members, followers and sponsors, brand names (with members, followers, sponsors, brands. ).    

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What is the reason to became the digital creator?

Creative expression

If you believed that you thought that the Italian Renaissance was the peak of human creativeness, it had nothing on this. Millions of creators who are independent have the ability to create work they enjoy, and get their work in front of the world without gatekeepers.

And thanks to the internet, there's a marketplace for almost anything. No matter how niche. There is a market for you.

This makes it an ideal moment to be a digital artist. Because you can pretty much express yourself any way you want.

Flexible career paths

A decade back, becoming an author meant being published in a major magazine. To become a photographer, you'd probably need a dark room, a number of costly equipment as well as a gallery exhibit. Painters would probably need the same thing.

However, today there is a wide range of jobs that require digital designers. You can work as a freelancer and create a successful digital company, or you take your talents to one of the millions of companies that needs their help, you've got the potential for a career that is flexible.

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Location independent

Digital creators made up several of the very first digital nomads, taking advantage of the freedom their job gave them to travel all over the world.

When you're creating stuff to put online, it often doesn't matter where you live. This means that not only are there great possibilities for career advancement, but you also often get location independence.

Blog posts can be written in Philadelphia, Paris, or Phuket. It is possible to take Instagram photos from any place on the planet. Your feed is probably better for it.

Many digital artists and creators have a laptop and they can go wherever they want.

In demand

Creators of digital content are highly sought-after. With so much volume on the internet, those who create content that can be translated into likes, views, and subscribers are valued. It could be directly monetizing your digital content and there are many options to accomplish this. It could also involve being employed by a business which is looking for digital content. Most firms are making content that they can publish online.

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Types of digital content

Here are some instances of various types of content that are digital.


  • Written: Blog posts, ebooks, social media, newsletters      
  • Multimedia includes: Photos Vector images, memes and GIFs      
  • Video: Long-form video, shorts, livestreams, video templates, online courses      
  • Audio: Audio podcasts Music, sound effects, and other audio files      
  • Digital art: paintings graphics, logos, and graphic designs NFTs, and paintings      
  • eCommerce: Listing of products, knowledge base articles and reviews. listing, knowledge base articles, reviews      
  • VR & Gaming: Roblox games, virtual worlds, game apps, questions      

What is the best way to become a digital creator

Find your niche

Content creation usually happens best when it is a particular niche. Even creators that eventually hit mass appeal usually start out in a niche or audience.



  • PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg): The show began with video games but expanded to include other subjects.      
  • Lilly Singh: The Canadian YouTuber began by presenting skits on the topic of cultural identity and daily life, but expanded into acting for mainstream movies, and hosting a late-night show.      
  • John Green: Started as "The Vlogbrothers" with Hank, his brother. They discussed the world of science and life However, in the end, John expanded to different topics, including a bestseller novel called The Fault in Our Stars.    
  • Issa Rae She created the online series The Mis-Adventures of Awkward Black Girl. The show's success was the catalyst for her later to develop the HBO show "Insecure ."    

Niching down can help creators be focused on excelling at particular things and then build an audience around that particular aspect.

Digital creators who have an eye on a business model for digital creation, the niche also helps your business succeed more than trying to appeal to every person. When we see people launch community-based courses or communities, they always do better when they have a clear subject matter.

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What is the best way to identify your area of expertise

There's no one way to find your niche as a digital artist however, here are a couple of tips to help you get going:


  • Write down the topics which you would be able to discuss for hours. Also, consider asking yourself, which topic would you be able to give a a ten minute talk on without preparation?      
  • You can ask your family and friends who they rely on for advice or insights on.        
  • Look at the creators who you already follow. We often follow people similar to us who are doing the things that we are interested in. Do you see a space for something you could build with those who are like you? (And don't let imposter syndrome get you down! The first time you encounter it, it can be scary. )      

Develop your craft

The term "craft" might not always be one that people think of when they think about digital creators. But, just like all great art, digital design is an art. It takes excellence and expertise. And most creators have acquired a skill which helps them make an impact.

In the case of musician JVKE exploded to TikTok fame during the outbreak. In his first videos, he would pretend the mom was trying to compose a track for his mom. Then he'd build amazing songs mashups which "his mom" made up. One of his first hits was the song "Upside Down"--which included samples of the hit song Hood Baby, by KBFR.

The hit song went on to explode in popularization (With lots of people expressing outrage over the fact that JVKE got famous even though it was really his talented mother "creating it all.")

But the truth is that JVKE did not get luck. He was an incredibly gifted musician before starting. Instead of release the music through TikTok, he created a fun hook format that always featured the mother of his child asking him to play songs (with clips of her making music). By combining instrumentation, vocals, music production, and fun video clips, JVKE went viral and has since been creating Billboard hits like Golden Hour.

Whatever your content creation may be, there'll be the art of it. If you're writing, creating videos, performing, singing or simply teaching others how to work with Excel, honing your craft is the way to get to content that's good enough to get seen.

NOW, you can develop your art while sitting somewhere. One of the best ways to improve your skills is to begin producing content. When you examine the past archives of many YouTubers will reveal that over time they've improved on presentation, production and even video-related concepts.

You don't have to just wait until you're ready to become a professional. Content creation is a great way to learn and experiment on the go.

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Get the best skills

Each type of digital creator needs a particular type of knowledge.

When we observe people launching flourishing community websites, they usually have leadership skills to bring people together, plus the capacity to design and communicate a vision other members can understand. They have the skills to ensure that members feel they are part of the community, and also their organizational abilities to set an agenda for the group to progress.

Now, you don't necessarily require all of these abilities at the moment. Learning by doing is an effective method of acquiring them.

But whether by hands-on instruction or dedicated training, the majority of digital creators acquire some knowledge.


  • There are some who enroll in classes, for instance writing classes that teach you how to build the kind of writing that will sell.        
  • A few may have to learn how to use gear: like a camera or microphone.        
  • You may also learn about editing videos, or do keyword research for blog content.        

There are different, valuable skills for each type of digital creator. mastering them can help you put your best stuff forward.

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Select your preferred outlet

In the end you'll decide on a medium for the creation of content. The above list of "types of digital content" below gives examples of what kind of content to make, however each one of these fits somewhere.


  • If you enjoy hosting discussions and interacting with your the members of your community, perhaps a group is the right choice. The following examples of community websites can inspire you.    
  • If you're passionate about making and editing fun videos Perhaps you'll become an YouTuber.        
  • If you've got a great photography eye and want to capture stunning photos, then Instagram is the right platform for you.        
  • If you're looking to be writing about politics, giving an analysis of and views on what's happening within the halls of power, maybe you're better suited to starting an online blog (or even pitching op-eds to major publications).      
  • If you'd love to get a particular company's image onto social media, and make an environment for it then perhaps you're required to apply to be an administrator of social media.        

Choose the source of content that's going to fit what you want to create.

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Create a strategy for content

It's not just a flash in the pan. Digital creators who publish for a week, and then cease posting will be experiencing... nothing. It will be nothing.

It requires consistency and it's important to stay in the same direction, no matter if you're creating a community of members, subscribers to a mailing list, or a following on social.

and those who stick to it will be the ones to are able to see the development over time.

If you're an independent digital artist or working as a part of an organisation, it helps to have a content strategy! For example, when we produce content for the Mighty blog, we usually are able to set goals for our content in the big picture of a quarter. We then conduct study of keywords to figure out what we'll need from an SEO standpoint, then we plan out the upcoming content on a Monday board.

This allows us to maintain track of the is on the go and keeps us accountable to build it!

No matter what kind of content you're creating the right strategy for your content can really help. Be realistic with your strategy for content. Most new content creators aren't aware that it's probably not realistic to declare: "I'm going to create 10 YouTube videos every week." Additionally it's more likely that you'll get discouraged with such high expectations.

Instead of focusing on volume Make it a top priority that you stick with a particular approach to content for a prolonged time period. A single video, article, etc. A week's worth of content can be a lot. And building consistency is the thing that most would-be creators aren't able to do.

Brand Community

Build your community

"Community" can be a phrase that gets thrown around a lot with digital media. And we're a little biased in this regard-as a social platform, but not every engagement online can be described as community. If you've had one Twitter user who has added snark on your posts, is it your community? If you've got the exact same three people liking all your Facebook posts, is this your community?


Here's what's known as community in various internet corners.

What they refer to when they use the word community

For many online brands and creators, community is:


  • People consistently commenting on your blog posts.        
  • Participants showing up on your livestreams.        
  • People joining your mailing list.        
  • People asking questions in the comments on YouTube.        
  • Users who responded to a Twitter poll.        

It's not great, but lots of creators are searching for this. A lot more followers. More fans. The desire to watch a vanity metric climb but without the need to create a real human connection.

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What we are referring to when we use the word"community"?

When we think about the concept of community, we are thinking about real human connections. This is not about the superficial remarks, but the chance to go deep and really create meaningful connections with others.

As we speak of community, we think of:


  • Members don't only take in your content but create their own.        
  • Members who can answer other members' questions with their personal experiences.        
  • Members who make friends with one another, without having to be present.        
  • members who take the time to be there day after day, to ensure that the community they belong to becomes part of their identity.        

The true community doesn't rely on the simple connections of subscribers or fans to a creator. True community is about the connection of members and a sense of belonging.

That's exactly what we're looking for.

If you're a creator of digital media You may be searching for the first kind of community. As you begin you'll be thrilled to gain subscribers and comments. The Dopamine rushes from these likes wear off. If you do something wrong and people start to hate the person you are because they have never truly known them before.

A community that is active users lets you work more with less. It's still possible to be a digital creator, but you're hosting conversations instead of performing. The members you host find something more important than an adrenaline rush; they find an identity.

That's what communities do. That's the reason we like them. When we speak of monetization-a community can become a thriving digital enterprise without millions or thousands of followers. Indeed, we've observed seven and six- figure businesses grow out of a handful of engaged followers.

Find out how you can monetize

Many creators do not want to be monetized at certain points. If that's you, you'll need to figure out a monetization strategy that works for you and your brand. Naturally, there's a myriad of options for doing this, ranging from marketing to selling digital goods.

You'll have to discover the right thing that works for your brand.

Do check out the creator calculator that will help you determine what you'll get from different monetization platforms.

creator calculator content creators

Digital creator Vs. influencer

The word "HTML0" is used as a digital creator of content in this piece, but what's the difference between an online content creator as well as an influencer?

If you're looking for how to think about digital creator vs influencer, it's this digital creator describes content created using digital technology, while influencer is the description of an individual's output. So digital creators are the person who makes digital content. A person who's content attracts lots of attention and followers, building enough social capital to ensure that their thoughts and ideas can influence the thoughts and behavior of others. This is why influencers can make money through their brand and many creators of digital content might not yet have monetized.

For keeping it easy, consider this: Every influencer is an online creator. However, not every digital creator is an influencer-because influencers are measured by their following.


A few examples of the most successful digital creators

There are many incredible examples of digital creators. let's look at some of our most loved digital creators that have created communities that are Mighty!

Adriene Mishler: the YouTube's most popular yoga instructor, and is behind the YouTube channel Yoga that includes Adriene (12 million users). Adriene along with her team run both the Find What Feels Good and Kula communities on Mighty.

Martinus Evans: Increased his Instagram following that consists of "back-of-the-pack runners" to 95,000 people Then he grew it into the community of over 20,000 users.

Ashley Fox: Left her six-figure Wall Street job to teach financial literacy to the majority of people big finance doesn't assist. The movement she started was called Empify that made waves across the globe and taught financial literacy in more than fifty schools and The Wealth Builders Community.

Sadie RobertsonHuff: A popular author, speaker, TV personality, and one of the world's most influential voices for young Christian women, today. With over 4.6 million Instagram followers, national speaking tours, and a podcast that is ranked among the top, WHOA, That's Good. She manages the LO sister community. LO sister.

Drew Binsky: A travel YouTuber who has more than 5 billion views. He created a brand-new app called Just Go to assist people in falling in love with traveling.

Power workshop by Sadie Robertson Huff

Are you ready to be a digital creator?

In this post, it's very easy to overthink being a digital artist. Most of the time, the most effective way to begin is to get started.

If you're in search of an opportunity to build your own platform Build with us! It brings together content, courses, community and commerce. Mighty is the top G2 community platform. It's an ideal platform to start your online content, and then build a business around it.

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