Celebrating History, Embracing Progression: International Women's Day 2024

Mar 20, 2024

On the 8th March we gather around the globe to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD). This day is to celebrate the amazing achievements made by women, ponder the challenges they face, and commit us to ensure that equality reigns supreme. We know that this wasn't an event that changed in a flash. It's the culmination, resilience, and unwavering determination. This day is celebrated by encouraging you to as you can take a journey through the past and tradition of IWD which is a proof of the ongoing force of action by the entire community.

Beginning with Seeds of Change to a Global Movement

The seeds of IWD were sown in the early 20th century. It was a period where the struggle for women's rights gained momentum. The 8th day of March in 1857, a group of women were on strike in protest of the poor work conditions, as well as a deficiency of women's rights in their trade of clothing. The protest demanded the cutting of working hours, as well as fair and reasonable living wage. In 1908, on the 8th of March, an organised march of female workers in the needle trades took place to protest child labor, conditions at sweatshops and ensure that women were able to vote. In 1910, March 8th was an annual celebration of International Women's Day.

A Catalyst for Change

In the course of the 20th century, IWD was a major catalyst for transformation. It provided a platform in which women could speak their voices on issues like the right to vote and fair working conditions pay and the right to education. In 1975, IWD became recognized as a human rights issue by the United Nations officially recognized IWD and affirmed the worldwide significance of IWD.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

A Day of Celebration and Action

In the present, IWD is celebrated in numerous ways, from breathtaking parades to intimate gatherings. This is a chance to honor outstanding women from every field that range from artists and scientists to entrepreneurs and activists. But, IWD isn't only an opportunity to celebrate, but it's also an opportunity to take action. It's a reminder that the battle to achieve gender equality is far from ending. It is essential to keep fighting for equal opportunity, debunk stigmas against women and girls and women everywhere. The central theme of International Women's Day 2024 is " Invest in Women: Accelerating Progress" by using the used hashtag #InvestInWomen.

According to the UN the five aspects are essential to push ahead with this hashtag until it becomes outdated:

  • invest in women one of human rights concerns:Time is running out. Equal representation of women is the biggest human rights issue, affecting everyone.
  • Ending poverty: Because of the COVID outbreak as well as the ongoing conflict within the region, over the last few years, 75 million individuals have been forced to live in extreme poverty at the time of 2000. Immediate action is crucial for preventing over 342 million children and women who are living in poverty by 2030.
  • Implementing gender-responsive financing: Conflicts and rising costs may cause 75% of nations to decrease their spending on public services by 2025. It could adversely affect women as well as their vital services.
  • Shifting to a eco-friendly and compassionate societyThe present economic system significantly affects women. People who advocate for change suggest sustainable society and an environmentally friendly economy for women to be heard more voice.
  • The support of feminist change-makers Despite their leadership, women-led organisations receive only 0.13 percent of the official support for development.

Beyond the Day

Even though IWD is an important day for women, the fight for gender equality shouldn't be limited to a particular date. Our company is based by empowerment, inclusivity and equality. Our goal is to provide an environment in which women can thrive throughout the year. We're dedicated to fostering an environment of respect and professional development or supporting organizations that promote women's rights, our company is dedicated to being integral of the solution.

All of us can be proud of the achievements of the past, acknowledge the accomplishments made, and strive for a new one that provides every woman with an opportunity to reach her highest potential she is capable of. Make the effort to choose some of these occasions to participate in the coming year:

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