
Aug 3, 2022
What is the best email marketing platform?

Mailchimp Vs. Mailerlite vs. SendinBlue: The best marketer for email

In the midst of numerous marketing channels, including social media websites, in-person meetings, webinars, telephone calls, forums online and chat rooms -- email remains a frequent method of communicating with customers. It's affordable and allows you to establish an immediate relationship with your customers.

But which email provider is the easiest to use and also the most cost-effective? Which marketing tool for email will help reduce bounces, or helps you build the best-looking emails, or offers the highest-quality information management?

We're here to take an extensive look at the most successful and well-known companies for email marketing.

Do you want to compare platforms like Campaign Monitor, Klaviyo, Drip and ConvertKit? Keep an eye out! We will be diving deep into the top CRM ecosystems is coming soon!

Chart of comparisons at a glance

MailChimp Mailerlite SendinBlue
Positioning of the brand Increase your reach and revenues.
Reward new and returning clients by sending them emails or automations from a marketing platform that has expert advice included.
Make an email with marketing that your customers will enjoy.
Digital marketing tools that help you grow your audience faster and drive revenues smarter.
Get ready for takeoff. Sendinblue is the most efficient and easiest platform for companies that are growing.
We help you Thrive digitally by guiding your business with the right marketing & sales tools.
The primary Features Email
Site / Landing Page
Setup/comments Arguably the best-established platform. Now offers website builder and E-commerce solutions. Simple and affordable email marketing works efficiently. Registration forms and a paid newsletter subscription model available. Easy and inexpensive email marketing is affordable and simple. Chat, SMS marketing and Inbox platforms.
( Featured) Integrations Shopify, Canva, Quickbooks, Zapier, Google Business Profile, Google Analytics, Yotpo, Instagram, Facebook, WooCommerce,
Squarespace, Stripe, BigCommerce, Magento, ShipStation, Wordpress,
Salesforce, Typeform,
Eventbrite, MailMunch
Facebook Audiences, MailerCheck,
Make, Shopify, Stripe, Typeform, WooCommerce, WordPress
ActiveCampaign, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, HubSpot, Intercom,
Mailchimp, Mailjet, Mixpanel, Pipedrive, SurveyMonkey, Typeform,
Price Free: Monthly email limit of 10,000 sends.
Premium: $17/month for 6,000 sends.
Free 1 - 1,000
Subscribers and 12,000 emails per month.
Premium: Unlimited monthly emails for $9/month.
Free: up to 300 emails per day to unlimited contacts
Premium: From $25/month for up to 20,000 emails/month.

Mailchimp -a land of opportunities

Pricing and features

The company claims to help you "grow your reach and revenue", Mailchimp is an E-commerce platform to send emails, automated processes, segmentation of customers, as well as education and advice.

Mailchimp provides a perpetual free program that allows you to mail 12,000 messages to as many as 2,000 subscribers. Although, under this program, you're required to showcase their brand in your email to customers, it's still an attractive offering for up-and-coming businesses. Paid plans start from $10/month with up to 500 customers; it also grants numerous premium services such as an advanced segmentation of your audience as well as live support chat.

How it works

Upon logging in, you'll see the statistics for your most recent campaign's performance. It will show:

  • recipients
  • open rate, clicks and opens per unique open
  • number of successful deliveries
  • total opens and total clicks
  • number of orders
  • the average order's revenue and total revenues.


This is where you create, manage and import your subscriber list, also known as contacts. You can manually add new subscribers, one at a by inputting their email address and personal information into a form or you can automatically import data from customers by bulk import from an alternative website, download an CSV file or copy and paste the new contacts' details.


Once you have imported and/or created subscribers, it's easy to segment these people by their prior purchasing habits, their place of residence, or personal preferences. You can manually add Tags on customers' accounts in order to send targeted messages to customers who share similar traits, and Groups let you segment customers based on certain characteristics or behaviors.

The same section can also be where you build sign-up or registration forms to allow people to subscribe themselves to your emails. This can be done via HTML forms, a pop-up box that can be embedded on any site and a contact form that will send messages to your email mailbox, or any number of connections with your current messaging software.


It is the place where you create and build your emails. They are known as campaigns. You can choose from a variety of templates for emails to choose from according to whether you're pushing new products or making an announcement, but you can also develop new designs and themes using Content Studio. Content Studio.



This allows users to customize the workload, also known as Customer Journeys. There are countless possibilities to advertise your company or product to your existing audience -- such as mailing a promo message to abandoned cart customers -as well as to gain new subscribers, for example using Facebook Ads campaigns (optionally linked by Zapier).



Incorporating the idea of e-commerce to the next level, MailChimp provides the ability to build websites that "tell the story of your business, communicate to people and expand your company".


It is possible to be operational with just one item; once you've spent 15-20 minutes to setup payments using Stripe (which allows you to accept payments from all major credit cards) and just five minutes to personalize your store, the store can begin selling. Mailchimp is a software that automatically creates order confirmation, shipping notification and emails for abandoned carts for your online store.

Mailerlite -keep things simple

Prices and Features

Billed as a way to "create web-based marketing campaigns and email newsletters that your customers will enjoy", Mailerlite offers digital marketing tools to increase your audience faster and drive revenue smarter. The MailerLite team strives to "provide easy solutions for complex work" using a clean and practical designs and award-winning customer service.

Sending is free for 12,000 emails per month and up to 1,000 subscribers The Growing Business costs $9/month ($108 if billed yearly) for unlimited monthly emails and up to 1,000 users while the Advanced plan is $19/month ($228 for a yearly billing) to send unlimited emails per month and up to 1,000 subscribers with numerous add-ons like priority support or secure pages. For more subscribers, you can incrementally pay more; there's a sliding scale at to see how the pricing changes.

What is the process?

After logging into MailerLite, MailerLite gives you a information on the performance of your recent mailer campaigns, with stats like all active subscribers, the number of new subscribers for today and in the month ahead the number of emails that were sent as well as clicks, opens and CTOR (click for open), number of subscribers who have not been opted out and spam complaints, If they have any.


Newsletters sent via email, also known as Campaigns and are divided into blocks which can be moved and then dropped into the editing. Blocks that can be used as examples include Logo + Content article with background image, Highlight video, RSS lists, 1 product aligned left and footer.


After you're pleased with the design, you can select which subscribers will receive this email campaign, either through basic targeting , or with advanced segmentation such as "Signup Source is API' or 'Signup date is before July'.


There are four ways to add new subscribers. You can import a CSV or TXT format, Copy and paste data from Excel and add one subscriber and import from Mailchimp. The Mailerlite platform can automatically remove duplicate instances of emails after transfer.


Once you have been able to import or add subscribers, it is possible to segregate them for more accurate targeting Segments are dynamic records of your subscribers based on their attributes and behaviors and Groups let you organize your subscribers according to interest, actions, and more. Additionally, you can add your own Fields to save any additional details.

The same section is the Stats tab, where you can look into the average click rate per campaign, the average click rate per campaign, average subscribe rate per month and average unsubscribe rate per month.

 Forms and Sites

The form creator in MailerLite lets you design and schedule pop-up subscription forms to catch readers' attention best. There are many types of pop-ups, including floating bars and sliding boxes, and you can select a timing or scrolling length prior to the pop-up displays.


Additionally, you can create landing pages to collect registrations, or promote older email messages to stimulate participation, or create surveys to encourage engagement from customers.


These workflows automatically send emails based on subscribers' behavior or preferences, like the date of their initial sign-up, birthday or. It is possible to automatically tag customers based on their on-site behavior -- and use these tags to create new segments and groups for specific targeting as well as send promotional emails to customers with abandoned carts.

SendinBlue -- dig deeper into the information

Prices and Features

SendinBlue is claiming to aid you to "Be there where your clients are and control all your digital communications in one location" though a combination of email campaigns -- including the ability to optimize sending times marketing automation CRM , and live chat.

The plan for free is priced at only $0 per month for 300 email messages per day, to unlimited contacts. The Lite plan is priced at $25 a month with up to 20,000 emails per month, with unlimited contact along with A/B test support for emails and support. The Premium plans cost $65/month for 20,000 emails to unlimited contacts, including all the features of Lite plus automations, Facebook ads websites, landing pages, as well as telephone helpline.

How does it work

Upon logging into your account, you will get a quick overview of information for the previous emails. You can see the title of the campaign, the number of people who converted, the recipients, openers, 'clickers' and unsubscribers.


SendinBlue provides the rate of trackable open as well as the total number of trackable opens (the people who did not enable a Privacy Protection option in their email client) according to an estimated amount of opened emails.

 Emails (within Campaigns tab)

SendinBlue offers a choice of email layouts for your email newsletter, depending upon the type of message that you would like to send: an announcement about the launch of a new product, advertising events or pushing blog content.


Templates can be pre-built from the gallery -- this is also available in the templates section. You can also drag and drop to build your own, or even code your own from scratch.

 Automatization and Transactional

It allows you to create automated workflowsbased on various factors. Every automation is comprised of: an starting point, for instance, a purchase on the website, to trigger the workflow process; the action to take, for example sending an email or SMS as well as a precondition, such as 'Is it their first purchase?'.


These factors are combined to create workflows that can help in a variety of tasks, such as inducting new customers into the system with appropriate content, sending discounts to an inactive customer to encourage them to re-engage, or offering recommendations as well as upsells for customers already in the business.


There are two options to transfer contacts to SendinBlue. Either transfer the .csv, .xlsx or .txt file on your personal computer either copy-paste contacts from an .xls file. But you can also access using the Forms and Landing page functions from here to build customized web elements to encourage sign-up. You can also include a single contact along with their personal information.


The Lists section, conjunction with contact attributes, lets you segment your subscribers to make targeted emails. To improve open rates even higher, you can also customize your own sending settings, such as From Name, Reply-to , and Header/Footer for each individual list.


MailChimp, MailerLite, and SendinBlue are all geared towards slightly different user bases within the email marketing space: MailChimp has a breadth of options; MailerLite is lightweight and inexpensive; SendinBlue is data-driven.

Each option serves a distinct purpose, and it's your job to determine which option is right for your needs and the audience you're writing for. Happy writing!

Research methods

For our analysis We looked at the top 4 metrics that any great email service should provide. When the metrics were identified and analyzed, we gave each of them a score between one to 5, to create a total score that would let us determine their importance. With the score, we were able to assess and come to a conclusion on which platforms are most effective and merit further investigation.

The metrics The four measures with explanations of what we believe a great email marketing company should be able to offer:

 Ease / speed of getting started

  1. Was it easy to set up and set up an account, such as creating an account and sending your first email?
  2. Was the instruction for doing more complicated task, such as building an online site, clearly laid out?
  3. Is there a logical and clear way to navigate through the different services of the platform?

 Easy integration and the level of intuition

  1. What is the easiest way to connect the platform with third-party software?
  2. If there isn't any existing integrations available, are they effortless? Do APIs are readily available?
  3. Do you have features that seem unfinished? Is it easy to create an email that looks and feels like what you had in mind?

 Positioning of the brand

  1. How can the business market itself? How can it utilize words and images to entice customers?
  2. What types of customers does it aim to attract?


  1. What fees does the software have to charge? Are there additional processing charges (due to Stripe or similar)?
  2. Is there a free tier or trial period? If so, will the trial offer a complete experience or are some functionalities reserved for paying customers?