Blended Learning: Everything you need to know for 2024 |

Jan 7, 2024

Blended learning is an fantastic educational tool for students and teachers alike. It helps you broaden your learning efforts and improve results in learning.

In this article article will provide you with a look at the general concept of blended learning with some instances, as well as different blended learning strategies that you could integrate into your daily routine.


What exactly is blended learning?

Blended learning may be defined as a teaching method which blends classroom learning on the ground with e-learning. Whether via online discussion and asynchronous classes, or other project-based tasks. Blended learning brings the best of traditional education-the intense and dynamic nature of classes in person, but also the ability to be flexible and adaptable with online learning.

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Since its beginning over the years, the term "Blended learning" is used to describe 1. Combining delivery media, 2. Making use of different methods for teaching 3. Mixing different instructional techniques. mixing in-person and online instruction, but now we generally refer to it as an amalgamation of both in-person as well as online instruction.1

In traditional classrooms the use of blended learning has been more of the norm as opposed to a singular event. An analysis of UK universities found that 69% were planning to incorporate blended learning. 82% said that they had noticed a greater demand for blended learning. Additionally, in 2021 (during the epidemic) 60 percent of US college students enrolled in at least one online course. The expectation is that the use of learning via online will reach $257.7 billion dollars by 2027.

While we often associate the explosion in learning online with the epidemic, schools and colleges have been promoting on-line learning for quite a while. It has also included additional education via online forums, projects and even on-line communities. It has been facilitated through ed-tech tools and programs that allow online learning like Blackboard or Canvas.

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Online learning has become such a commonplace phenomenon that, in 2023, in 2023, the University of California decided to close a gap in their system-it had so many courses offered through online businesses which students could receive an online degree for less (they included the requirement to live in).

It's not just intended for K-12 or higher education. It can be used for any type of training available, be it corporate training or the launch of an online blended learning program for business, it can mix the top in live-learning (the participation, the topics flexibility, the conversation) in conjunction with the best on-line learning (the accessibility ).

Blended learning could mean:


  • Blending of activities at the level of you are learning, the activity can take place in-person and online.
  • Blending of courses at different levels In the event that a class includes in-person and online materials.
  • Blending is a matter of a program The concept is used in the course of study but possibly not with specific classes or activities.

1 Read the chapter 1 discussion from Curtis J. Bonk and Charles R. Graham, The Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Regional Designs (John Wiley & Sons 2005).

Here are some statistics on blended learning


  • 85 percent of college students find the online classroom more effective ( Erudera ).
  • A majority of students at universities and colleges would like to be able to at least a portion part of their study conducted online (and 41% want all via the internet) ( UNESCO ).
  • A study of new college students from 2022 revealed that 27% of them were favour of blended learning, while 29% were in favor of entirely online. A change from the historic percentage, but still noteworthy ( New America ).
  • The estimate is to be 2.79 millions U.S. post-secondary students doing their degrees on the internet ( NCES ).
  • Between 2019-2020 the pandemic triggered the growth of postsecondary online learning up from 37% to 74 percent. .

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Blended learning systems

Blended learning can only happen thanks to the development of blended learning techniques and technology requirements required to teach in a large-scale manner online. The blended learning system continues to evolve and change by introducing new technologies daily.

As an example the Mighty Co-Host(tm) could create course outlines using AI. This technology will continue to evolve and adjusting blended learning according to technological advancements.

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Blended learning vs. hybrid education: what's the distinction?

The terms "blended learning" as well as "hybrid learning" are commonly used combination. Sometimes, however "hybrid" refers to the amalgamation of both students who are in person and online together in the same classroom (sort like the way you describe"hybrid" event)--while the term "blended learning" is typically described as the mix of in-person and online learning for each learner.

Benefits of blended learning

There are numerous benefits to studying online. The easiest way to describe these is to state that it has two of the most beneficial aspects! Both in-person as well as online learning can be beneficial and allow students to gain from both approach and mitigate the negatives.

This is the ideal balance to learn mixed. Asynchronous online learning can be is lonely. However, blended learning allows you to meet with other students from time to time to meet new people!

An New America survey on blended learning in community colleges found that the most important factors that students favored blended learning was the possibility of setting times that can be flexible, the opportunity to have a social experience in classes, as well as having an increased sense of learning as well as the decrease in commute, and an additional reason to get out of the home.

The benefits of blended learning are correlated with in-person learning


  • Online learning is flexible and allows learners learn from the ease of home, and online learning can be carried out at the learner's own comfort. Learning can become a possibility to those who have other obligations to manage (e.g. the parent working a job already ).
  • Accessibility Blended classes led by learners could be more appropriate for learners of all kinds. let them go at their own pace.
  • Green: There's no requirement to have classes (or heating or cooling, or electric power). Learning online is environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
  • Ability to scale: Even blended learning offers the possibility of scaling. If, for instance, you needed to give three classes at the beginning and you wanted to group them into a single discussion group online.
  • It's easier than ever before: Technology for online education is improving and becoming more accessible.

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Blended learning benefits that go together with the personal encounter


  • Energetic: If students have trouble staying focused online, then live learning can help improve their attention span.
  • Making connections: Students attending classes in a group can form lasting relationships and network.
  • Flexible: In-class learning is customizable in another way. Instructors are able to change the subject matter and topics in the course of interaction between students and group.

Blended Learning examples


  • The instructor in a college includes a mandatory virtual component to the curriculum. For instance participating with students in chat rooms or writing blog entries about the text, or participating in online projects in conjunction with classmates.
  • Walmart provides its customers with The One Global Walmart Academy that integrates live and online education experiences for its 2.3 millions of employees.
  • Amazon has built classrooms inside their fulfillment centers. company to impart employees the skills they need to be successful, that are relevant to their jobs within Amazon as well as the ones not. They offer upskilling into some tasks that are highly in demand.
  • Many executive MBA programmes include both live and online courses to assist with the busy schedules of students-a majority of them work full-time while finishing their MBA.
  • The U.S. Government's Federal Cyber Defense Skilling Academy is a place for federal employees to learn with a mixture of virtual and live instruction.
  • University of Phoenix is famous for its online courses, but students also have the option of attending classes in person making for an online degree that blends.

Blended learning

Another option to incorporate blended learning, and that's blended learning through online learning. Instead of mixing in-person and virtual learning, blended e-learning blends aspects of synchronous as well as asynchronous learning on the virtual platform.

In this case, for instance it is possible to organize an online class which is supported by live chats, and discussion groups with live streaming. Or, you could teach a class live through livestreaming but recording is available later, and also an online discussion board.

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Similar to blended learning, blended online learning brings the advantages from an in-person class to e-learning. You can benefit from the enthusiasm of live-streamed classes, as well as discussions and interaction that takes place live in the classroom, as well as the flexibility it is possible to address your students' issues into the classroom.

What's unique is that each is done on an online platform. It gives you all the ability and the freedom together.

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Blended learning strategies

1. Consider a classroom that is flipped.

One common approach to blended learning is called an flipped class. Students engage with readings or lecture at their homes, and then class time is spent on conversations or engaging.

It can be difficult to be successful in K-12 schooling however, it's not impossible (younger students typically need parental support). The method of teaching is employed frequently in higher education. It shares a lot to the "tutorial" approach to teaching which has been in use for centuries (it's an integral part of the Oxbridge system ).

2. Let the learning goals guide you.

Learning through blended learning must be governed by what helps you reach your goals for learning in the most effective manner. It may seem obvious But it's actually feasible to make use of all advantages of both online and live-based learning in order to achieve diverse learning goals. Flipping classrooms are one of the best examples.

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3. Make sure you choose the right technology

The software you use to facilitate blended learning will determine its effectiveness. Naturally, the alternatives you're looking for in a blended learning system must be reliable and efficient. The two should work well and make it easy for students to utilize and access.

Here are some ideas:


  • Avoid using complicated technology stacks. Seek ways to include the features of blended learning you're looking for without mixing and matching programs, which can cause more hassles.
  • Make contact with IT. If your school has an IT team in the house Check if they have currently available options.
  • If interoperability is mandatory, make sure that the blended learning system you choose to use integrates with existing learning and administration systems.

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4. Create the online count

One of the fastest way for blended learning failure is by putting all emphasis on learning that are in person and making online participation compulsory. The online component of blended learning should not feel like an added or unnecessary. Make sure that you make it count by setting realistic learning targets for participation online.

The choice of creating a separate area for discussion can be usually the recipe for less involvement. Think about incorporating 10 reflective reflections about discussion as well as 10 comments to other's thoughts into your course (e.g. valued at 1% for 20% of your final grade). If you include skins in the blended learning game, it enhances the likelihood to get most effective result.

5. Do not duplicate the learning experience in the classroom online.

Blended learning provides a nearly limitless range of learning possibilities. Making the same instructional activities available in a classroom on the internet is a particularly sad thing.

For instance, an educational seminar could be fine.


  • However, what do you think about having the students and teachers watch the same documentary and chat on the internet?
  • Applying a theoretical concept to a popular film?
  • or playing or playing an online video game that fits with course themes?
  • or even creating a blog or site?
  • or post via social media on topics of the class?

The sky is your limit. Make use of Web-based format.

6. Do not create synchronous and anasynchronous divisions.

It's common to believe that all classes must be synchronous, and that online activities must be synchronous. However, that's not the reality. The online activities are able to be scheduled, with the use of live chat, video, messages, etc. However, in-person events don't require simultaneous participation.

In the event that you're trying to decide between the synchronous and asynchronous methods of teaching This chart will assist you to understand the kinds of students each one serves:


If yes...

If not...

Do your students possess the capacity to become independent and self-directed?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronization

Does your material ever change?

Try Synchronizing

Try Asynchronous

Do students need live assistance and feedback?

Try synchronizing

Try Asynchronous

Can your students join the online sessions due to the method they study or their lifestyle?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronizing

Students are expected to think of ideas, engage in discussions or collaborate?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronization

7. Orient the students

Instead of forcing students to participate in blended learning and asynchronous learning, you can host a workshop in class (even within the computer lab, should you are able to access it) to help them understand the online component of the class. Use this opportunity to teach them how to log on to the blended learning platform and how to use different options, or perhaps do an assignment together.

A good understanding of the platform can increase the likelihood of learners getting most value from the platform. And technical difficulties are one important obstacle to blended learning.

8. Read your data

As blended learning is part of software platforms, you have the unique opportunity to engage with the data. The data points can provide important information regarding what's working as well as what's not within your blended learning program.

Check the information frequently.

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9. Join a practice group

Adapting blended learning of any type can be difficult for those who are not familiar with it. Find communities of practice where you are able to collaborate and gain from those who have succeeded in using blended learning effectively.

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Blended platforms for learning


It is both a social and as a course platform which comes with robust set of tools for hosting discussions, livestreaming, running events live, and incorporating both synchronous and Asynchronous courses.

Deliver Online Courses - Livewell

As a blended learning system It's an excellent option for brand-related or corporate education, as well as offering branded apps through Mighty Pro. And for those running an online course or training business, it gives you everything you need for monetization-building packages, managing checkouts, and charging in 135 different currencies.

2. Moodle


Moodle can be described as an institutional learning management software that provides many options to content as well as a broad variety of options that enable collaborative learning such as collaborative forums, discussion forums and messaging.

3. Canvas with Structure

Canvas is a great instrument to create an institutional-wide learning center that includes a robust LMS, excellent tools for engagement, good mobile applications (better then Moodle) and Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) integration with an institution's IT system.

4. Blackboard Learn

Most well-known institution LMS selection that includes lots of assignments and grading features together with some great collaborative features (like discussion boards and live meetings). Dashboards are easy to use for administrators and students.


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Blended learning could be difficult to master, particularly if you're unfamiliar with it. If done correctly it can provide fantastic learning opportunities, and also help scale your learning experience. This guide will inspire you to experiment with blended learning. It is now time to bring your classroom online!

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