Are you not making enough money as a Coach? Here's How to Fix It.

Jun 28, 2024

It pains me when coaches don't get paid properly for their hard work.

Coaches are doing phenomenal work, helping people remain healthy and fit build amazing relationships, develop amazing businesses, create wealth, and so much more.

Coaching coaches help clients get rid of hurt and realize the goals of their hearts.

However, you could be considered the greatest coach yet not get payed what you're worth in the event that you're not doing some things done right.

It's difficult when that you're doing an amazing job, and you see others far less skilled, more unmotivated than you and earning a lot more income.

We can fix it!

That's exactly what I'm going to accomplish in this blog entry.

The root of the issue lies in the following elements:

Not enough charging

Doing only or too much one-on-one coaching

Doing too much work to your customers

Selling courses only

When you make too much it's unlikely that you'll earn the amount you'd like to.

Many coaches hesitate to raise their prices because they link their prices to their self-worth rather than their value to their clients.

It is important to set your charges according to the value you provide in exchange for your time and effort.

The problem of 1:1 coaching is that it doesn't grow with the player.

For each new client that you sign up, you will need to devote more of your time, and, as you've guessed, the time you have is limited. There are only 24 hours in a day.

It's the reason you should get into group coaching if you're not already.

Scale of group coaching programs. Your work load doesn't rise but it increases moderately, with each new client.

It's the same similar if you're doing too much work for your clients. It is important to organize things to ensure where your customers are accountable for doing more of the task themselves. And you provide the Frameworks and Templates which make it easy for them to accomplish it.

Inconsistent leads flow is the result of being able to put the proper methods in place that will bring you potential dream Clients daily, and new clients every week.

If your sole focus is selling classes only you will find it to be hard to generate sufficient revenue regularly.

They have a lower real or perceived value than coaching classes, which are where they can assist people with coaching. This is and the "home study" nature of courses.

If you do not have a coaching program yet then a group coaching program is the obvious next step to consider adding.

These are the factors that matter.

This way of thinking makes getting enough cash easier.


PS. If you're eager to make each aspect of your company easier, from tech to strategy to the mindset of your employees, that's the kind of thing we're looking at . Let's talk and see how we can help.