Are there methods to let AI unleash creative potential? Filmmakers' perspectives and VP of Creative

Sep 17, 2023

There is no doubt that, AI isn't going anywhere.

It is a constant debate regarding whether AI will replace writers, editors, and concept designers, a lot of people accept the fact that AI is inevitable and are now considering its capability to alter the ways work is accomplished. When I was at Cannes I was listening to the opinions from artists like of Black Eyed Peas fame discuss the way in which AI will change the way we work over the coming decade. The majority of discussions focused on the way that AI quickly unlocks the talents of individuals and affecting creative processes.

I have been a creative director for many years, I decided to express my opinion and take this to open up a conversation with the community.

What's the present scenario What's the next step in getting there?

Here's what AI is able to do the present.

"I was a magician before I started my filmmaking career. Very quickly, once you're a magician, discover that the most sophisticated technology is indistinguishable from the magic. The art of magic can also be terrifying if you don't know how it operates or even what's happening. The same is true for me am about AI for creatives or any people who make money through thoughts projected from your mind onto the screen, AI is a scary problem because it could influence your work." Ben Proudfoot, Oscar-winning short directories, found as Breakwater Studios' CEO. Breakwater Studios

Creativity is a basic human characteristic that artificial intelligence cannot be able to duplicate easily.
  Midjourney went live in the month of July 2022. ChatGPT was followed closely by ChatGPT next month during November of the same year. In the past, we've witnessed self-described "non-creatives" access the potential of creativity that was previously unattainable due to a lack of skill.

The results of some of these initiatives are impressive, and the tools have evolved so rapidly you'll have a tough time believing that these tools are only a year older.

AI will help you to convey your ideas

Complex concepts for films, stories, images as well as music are hampered by the necessary methods and skills needed to bring these concepts to the screen.

The last year has seen images like these can be produced with a few simple keystrokes:

Midjourney 5.2 is an entirely new time of AI images.

In just 48 hours, there are already some pushing the boundaries.

We have this information:
(video by: @nelsonporto111)

-- Jeremy Nguyen (@JeremyNguyenPhD) June 25, 2023

  If you're a known creator such as the Oscar-winning filmmaker Hashem Al-Ghaili, your chance is greater.
  Take a look at the short AI-generated film " Last Stand," which depicts how humans would react if aliens were to make contact.

"Last Stand | Sci-Fi Short Film made using Artificial Intelligence."

From @HashemGhaili

"Disclaimed: None of it is real. The production was largely by Al The company, who was in charge of making the script, writing it, developing concepts and then generating each voice.
participating in some...

-- Zaesar (@zaesarius) 31 March 2023

  "AI will make us look at the world in ways you've never even thought over," says Crystal Edmonds, Head of Accounts and Event Activation in Magnet Media Films. "I believe it will expand our thinking. You'll learn about things that people never needed to be aware of. I think you're going to witness people unlock a new aspect of their creative potential with AI."
  For instance, Staff Pick winner Paul Trillo's short film "Thank You for Not Answering."

Instead of aiming for authenticity the designer aims to create the dreamlike style that's characteristic to Runway's Gen-2. "As an individual who has to leave a voicemail for a person who is not from his past, the person is overwhelmed with fragments from the past and imagines the life that could be."

As a true artist He's adapted to the limitations and potentials of his medium to create a unique piece.

AI is a great instrument to test and promote ideas

It's not a secret that these are great examples examples of the ways in which AI is able in order to express an artistic view, AI for commercial use is a relatively new idea.

Look at the artificially generated beer commercial. This commercial is from the time, which means it can't be considered to be legitimate if it was viewed as genuine commercial.

The presentation does offer more than sufficient information for transferring an idea to executive more efficiently than a sketch, a mood board or elevator pitch ever.
  Generative AI is the term used to describe the way there is no need to depend on your words to make a captivating visual for ten or more people: Instead it's possible to use a description prompt to create the ideal sizzle film, animatics, also known as pre-visualizations, to convince viewers to buy into a vision.

What do these mean for today's creatives?
  Begin to learn how to make a powerful prompt for AI.
  "I believe the next generation of employees will be able to master the technologies available to us and will begin to make use of generative AI both in written and visual mediums," says Orlando Baeza chief marketing officer and as Chief Revenue Officer of Flock Freight. "I believe there's actually lots of potential for growth in this area, however it'll have to improve the skills of our current workforce in addition to the fact that the next generation of workers can develop the technology."

AI is a great option to cut the time needed for production

The videomaking process currently is about two or three weeks from beginning to end. However, AI accelerates production, which allows producers to create more original videos and giving professionals in production to concentrate on projects that requires focused work.
  "I believe that among the biggest problems within the industry of film is how expensive the process of making the film. There are barriers to entry extremely high. the entry required to create a film and one important aspect about films is that they're available to everyone," continues Baeza. "So the moment AI and machine-learning tools are able to aid someone with just a few resources to reach broad audience, it's certainly something to be thankful for Isn't it?"
  AI has already helped make film production simpler by automating processes like the editing of transcriptions, personalization, and planning. In particular adding or removing things from videos' backgrounds took a long, laborious procedure -- however, AI does not need the Adobe Geneerative Fill tool.
  "I believe that companies will view AI as productivity and efficiency improvement," says Baeza. "I think AI can be a great partner and will likely be a part of creative organizations."

This is the problem: AI isn't going to assist you with.

AI will not help to get you noticed.

Machine learning is based on crunching previous-used data and looking at the patterns that it had eaten previously. In this case, for instance an machine-learning or an generative AI tool could come up with a beautiful image of a blue-colored cup, using the thousands of images it has taken of blue cup.
  It's not about replicating what's been tried before, but rather, it's about framing ideas in a fresh way and putting a fresh spin on old ideas or making a connection which no one else created. In the words of Steve Jobs famously said:

"Some people say give the customers what they want, but that's not exactly what I do. The job of us is to know what the clients are most likely to require prior to giving them what they want. I'm sure Henry Ford once said,  If I had asked the customer what they wanted they'd have told me the fastest horse.' They don't even understand what they're seeking until you tell them. It's our responsibility to make things clear that are not yet visible on a page." Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple

Creativity is the result of both science and art. AI is really adept when it comes to the science aspect of that equation.
  There are certain patterns that are repeatable and formulaic that we follow in our industry and which AI is able to reproduce, for instance the rule of threes or using a large red font for promoting a sale. But so far, AI isn't able to remain forward-looking. It can't detect virality, nor can it provide an innovative, new viewpoint that customers will be able to appreciate.
  Creatives have good news. Make your mark with innovative ideas, and then use AI to help bring the ideas into reality.

AI is unable to duplicate the artistic process

One of the wonderful benefits of creativity is that -- regardless of the degree of detail your concept is, your concept transforms into a reality all its own as it's developed. Each person who comes in contact with your idea brings their unique perspective and experience to the idea, and the result is a unique element that you could not imagine.
  An editor from the film industry I worked with said once, "You might have shot your storyboard, but your storyboard isn't really relevant any more and I'm going to make use of the footage I've got." While everything was recorded as planned within the storyboard, the editor might highlight specific aspects or alter items in a way that differed from the original strategy.
  Currently, I don't see any way to use AI to mimic the creative process in such a method.
  AI doesn't possess a distinct viewpoint that could contribute to the creative process similar way to an individual film editor or videographer could. So, even when AI is used during the process of creation for speeding up the ideation process and editing humans still play a crucial role in the creation process.

Stay curious and keep your mind open

It's clear that AI could increase our capacity to express our thoughts, and it's a catalyst for a new generation of artists to be born and do feats we would've imagined. If I had to capture this moment in terms that be able to describe this moment, I would be both nervous and exuberant since unlike any moment in the past, we're looking towards the future.

In reality, I'm an individual with a single opinion and set of ideas. I believe we must continue exploring the possibilities using an attitude of curiosity and fun as well as keep an open mind and continue the dialogue.

In case you're wondering, what are your thoughts on what you're doing? What's the way you're making use of AI now, and where do you believe it will lead us?

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