Accelerate the flow of your website's content using this WordPress Editorial Calendar

Jul 15, 2023

Improve the efficiency of your blog content by using this WordPress Editorial Calendar

Strive WordPress Content Calendar review

Welcome to the world at Member in which we are pleased to own not only one, but not two nor even six beautifully-run blogs! We can guarantee you that it's not easy to handle the sheer volume of content.

Six distinct blogs are available on several different sites, each focused on a specific product staying up-to-date isn't easy. Don't forget the talented group of bloggers who offer their talents to our blog, there are many chefs in the kitchen, making many plates.

It certainly was until we discovered a game-changing WordPress editorial calendar. I'll tell that it has totally changed our approach to managing information.

It's called the Strive Content Calendar, and I can't wait to share the excitement of it with fellow creators of content and bloggers just like you.

As I've been using Strive over the last few months, I've come to realize how valuable it is for improving the efficiency of content management.

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Here's why you probably need Strive

If you're working in the field of blogging or management, you're conscious of the vital role played by blog content calendars. They form the foundation of your operation, helping users to:

  • Track and create subjects
  • Ideas for structuring
  • Assign tasks
  • Schedule posts
  • ...and there's more!

In the event that you're organized as we are, then you realize that your blog's content calendar is merely a piece of the whole. You can access the powerful primary content calendar. You can use it to manage not just blog posts but also many different types of content, such as informationgraphics, guides, advertising and PDFs. All of them are neatly organized according to topic.

At Member, we rely on Asana for the construction and maintenance of the massive content calendar. It effectively showcases the full picture. We ran into a couple of challenges along our trip:

  1. The size of our main calendar was too large for us to use it as a real-time calendar for blog posts.
  2. We don't have all of our writers working in our office, giving them access to Asana. The result was a lengthy series of emails going between them and Google Docs exchanges when assigning subjects to writers from outside.

Our salvation came through the Strive Content Calendar The calendar quickly eliminated our challenges and offered us an efficient solution. Allow us to shed the light on the way Strive successfully solved our challenges in managing content.

The most exciting part is right here: the Strive Content Calendar

Strive menu easy to access from WordPress dashboard

This innovative solution has specifically addressed to my main concerns:

  1. Through the incorporation of the blog's calendar of content into the WordPress backend Every one of our six blogs is equipped with separate calendars that are separate from our main calendar. This simplified approach makes managing and organizing of blog posts, which allows for a more efficient process. (Curious to know the method we use to integrate each blog's calendar with our Asana main calendar? Stay tuned, and we'll share the secret!)
  2. Every writer we employ has access to the WordPress backend. Through Strive the blog's content calendars are integrated with WordPress its own platform. It's easy to create reviews, assign, and later process the posts of all involved! No more back-and-forth Google Doc sharing. (We'll examine more in-depth details of this in the future!)

Additionally, Strive's drag and drop feature only enhances the overall amazing user-friendliness

Strive drag and drop feature

Are you seeking to alter the date that your blog post was published? That's no problem! Strive allows you to easily organize posts in accordance with your preference and swiftly move posts between slots scheduled for them as well as the sidebar that contains drafts that aren't scheduled. Each relocation instantly causes automatic scheduling in the WordPress editor to make sure that your posts are well-organized and arranged in a seamless way.

The feature is an absolute favorite of mine however it's not the only one. Strive program includes a wide range of impressive additional features. Let's take a closer look.

The Strive's other great content

In addition, to the simple installation and effortless integration Strive comes with incredible features to help you save time. Like...

Rapid content changes

In order to get your blog's rank at a high level and to keep it in the top position for an extended period will require constant changes to your website's content. Revisions is a major headache. It's not a wise plan to undermine the SEO efficiency of an piece that is already gaining significant significance.

Strive create a revision from the WordPress admin bar

Enter Strive's Revisions feature. It's the best solution to streamline your workflow for revisions. When you install the plugin there'll be an "revision" option attached to each published post. It's accessible via the admin bar of WordPress or via the post list in the backend.

Strive create a revision in the back end of WordPress

This feature works its magic with just two easy steps:

  • By clicking"revision "revision" button, you will be able to create an an entirely new version of the post, separate from the one that was posted.
  • If you add updates following that you have clicked "Publish," Strive seamlessly integrates the new version with the original version. What does it produce? An optimized article free from the hassle of confusing redirects. The SEO juice is preserved as you are able to save time.

Additionally, the Strive calendar display is clearly marked with revisions. It allows you to easily track the proportion of updated content versus new content.

Alternative Pipeline view

Although the calendar view is the primary one I use. The Pipeline view gives you an expansive view. Clicking on the Pipeline tab, you will have access to the status of each post within an unorganized, one-space.

It also prevents posts from being read giving a complete picture of how they're progressing. The posts are either being written and under construction or are ready to be edited and not even started You can quickly determine the status of the post and monitor the progress of it. In addition, you can switch between columns and rows depending on the workflow you prefer.

Customizable Checklists

Crafting a well-structured blog post involves juggling numerous details including syntax and style, the meta-data, image and other settings. This is especially evident when working with novice writers.

Strive Checklists tool comes in handy. Strive Checklists tool comes to the rescue, eliminating any uncertainty and providing that you are consistent. Just make a list of crucial details in the Checklist tab and you'll be ready to start.

Strive style checklist

When someone is working on an article, they are able to open the entire list inside the WordPress editor, then note what they have to finish. This not only streamlines practical work but also functions as an effective tool for the process.

Clear Post Statuses

Post statuses play an essential role in organizing your workflow for content. How can you determine whether an article is working on it and is now ready for edits or be modified to be released? The Strive Post Statuses feature offers unparalleled transparency in this area.

Unlike what is the standard WordPress configuration, which can make it difficult to distinguish the posts that need editing as well as those that are waiting to go live, Strive introduces a crystal-clear alternative.

Strive status

The Strive plugin enhances the WordPress environment by providing these easy post statuses for posts:

  • Not Started
  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Complete
  • Published

Each status is associated with the color of its respective status. It provides an overview of status through the the Strive calendar. Every time you edit your status in the WordPress editor causes an instant reflection in Strive also, and this is reversed. This feature enables efficient organization to ensure that you don't lose track of your post's development.

Just a handful outstanding features that make Strive the ideal tool to optimize your process in creating content. We'll explore how Strive can revolutionize your workflow for blogging.

Streamlining Your Blog Workflow by making use of Strive

In this article, I'll show you how the Member Content Team effectively uses Strive to control our blog post workflow. As we have several bloggers who contribute to our six blogs, the creation of an effective and well-controlled workflow is extremely essential.

It's a good thing that Strive offers two powerful tools that make it easier to manage and offer seamless control. We'll look at how to make use of these capabilities:

New Drafts

On the left side on the right side of The Content Calendar page, the " Add New Draft" can be the launchpad for the next blog you'd like to write.

Strive Add New Draft

Clicking on the button opens a pop-up that allows you to input necessary information needed in the making of blog entries.

We make use of the Title field to indicate the assigned writer by including their name before the title of the post.

Strive New Draft Popup

All of it is generated when you hit the New Draft button that is located on the lower left on the page.

Strive immediately creates a fresh draft for WordPress through the import of all information entered into The WordPress Editor. The integration between Strive and WordPress eliminates the need for data to be moved around using a time-consuming process, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

New Draft Blog Strive

When you begin a new draft, Strive auto-generates a dedicated box within the unscheduled Drafts column. It displays the ongoing tasks assigned to the writers. This feature provides clear and easy visibility as well as quick access to current assignments.

A streamlined workflow with color-coded progress

Strive's vibrant color scheme does more than simply visually appealing, it also can be a very effective device in our blog post process.

Each color is a particular phase of the process, allowing us to effectively inform the following steps and those responsible for them. Let's look at how we can use the colors we use:

  1. Not Started (Red): When I start the new Draft and it is immediately reverted back to the state that it is not being started, and display an intense red color. This informs the designated writer that it's time to write.
  2. Writer (Orange): Once the writer starts creating the draft they change the post's status to Writing. This is accompanied by an eye-catching orange color. This indicates that the post is in progress.
  3. Editing (Yellow): When the post is completed and it is now ready to be reviewed and edited, the author alters the status of the blog post to Editing. The status is displayed with a vivid yellow color. It alerts me that the blog post requires my attention for review and makes changes.
  4. Complete (Green): Once I've finished my edits and decide that the piece is published, I change the status to Complete. Post box changes immediately to the tranquil green.

Green is a crucial element in our lives, since Strive offers an option to will automatically publish each Complete (green) blog article on the date and time in WordPress Editor. WordPress Editor. This feature significantly saves time. It also requires a constant monitoring of times and dates each time we "go Green."

Once an article is written successfully and then published, the page turns dark, signalling that the publication process has been completed.

This color-coded system lets us keep an orderly process. This guarantees a seamless communication as well as a smooth flow throughout the process of creating content. The following article will explore the additional benefits and the benefits and advantages Strive provides to users.

Seamless Integration with Your Main Content Calendar

The blog calendars with individual calendars posts of Strive makes blogging simpler for us. However, what about the main Asana calendar? Do we keep track of all items that we need to deliver for our blog topics?

Transcribing each WordPress blog post to Asana can be a lengthy and laborious process. Luckily, our remarkable Dev Team devised an ingenious solution with Zapier.

Utilizing a customized Zap which is active whenever the process of creating a new draft occurs within WordPress The draft is seamlessly moved to the Asana content calendar specifically is part of"New Blogs "New Blogs" section I established.

The Zap assigns me the proper job, and ensures that I receive an alert about the presence that the article is in draft. Then, I move to Asana and then move the document to the appropriate topic area.

It's a major accomplishment in streamlining the process as well as removing the requirement to duplicate our work.

The Takeaway

Strive Content Calendar Strive Content Calendar is a valuable tool for creatives. It offers a wealth of benefits and features which will transform the way you handle your content for the most affordable price.

Just $7 a month The cost is $7 per month. You have access to every one of the amazing alternatives we've mentioned as well as many more. Also, your initial two weeks are free.

Think about the value of your time, which is about $100 an hour. If you buy Strive it's priced at less than a penny per hour. This makes Strive an affordable option. Consider the time saving advantages it offers and you'll find it to be a total steal.

Are you ready to experience the impact of Strive personally? Hit the link below to start a test drive that can transform how you manage and organize your data.

Start making your content more efficient by making use of Strive now!


We'd appreciate any feedback you can provide and we would like to hear from you about your experiences with Strive. Should you choose to try it and have any thoughts you'd like to share, please do not hesitate to post your thoughts and ideas in the comment section.

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