9 ways to use screen-recorded video to improve communication within the workplace

Sep 10, 2023

85 percent of employees do not feel engaged or disengaged in their work.

Fortunately, video communications can be a lifesaver

Let's go over 9 methods to use video to better engage your employees and also teach how to make these videos with an easy screen recorder.

First, what is Screen Recorder?

It's a handy tool for rapid sharing of ideas with colleagues or clients and without having to write (and edit) long paragraphs that explain the details of the idea.

There's no need to worry about taking precise images or marking them with markers that have specific details. Instead, simply help users navigate the steps using a screen recording as well as your narration.

9 strategies to improve communication by using video recordings

Screen-recorded footage adds a touch authenticity to your messages by capturing your face expression, tone, and other non-verbal signals that can help create a sense of connection with your team members and reduces any confusion that may arise only from written text.

Make use of these videos for help in all kinds of internal communications such as sharing reports of the performance of employees, the presentation, training content, and a lot more:

1. Executive messages

77 % of dissatisfied employees say they would appreciate receiving a consistent frequency of communications from their bosses, for example, reports on the operation and from the C-suite providing reasons for the decision being made.

Management, however, often limit their communications to town halls every quarter, long emails, and official announcements. They're not enough to get employees' trust, and little to engage them.

Screen-recorded footage acts as an intermediary between the C-suite as well as other employees. Quick and easy to capture, these video are more real and not as written, allowing leaders to build trust with their staff quickly and build a team that is loyal.

"Being video-first and visual within your work communications is a powerful way to combat. The result is that you will be forced to shed the veil and protect yourself from the written or edited messages."

2. Welcome messages to employees have been updated.

50% of newly hired employees are planning to leave shortly - solely because of an insufficient onboarding process that leaves people feeling unconnected.

Presentations that are boring and do not highlight the mission of the company don't help in attracting new employees.

Screen-recorded welcome video clips provide a wonderful solution. They capture the excitement it is to welcome an employee join your group without having to make time available for another Zoom conference. Additionally, because they are shown to you, they can also:

  • It is possible to do an amazing job at making your employees feel relaxed
  • Assist your team members and you build rapport with the newcomer right in the beginning.

Here's a case-study with Maddie Diaz, Senior Demand Generation Specialist for the company, who created this video to introduce her to the team of marketing.

3. Staff members on board

Here's a EMS Interactive training video which gives the quiz takers points based on their answers:

4. Walkthroughs of the product

Teams must have a clear grasp of your product's unique benefit before they market and sell your product.

Making snackable feature films could be an excellent method of the subject matter more effectively than a video demonstration by itself.

  • Scale product education
  • All content should be easy to locate.
Video Library  video enterprise product

5. Walkthroughs of the process and directions

Do you recognize do you recognize these " Hey, so how do I proceed?" messages? It's a sign that employees don't understand the entire scope of your work flow.

In reality, only 4 out of 10 employees working remotely or in hybrid settings are aware of what expectations they have to meet on the job.

Screen-recorded walks through of processes are very useful for establishing clear job expectations. Encourage the sales, marketing as well as other departments to offer them to employees. Break in the sections that follow:

  • Methods for example using specific tools, file an employee's paycheck, and then access to internal databases.
  • Workflows -- What tasks take place first, next and the third? Who is accountable for what and to whom will they give the ball in the following.
  • Team communications What is it okay to call meetings and when is it acceptable to record screen videos, as well as the steps to create the videos.

Additionally, it is possible to aid employees in tackling easy technical issues by assisting them with troubleshooting video tutorials, and also by answering commonly asked questions.

The best part? Screen-recorded video is effective to outline processes for external contractors too. For instance, Shopify uses payment process walks to reduce the back-and-forth among management and freelancers about getting the money.

6. Effective training at the right time

50percent of the employees who participated in the TalentLMS study report being unsatisfied about their learning program, mainly because their training program doesn't matter to them. Since it's not important, employees are likely to miss 50 to 80 percent of their instruction in just two days.

What can we do to solve this problem?

Because of the instant application, the message is also far better retained than when employees are forced to sit through a helpful but irrelevant-in-the-moment training workshop.

"Having a platform like that can house the single source of truth. Let's let us use it to push a link or embed code, and integrate it into our curriculum however, we can also switch it back out with no links or embed code changing which has been a huge help to us in the past few years."

Additionally thanks to comprehensive video analytics, you'll have the ability to monitor the engagement of your content to measure the effectiveness of your learning program.

7. Sales enablement training

Between prospecting, doing cold outreach as well as closing deals there's a lot of opportunity for sales training emails to get tossed in the inboxes of busy reps. Similar-sized training sessions that are able to fit in between hectic schedules aren't getting much retention, either.

However, giving one-on-one sales training via video can be a great approach to improve understanding and improve the performance of your employees. You can record different sales enablement videos sharing:

  • Market intelligence to communicate market research and brand messages updates as well as briefs on leads that are coming in via bite-sized videos.
  • ideal buyer profiles go beyond the basic buyer persona pdf. Encourage reps to talk about the details of what appeals to ideal buyers and their issues throughout the sales cycle, and the like.
  • new sales playbooks as well as frameworks Screen recording is an excellent way to give feedback regarding playbooks you've created. When you're finished, make your actions into videos to encourage people to adopt.

8. Project management

"New initiative, a few more meetings Wow! How exciting!" nobody has previously.

Yet, project meetings are the most common kind of gatherings that employees take part in.

But replacing them with screen-filmed videos that describe the the, what is what, how and what the significance of projects can be certain to reduce time and effort for everyone that are. Imagine this in the following way:

  • Project managers can share the goals and other information about the project and also provide comments on their schedules.
  • The team members are able to go through project videos according to their schedules and don't be forced to sit and snooze during meeting.
  • Participants may also create video clips using their browsers to share progress updates.

Pro-tip: Organize videos sharing the purpose of your initiative and their results by campaign's name in your video library. In this way, you'll be able to keep an easy-to-follow report of each campaign's "why" as well as the outcomes they generated.

9. Team Update and Report

Team updates can easily fall into chat messages and emails archives. In fact, some team members may not even be notified of updates in full.

Updates recorded in video, on the contrary, are difficult to miss. When they're organized by categories, projects or a particular topic within the library of video, they become easily searchable as well. An alternative is sharing your monitor to capture performances reports.

Based on who is watching the video, team members or stakeholder, you can grant the viewer access rights to view and leave feedback or control specific videos in specific folders. Also, you can disallow any comments that are public if you need to.

Make videos of messages from employees as soon as possible

Keep in mind that screen-recorded videos convey your feelings more clearly than written messages.

They can also be helpful in bridging the gap between communication between leaders and employees. If you're looking for a simple software to create these videos, we'd recommend our free Recorder. It's easy to install it on your internet browser and begin recording right from the very beginning.

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